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FRANK ON FRIDAY – What’s That Smell?

In Tennessee Williams’ play, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, Big Daddy asks, “Didn’t you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity?”  In that same vein, there is a powerful and obnoxious odor emanating from the 2016 presidential election.  That elusive odor has been the subject of multiple investigations.  The CIA, the FBI, the media, the Senate, the House of Representatives, grand juries called by Special Counsel Mueller and various state grand juries all have been sniffing around in search of the source of the odor that befouled our election.  They haven’t found it because they are sniffing in the wrong place.  All the olfactory investigations have been directed at President Trump and the Trump campaign.  That’s not where the smell’s coming from.  It’s  coming from here-  C-L-I-N-T-O-N  What’s that spell?   What’s that smell?  Corruption, plain and simple.  More evidence piles up every day, demonstrating that Trump has been and is the victim of the most far-reaching political and legal frame job in history.  How did that happen?  Once again, the Clintons.  The dynamic duo of Bill and Hillary are the source of the overpowering stench of corruption.  In point of fact, these two truly have corrupted everything and everyone they have ever come into contact with in public life.   The Clintons’ Arkansas Whitewater land deal left their friend James McDougal convicted of 18 counts of fraud.  He died in prison.  McDougal’s wife Susan was convicted of fraud in connection with obtaining a $300,000 federally-backed small business loan.  She refused to answer grand jury questions in the Whitewater affair and was held in contempt of court, spending 18 months in jail.  Bill Clinton pardoned her before he left the White House in early 2001.  Clinton’s successor as Arkansas governor, Jim Lee Howell also wound up in prison.  Clinton White House counsel Vince Foster died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.  Kathy Ferguson, ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head.  It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere.   Her husband was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit.  Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.  President Bill Clinton carried on an affair with young White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, then later denied having “sexual relations” with her.  Clinton was one of the first suspects convicted by DNA evidence.  Poor Monica became a dirty joke.  Her life was ruined, but the Clintons sailed on.  A myriad of other women accused Slick Willie of sexual abuses, including rape.  In the less complicated times before the “Me Too” movement, Bill Clinton not only got away with his crimes, but his henchmen defamed the characters of the women and ruined their lives.  At least it was for a good cause.  Today’s Democrats accuse Donald Trump of perverting the presidential pardon because he pardoned Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, after his decades of public service, and Dinesh D’Souza, who was railroaded by the Obama “Justice” Department.  Of course, they never complained once when Bill Clinton sold a pardon to Mark Rich, an out and out criminal who evaded taxes and flaunted the law by illegally trading arms and other restricted goods to North Korea, South Africa and Iran.  Rich had one virtue, he and his wife contributed millions to the Clintons and made a multi-million dollar contribution to the Clinton Foundation.  And let’s get to the Foundation.  The Clintons managed to corrupt their so-called charity, and cast doubt on the validity of all charitable foundations by taking billions from representatives of foreign governments while and after Hillary was Secretary of State.  Hillary did a fine job as Secretary, though, withholding aid to the embattled Americans in the Benghazi, Libya consulate, resulting in the deaths of the ambassador and three other brave men.  She made up for it though, by repeatedly lying about the attack, blaming and imprisoning an innocent man for provoking the attack, and refusing to answer questions about the scandal.  After all that, Hillary was perfectly positioned to run for president.  She had to become president, because she and Bill owed too many rich people in and out of the United States, after having taken their money.  And she had plenty of help.  The denizens of the Deep State were embedded in the bureaucracy after eight years of Il Duce Obama.  All of them wanted  to keep their  phony-baloney jobs.  How to do it?  Help elect Hillary.  Unfortunately, many of these denizens occupied the Justice Department, the CIA and the FBI.  Now I don’t think for a minute they all these denizens were overcome by an irresistible impulse to go rogue and run amok.  They did what they were ordered to do by Il Duce Obama, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan, James Comey and others, who were only too happy to ignore Hillary’s real crimes, and frame Donald Trump for imaginary crimes.  Along the way, for the sake of the Clintons, the CIA committed crimes, the FBI perverted justice and destroyed a reputation built over 80 years, and the Justice Department crippled an Attorney General, hobbled a President, defiled its own reputation, and shamelessly twisted the laws it had sworn to uphold, along the way leaving a trail of human destruction, from the shattered lives of the good men and women it chewed up in order to cover their own tracks.  Their tracks never would have had to be covered, of course, but for the powerful and obnoxious odor of corruption emanating from everything Clinton.  What’s that smell, it’s Bill and Hill.

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