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FRANK ON FRIDAY – The Iceman Cometh

In the last episode of Frank on Friday, the Senate Judiciary Committee had voted out the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh and the Republicans had acceded to the Democrat/Jeff Flake request for yet a 7th FBI background investigation of Kavanaugh.  They specifically requested that it be completed within 7 days.  The FBI conducted the necessary interviews, and surprising no one at all, nothing was found to corroborate the claims of sexual impropriety, dating to the 1980’s (I guess, because even the complainants weren’t sure of much).  The Democrats, practicing their new tactic of government by mob rule, paid teams of crazies to haunt Senators in the halls of the  Senate office buildings and in the Capitol.  They whipped up the frenzy of #MeToo protestors, who sought to make this nomination, and any nomination by a Republican, a stage on which to weigh the woes of all women who were or claim to have been wronged by any man.  Of course, this standard applies only to Republican nominees, because Il Duce Obama could have appointed the Marquis De Sade to the Court without complaint.  This resulted in squadrons of shrieking females, chasing Senators through airports, harassing them in their homes and at restaurants, and yelling “You must hear me!” in their faces, as though they couldn’t be heard from miles away.  The Kavanaugh hearings were a disgraceful display by Democrats, who withheld the letter of Dr. Ford from the Committee, then leaked it to the media, which hounded her into a spotlight which she did not desire.  They then  beat the bushes to drum up even more outlandish allegations, all of which were unfounded.  None of this was about Brett Kavanaugh.  Like they said in The Godfather, “It’s not personal, it’s just business.”  The fact that he and his family were to be completely destroyed didn’t matter to the Dems.  Had this nomination come up after the mid-term elections, it never would have gotten to such extremes.  It was about power, and nothing else.  For Democrats, the Supreme Court is a super-legislature, where only 5 votes are required to ram through policies of which the voters would never approve.  In their attempt to defeat Kavanaugh, they stooped to even lower lows than anyone thought possible.  Democrats even dragged up a supposed incident from Kavanaugh’s college days, where he allegedly threw an ice cube at someone in a bar.  This, they said, disqualified him.  After the sexual abuse smears, you should pardon the expression, petered out, the Dirty Dems argued that Kavanaugh was too strident after being falsely accused of being a serial rapist, and thus, lacked the judicial temperament to sit on the Court.  As Professor Alan Dershowitz has pointed out, this tactic was an integral part of the McCarthyite smears of the 1950’s, which Democrats once opposed.  Today’s Dems have made Joe McCarthy look like a statesman.  The temperament argument sprung from two sources, the Democrats’ willingness to stop at nothing to maintain their power, and their experience with Republicans who usually are timid, good-losers, who cut and run when the going gets tough.  A lesser man would have quit under the weight of scurrilous smears to which Kavanaugh was subjected.  A lesser President, indeed, any President other than Donald Trump, would have caved and withdrawn the nomination.  But not anymore.  The reality that Trump is willing to fight back is pushing the Dems to act even crazier than they normally do, and empowering the loony Leftists to drag the Party even further toward socialism and anarchy.  The Left really has no program to run on in November.  They propose no policies which might enhance liberty, advance economic prosperity, or protect the Republic from its enemies.  They simply hate Donald Trump, they oppose anything he supports, and they vow to pursue nothing more than resistance and impeachment.  The economy be damned, the borders be damned, the military be damned, and most of all, the voters be damned.  They are consumed with hatred, a hatred which feeds their mental disease, Trump Derangement Syndrome.  They predicted the apocalypse when Trump was elected.  The economy would crash – it’s booming.  Trump would ignite a war in North Korea – Trump has laid the groundwork for peace on the Korean peninsula.  Trump’s tariffs would destroy the world economy and damage relations with other nations – he’s revamped NAFTA, gotten concessions from the Euro Zone and is in the process of dealing with the misconduct of China.  Through their opaque lens of hatred, the Left sees none of this.  Bands of hooded anarchists armed with weapons roam the streets wreaking havoc.  The Dems support them.  Democratic elected officials, including Il Duce Obama, openly advocate harassment and violence.  And tellingly, the Left protests, marches, and shrieks in support of problems which, largely, no longer exist, and rights that are not at risk.  Abortion rights aren’t going anywhere.  Thankfully, institutional racism is a thing of the past. (The past history of the Democrat Party).  Shelby Steele recently observed that “Today’s Left lacks worthy menaces to fight.  It is driven to find some replacement for racism, some sweeping historical wrongdoing that morally empowers those who oppose it.  Failing this, only hatred is left.”  Mr. Steele says that the Left is stalked by obsolescence, without enough menace to service its demands for power.  He predicts that, “for the American Left today, the indulgence in hate is a death rattle.”  I hope he’s right.  As this is written, the Senate has just voted to confirm, now Justice Brett Kavanaugh.  Despite all the smears;  despite a mania that drove even the ACLU to abandon its more than 100 year old commitment to due process and the presumption of innocence; despite scores of shrieking protestors being pulled from the Senate gallery during the vote; despite the mobs and despite the crazies; the Iceman Cometh.  Its a lucky thing for Democrats that Brett Kavanaugh is such a sober, reasonable, an ethical man, dedicated to the constitution, otherwise, given their despicable antics, pay back would have been a bitch.  Have a beer Justice Kavanaugh.

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