The poisonous atmosphere of our political discourse spilled over last week, as the news was dominated by the mailing of more than a dozen crudely fashioned explosive devices to a group of Democratic officials and assorted spokes-liars. The one thing all the recipients had in common was their hatred of President Trump, who they denounce publicly at every opportunity. Surprising no one, the media, and the Democrats (one and the same, really), blamed the President for the fact that a man, who according to his former attorney, was a mentally disturbed adult with a 14 year old brain, just snapped. The best thing that can be said for him is that, luckily, he’s not much of a bomb-maker. He used PVC to make supposed pipe bombs that lacked the blasting caps and detonators necessary to make them explode. They had digital clocks that served no purpose, and weren’t very effective, as real mail bombs are designed to explode when the package is opened. These weren’t. These packages were designed to terrorize, and to call attention to a demented lost soul, who lived in a van covered in pro-Trump stickers, in Florida, but who still couldn’t correctly spell “Florida.” In short, a nut, or what we call in New Jersey, a whack-a-do. But, never letting an opportunity to bash Trump go by, the media drones are bleating that the bombs were sent to targets of Trump, and that it’s Trump’s fault, because he bad-mouthed the the recipients. We should expect nothing less from the fake news. Let’s start with the proposition that acts of violence are never acceptable in American politics. There is no excuse or justification for for what the Mad Bomber did. However, that out of the way, Donald Trump did not create the divisions that have poisoned our politics, and neither is he responsible for the coarsening of the debate in America. That was going on long before Trump came down the escalator. Trump participates in it, sure. What’s more, he’s good at it. He beats the Democrats at their own dirty game, and that, more than any other reason, is why they hate him, and must try to destroy him. Democrats are used to, and much prefer, Republicans who are good losers. Mitt Romney comes to mind. They could accuse him of killing a woman, endangering dogs, and paying no taxes, and he would just keep smiling. Like I said, a good loser. Donald Trump don’t play that. The recipients of the Mad Bomber’s bombs had come in for criticism from Trump – after they attacked him. Again, there’s no provocation that justifies mailing bombs to people, but facts are facts. You hit Trump, he hits back – hard. So Trump lacks civility? Who got the bombs? John Brennan and James Clapper went on TV and repeatedly accused Trump of crimes including treason. Kamala Harris, when asked which member of the Trump administration she’d like to be in an elevator with, answered “do they have to come out alive?” Cory Booker (Spartacus) exhorted people to “get in the faces” of Republicans. Crazy Maxine Waters, apparently forgetting how many people lost their lives in the Civil Rights struggle trying to guarantee all Americans access to places of public convenience, exhorts her followers to run anyone who supports the President out of public places. Under-educated, overpaid foul-mouthed cafone Robert DeNiro called Trump “a bullshit artist, and a punk,” went on TV and yelled “Fuck Trump,” and threatened to punch him in the face. It’s not a movie, so my money’s on Trump. Joe Biden said he wanted to “take Trump behind the gym” and beat him up.” Let’s not forget Hillary Clinton. She recently announced that “there will be no civility” until Democrats are back in power, when they presumably will enforce civility, on their opponents. Eric Holder recently said, “when they go low, we kick them.” That’s civil. And don’t forget his old boss, Il Duce Obama, who famously proclaimed the Chicago-way of politics – “if they bring a knife, we bring a gun.” Nobody in the media suggested that Il Duce lacked civility. They were too busy kissing his ass. Add to this the hooded bastards of Antifa, roaming the streets beating people and destroying property in the name of, what, progressivism? Add to this sanctuary cities, and States, where the police don’t dare enforce the law. Add to this a looming mob of thousands of Central Americans, who have announced that they are entering the United States, whether the government likes it or not, and Democrats who think that’s a fine idea, and who argue that any attempt to secure the border is racist. Add to this so-called federal judges who are just itching to stop the government from doing its job, and its a wonder more of us don’t go nuts and run amok. The media drones blaming the President for the Mad Bomber either didn’t notice, or decided to ignore that fact that Republicans have been targeted for violence by left-wing wing nuts. Congressman Steve Scalise was nearly killed by a pro-Bernie Sanders nut yelling, “This is for health care,” between shots. President Trump, his children, and his cabinet members were sent suspicious envelopes of white powder. From May of 2017 too June of that year, 30 Republican Congressman were attacked or threatened. The incidents included assorted death threats against the Representatives, their wives and children, physical assaults and road rage incidents. That wasn’t an election year. This year has been worse. Senators McConnell and Cruz, and Trump cabinet members and staff have been accosted in restaurants and at home. Congressional candidates have been attacked. Last week, some people who apparently hadn’t heard that Democrats are dedicated to civility, tossed a boulder through the office window of Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. That’s probably the President’s fault too. He should have supported a seven day waiting period before you can get a boulder. The United States clearly would benefit from a less toxic political atmosphere. Democrats say the President attacked them. Trump says the Democrats attacked him first and he just responded. That sounds disturbingly like the Israeli-Palestinian situation. Let’s not go there.
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