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Frank on Friday – The Limits of Adulation

In 2008 America was tired of George W. Bush and Republicans in general.  Bush fatigue and the conjunction of an economic crisis with the election made the election of a Democrat almost a foregone conclusion.  (Running against John McCain also helped).  The media was ready to get behind Hillary Clinton because the first female president was a good story.  Then Barack Obama appeared, and the media abandoned Hillary for an even better story – the first black president.  It was historic, it was unprecedented, it was a chance to do away with the the specter of racism, enter a new age and elect a president who would unite all Americans.  Right.  It didn’t work out that way.

The media was willing to overlook the fact that Obama was a man who had never held a real job.  He went to law school, sure.  After that, he was given a fellowship by the University of Chicago Law School because he told the Dean he was writing a book about voting rights.  The University let Obama teach as part of the deal.  Great.  I have a nephew who is a student-teacher, and that’s great, but he shouldn’t be president.  Obama later told the Dean he’d decided to write an auto-biography instead.  It was all about Obama even then.

The media overlooked the fact that Obama’s parents were Communists, and he was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist.  If a Republican had any relative who was in the Klan, you think we’d hear about it.  Yup.

The media overlooked the fact that Obama was singularly unqualified to be president, and that he never took a stand on any issue.  Hope and Change.  We still don’t know what that meant.

The media overlooked the fact that Obama’s signature “achievement,” the Affordable Care Act, denies care and is not affordable.  When Obama lied about being able to keep your plan and keep your doctor and it will cost less, the media overlooked that too.

When the ambassador and three others were killed in Benghazi, Obama and company lied from the get go, followed by stone-walling and obfuscation. The media didn’t object.

Obama ignores Congress, spits on the Constitution, and assumes powers which a president simply does not have.  No complaints from the media.  The media is content to let Obama arbitrarily cancel constitutional rights.  It’s a shame they haven’t figured out yet that their First Amendment rights come from the same document Obama sees as an obstacle to his complete control.

Support for Israel had always been a must for Democrats.  Not for Obama though.  He has abandoned Israel, insulted Netanyahu, and now is “negotiating” an agreement with Iran which will ensure that Iranian whackos get nuclear weapons.  He announced the “framework” of a deal, a deal which he has no intention of submitting to the Senate.  Immediately, the Iranians announced that Obama was lying about the terms.  So the question is, how much adulation of Obama is enough?  Obama is an unqualified, dangerous, desperate failure.  It is high time the media stops ignoring this fact.


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