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FRANK ON FRIDAY – What Voters Deserve

Who gets to decide what the voters deserve to know before they vote on November 3rd?  Joe Biden, a/k/a, The Big Guy, thinks he does.  Does that bother you?  It should.

Biden says you don’t deserve to know his position on packing the Supreme Court till after the election.  70% of voters oppose packing the Court.  In the movie, The American President,  Michael Douglas says, “You don’t get elected by telling 59% of the voters that they’re wrong.”  70% is more than 59%, so I guess that’s why Biden won’t tell us.  Of course, the Fake News demands to know everything, and publishes everything about Donald Trump, even stuff that isn’t true.  Case in point.  Hillary Clinton paid Russians to make up a story about Trump and a Russian hooker.  The FBI knew it wasn’t true, leaked it, the Fake News ran it 24 hours a day, and it turned into the two year Mueller investigation.  Mueller and his team of Democrat prosecutors found nothing.  They wrote a 500 page report explaining that they found nothing.  And yet, the Fake News is still claiming Trump is a Russian agent.  But I digress.  It’s dangerous to tell voters what they don’t deserve to know, however Biden’s the candidate, so he’s allowed to take that risk.  But what about these guys?

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter They think they have the right to decide what American voters deserve to know before an election, and this ought to terrify you.  This week, explosive evidence appeared implicating Joe Biden and family in a massive kickback scheme, in which son Hunter raked in millions from foreign companies.  Twitter and Facebook say the voters don’t deserve to know this.  It’s not a new story.  The Bidens have been profiting from Joe’s public offices for years.  It’s called influence peddling.  You pay a Biden.  You have a problem.  You make a call, and the Big Guy, Good Old Joe, has the government fix it.  The Senate Homeland Security Committee issued a report about Hunter Biden’s questionable foreign business dealings, including his $83,000 a month salary from a Ukranian energy company.  Joe Biden said, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”  But, when a Ukranian prosecutor started investigating Hunter’s company, Joe famously threatened to withhold $1 billion of U.S. aid unless the prosecutor was fired.  He was.  The Senate report also found that Hunter received a $3.5 million from the richest woman in Russia, the widow of the former mayor of Moscow.  Joe simply denied everything, and the Fake News ignored it.  Then, The New York Post published email and photo evidence from a laptop, abandoned by Hunter at a Delaware computer repair company.  [Just an aside.  Why is it that Democrats have so much trouble with computers?  Hillary got hacked because of her private server.  Her campaign manager got hacked in a phishing attack.  Anthony Weiner had all that trouble with the stuff on his laptop]  Anyhow, the FBI took Hunter’s laptop last year.  A copy of its hard drive made its way to Rudy Giuliani, and all Hell broke loose.  Apart from disturbing photos of Hunter engaging in drug use and sex acts, there are 40,000 emails, many of them involving Biden Family dealings with foreign entities.  The emails document the Ukranian company head asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.  The only influence Hunter had came from Joe.  Remember, Joe claimed he’d never spoken to Hunter about his overseas business dealings.  One email shows that Hunter set up a meeting  for Joe and his Ukranian partner, before Joe pressured Ukraine to fire the prosecutor.  But there’s more.  Other emails concern a business deal in China.  Hunter documents how the profits will be divided, including 10% to “H,” who will also get 10% for the “Big Guy.”  You don’t have to be J. Edgar Comey to figure out who “H” and “the Big Guy” are.  Still not sure Joe’s profiting from the schemes?  How about this.  In an email to his daughter, Hunter complains, “All during the time that I’ve been disrespected, I’ve been the one who has supported this family for 30 years, and unlike Pop I’m not going to require you to give half of your salary to me.”  Joe Biden is running for president.  The election is in about a week.  One would think that, given the above evidence, the voters deserve an explanation.  As another much maligned president once so eloquently put it, “People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook.”  Don’t voters deserve, at the very least, to have Biden assure them, “Well, I’m not a crook?”  That didn’t help Nixon, but don’t we deserve at least that much?  Turns out we don’t.  Twitter and Facebook have banned all mention of the Hunter emails.  They blocked Trump’s account, his Press Secretary’s account, and the account of The New York Post, America’s oldest newspaper.  Twitter and Facebook have “standards.”  Apparently their “standards” don’t permit the release of inconvenient truths about Democrats just before a presidential election.  These were not the ravings of some wild-eyed, internet trolling conspiracy nut.  The New York Post verified the authenticity of the evidence.  Fox News has confirmed with some of the people in the Hunter email chains that the emails are authentic.  One of the recipients of the “Big Guy” email admits the Big Guy is Sleepy Joe.  Biden doesn’t deny that they’re authentic, he just calls them “a smear.”  Funny how Democrats always seem to get smeared by the truth.  But Zuckerberg and Dorsey, and the other teenage mutant internet turds say, “You can’t handle the truth.”  You don’t deserve to know the truth, and they will punish anyone who attempts to tell the truth.  The Democrats dismiss the evidence as Russian disinformation.  The FBI and DNI say it’s not from Russia, but Adam Schiff (for brains) says it proves Trump is in league with the Kremlin.  Twitter allows the Schiff shit to be retweeted.  Twitter blocked Trump and The Post, but permits the Grand Ayatollah of Iran to tweet, “Death to America.”  That, apparently meets their “standards.”  Then, we learned that Facebook has hired experts to decide what needs to be censored.  We know they’re experts because Facebook imported them from China.  Hands across the sea.  China hired Google to design their internet to permit them to censor what Chinese don’t deserve to see, and China sent Facebook some experts to help them decide what Americans don’t deserve to see.  Chinese nationals decide what American voters deserve, and Schiff (for brains) keeps warning us about the Kremlin.  The real reason the Establishment decided you don’t deserve to know isn’t just to protect Biden.  What the Bidens did and are doing isn’t unique.  Other Swamp creatures in D.C. also profit from graft.  Biden was just stupid enough to get caught.  H.L. Mencken once said, “Americans get the government they deserve, and they deserve to get it good and hard.”  If you don’t want some internet pukes and the Red Chinese deciding what you deserve to know, there’s only one solution.  Reelect Donald Trump, and then just stand back.









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