As we prepare to celebrate another Independence Day, we need to stop and think about what the holiday is supposed to represent. Freedom. Remember freedom? Not the freedom to do anything you please. That’s not freedom. That’s called license. From that word we get the word “licentious,” which now commonly means promiscuous, but which used to mean the disregard of accepted rules and conventions. It derives from the Latin “licentia” which meant “freedom.” “Disregard for accepted rules and conventions” … sounds an awful lot like a recent Supreme Court decision, doesn’t it? But, no, the freedom that the Fourth of July represents; the freedom that our Founding Fathers sought, and to whose cause they pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor; is freedom from a tyrannical government. We once had that, but not anymore.
You see, the Founders have been replaced. It has taken a long time, almost 100 years. The Founders freed us from our colonial master and established a Constitution to keep us free. The Founders believed the Constitution was the rock upon which our freedom was based. Their replacements, the Transformers, see the Constitution as an obstruction, to be broken up and removed, piece by piece. The Transformers have had many names: Wilson, Roosevelt, Obama, but the same purpose – to chip away at the inconvenient Constitution, to impose their will on America because, you see, they know better than those old white men from so long ago. And as the Transformers have worked tirelessly year after year, our freedom has steadily declined.
Do you doubt me? Webster defines “freedom” as the power to speak or think as one wants. We can’t. The Transformers have installed a leftist orthodoxy, complete with speech and thought police in the media to enforce the notion that there’s only one side to any issue; their side. You disagree, and we’ll ruin you. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson complained that King George “sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.” Has it gotten any better under Transformer Obama? Try dealing with the EPA or the IRS. It’s a wonder we have any substance left. Thomas Jefferson also told us that, when the government fears the people there is liberty, and when the people fear the government there is tyranny. This government fears nothing, and it gets bolder every day.
When you only are “free” to do what you’re told to do, think what you’re told to think, eat what you’re told to eat and buy what you’re told to buy, that’s not “freedom” by anyone’s definition. So this Independence Day, remind your loved ones of the freedoms for which the Founders sacrificed so much. The Founders understood that our rights come from God, not from any government. The Transformers reject this “self-evident truth.” I’ll make this simple. The Founders were chiseled into a rock, and the Transformers came out from under one.
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