I have to congratulate the Biden Administration for adding one more inane talking point to the chronically pointless Democrat mantra. For 50 years or more, the Democrat Party has existed without any real plan or program, but by constantly repeating the same three lies: “It’s the worst economy since the great depression;” “It’ll be another Vietnam;” and last but certainly least, “It’s time the rich pay their fair share.” These slogans have enabled even the dumbest of dumb bastard Democrats (Biden comes to mind), to masquerade as public servants. They simply stand up, mutter one or more of the lies, and the lap dog media pretends that they’ve exposed some profound truth. Of course, the truth lies elsewhere. The Democrats inherited a two year old depression in 1932, and their programs extended it to 1942, when a world war brought full employment. As for Vietnam, two Democrats sent 2.7 million troops to Vietnam. In 1968, the last year Democrats were in charge, 16,899 men were killed. Richard Nixon reduced the casualties to 69 deaths in 1973, and Democrats smeared him as a war-monger. As for fair shares, people making over $550,000 (top 1%) pay 27% of all taxes; those making $150,000 and up (top 10%) pay 71% of all taxes. People with taxable incomes of $87,000 or less pay less than 3% of all taxes. Case closed. But back to Biden, because right now, there’s no place else to go. The latest Democrat talking point (a/k/a “lie”) comes from Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe, by way of the actual President of the United States, Susan Rice. Any State law which tries to ensure vote security, say by ensuring that the voter is a citizen, or at least a resident of the voting district is, get ready for it – “the greatest threat to democracy since the Civil War.” And it must be true, because after Old Joe slurred it out, the head of his Ministry of Truth, Jen Psaki, repeated it. What’s more, after she said it, Facebook and Twitter didn’t cancel her, so it must be true. Permitting weeks of early voting, increasing the number of polling stations, counting ballots that arrive after election day, permitting “no excuse” mail voting only after checking to see that the voter actually exists and lives in the district, is a threat right up there with the civil war. That’s pretty bad. Of course, after the Civil War, Democrats terrorized, beat and murdered black folks in the South who wanted to vote, but this is worse than that. Democrats enacted and enforced all the Jim Crow laws they now complain about, but this is worse. The threat posed by Fascism in the 1940’s might have resulted in millions of dead Americans, but this is worse. After WWII, black veterans who tried to vote in the South were murdered by Democrats who wanted to discourage that sort of thing, but this is worse. All I can say is, while I try not to underestimate how low Democrats are willing to stoop to stay in power, this is worse. And sadly, while I used to think that Americans couldn’t be stupid enough to believe such bullcrap, now I’m not so sure. Maybe the Progressive brainwashing academies we call schools are having an effect. How else to explain how often Democrats are willing to pretend that nearly everything they oppose is an “existential threat to democracy?” Millions fought for basic civil rights, and Dr. Martin Luther King gave his life to bring about a day when we would teach, and when Americans would embrace, the principle that no one race was superior to another. We got there, but now Democrats say failing to teach Critical Race Theory, which teaches that the races are not equal, is an existential threat to democracy. I guess, to paraphrase Slick Willie Clinton, it depends what your definition of “democracy” is. Maybe it’s because we don’t have a pure democracy, but a representative democracy. We send our representatives to the Legislatures where they vote. Only that can’t be right, because when the Texas Democrats deserted their offices to prevent a democratic vote, Democrats told us they only did it to protect “democracy.” Curiouser and curiouser. There’s no real evidence that Man is causing temperatures to increase, but the Left swears that “climate change” is an “existential threat,” the only solution for which is more government. More than 8,000 African-Americans are killed each year by other African-Americans. Gun play is all too common in our cities, but the Left tells us no one should be arrested or held on bail, theft is no longer a crime, drug use should be legalized, and the police, who wrongfully kill less than 10 African-Americans a year, are an existential threat to democracy. I can think of some real existential threats. Jen Psaki admitted this week that the Administration notifies platforms like Facebook and Twitter of what it considers “misinformation” in postings, so the platforms can remove it. When any government representative, from any Party is permitted to dictate the content of acceptable speech, that violates the First Amendment, and really is an existential threat to democracy. When the content of speech is dictated by a Fascist Democrat, it spells the death of democracy. When our representatives are Hell-bent on spending us into oblivion by appropriating trillions of non-existent dollars to be pissed away, that’s an existential threat to democracy. Consider what we’ve come to. In the 1960’s, Democrats in the U.S. Senate would not permit Democrat Lyndon Johnson to have a tax cut until he proved to them that government spending would be cut. During the 2008 financial crisis, the Treasury didn’t dare ask Congress for $1 trillion in bail-out money because that figure was too outrageous to be considered. Right now, Democrats in the Senate say a $1.2 trillion infra-structure plan Republicans will support is much too small, but they’re anxious to pass it, because it’s holding up the $3.6 trillion Bill they’re planning to pass next. I’ll close with this. There was a time when elected officials from both Parties put the long-term welfare of America above petty politics. When our representatives are unable to perceive anything beyond the date of the next election, that’s an existential threat to our nation. If they don’t smarten up, we’ll have no nation.
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