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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Big Bungler Is Failing

The further down the road we get into the Biden presidency, the more it seems to be but another remake of George Orwell’s 1984.  Orwell’s dystopian novel explores the consequences of totalitarianism, mass surveillance, and repressive regimentation of persons and behaviors within society.  Sound familiar?  We’re living that Orwell trifecta right now.  We have a Democrat Party that effectively has declared all who dare to challenge its absolute power outlaws, who are to be hounded, prosecuted, and destroyed.  The economy is political.  The military is political.  Justice is political.  Even medicine is political.  There’s only one side to every issue, and if it’s not their side, you’re cancelled.  That’s totalitarianism in a nutshell.  Meanwhile, the same Democrats who denounced government surveillance of suspected terrorists as a violation of privacy, think nothing of subjecting private citizens and elected officials to intensive scrutiny for imagined crimes such as non-existent insurrections.  As this is written, Democrats are trying to get telecommunications and social media company records for hundreds of people who were on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, in addition to the personal communications of Trump family members and members of Congress, whose only crime was communicating with the President of the United States.  Add to this the “cancelling” of unapproved speech by social media companies, and Orwell’s mass surveillance State has arrived.  How about repressive regimentation of persons and behaviors within society?  Seriously?  When speech and conduct can be labelled politically correct or incorrect, and the entire populace is looking over its shoulder fearing the imminent destruction of career and reputation, we’re there.  Add to that the dictatorial Wuhan virus mask, vaccine and shutdown orders, and we’ve surpassed anything George Orwell ever imagined.  The Biden Administration’s parallels to the world described in 1984 are chilling.  The makeup of society is eerily reminiscent of Orwell’s State of  Oceania.  The population of Oceania was divided into three classifications.  The Inner Party, made up only 1% of the whole population.  The Outer Party, made up of 18% of the population.  The Proles constituting the remaining 81%.  Our 1% live the good life, and the rules made for the Proles don’t apply to them.   Witness the 1% at play.  That’s California.  No masks for them.

The Outer Party 18% is no less prevalent.  18% represents the number of Woke Marxist ideologues who have gained control of the Biden Administration and are running the government – into the ground.  The Proles are the people who do all the work, when the 1% allows them to work.  And nothing is more Orwellian than Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco.  In 1984, Oceania was perpetually at war with Eurasia.  Then without warning, Oceania and Eurasia became allies, and the enemy became Eastasia.  In 1984, State controlled media stirred up hatred for the new enemy.  In Biden’s Oceania, there is but one true enemy, Donald Trump, who is to blame for every fault.   In our version of Oceania, we were engaged in a perpetual war with the Taliban in Afghanistan.  They were the enemy, and we were supposed to hate them.  We sacrificed thousands of lives, maimed  many more thousands of troops, and spent trillions in treasure to destroy this enemy.  When Biden decided to pull out all the troops before making arrangements to remove all of our defenseless civilians, he suddenly declared the Taliban no longer an enemy, but a a partner.  The medieval, brutal, intolerant, murdering Taliban barbarians; the very people from whom our citizens in Afghanistan were hiding, were now going to cooperate to assist our people in leaving the country.  The recent reports of door-to-door Taliban execution squads, and Taliban physical abuse of a pregnant American woman (birthing person?) prove this new alliance is just another Biden lie, but so what?  Oceania practiced Double Think, a willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demanded it.  That discipline included the ability to believe that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary.  Have you spoken to a liberal recently?  They recognize no facts and no truths, only beliefs.  In Biden’s Orwellian Ministry of Truth, as in Orwell’s, “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY,” and “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.”  And thus, Biden can take what even some Democrats admit is an unmitigated Afghanistan debacle and declare it an “Extraordinary Success.”  But the spectacle of Joe Biden as president is perhaps the most chilling Orwellian parallel.  Oceania was ruled by Big Brother, who enjoyed a cult of personality.

By contrast, we have Big Bungler, who enjoys a cult of senility.

Orwell’s Big Brother was watching.  Our Big Bungler is failing.  Big Brother practiced brainwashing.  Big Bungler’s brain was washed long ago, put away wet, and it shrunk when it dried.  We are at the mercy of an imbecile.  We are living Orwell’s nightmare, and we’d better wake up soon, or we’ll wind up in an Orwellian re-education camp to atone for our thought crimes.  Which group is more dangerous, the Taliban, or Biden’s Wokeiban?  If I told you, they’d have to kill me.



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