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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Where’s Your Compassion? Sucker!

As I have written before, we live in an age where there is only one side to any issue.  According to the mindless liberal numb-skulls whose pronouncements pass for what used to be our national values, you either subscribe to the liberal orthodoxy, or you are denounced as an extremist, bigot, fascist, need I go on?  And so it is with the liberal take on the latest influx of Middle-Eastern refugees who are flooding Europe.  After all, these poor people are simply fleeing oppression in the Muslim world; civil war, poverty, religious persecution.  Those ills sadly do exist, and a lot of the refugees are simply looking for a better life.  So, who could be against that?  Oh, if real life was only as simple as  your average liberal.  Liberals follow a simple philosophy, which may be summed up as – The road to Utopia is paved with good intentions.  They don’t think, they feel, and if you feel for refugees, then whatever they want should be accepted.

Wrong.  What we have is a situation in which hoards of refugees are inundating European nations and overwhelming social services.  Last week, the Hungarian railway system had to be shut down due to thousands of refugees on the tracks.  Note I said “nations.”  The liberal “One World” crowd doesn’t believe in borders.  But, without borders there are no nations.  Liberals don’t grasp that concept.  In their world, when the refugees come in, in whatever number choose to show up,  the nation they arrive in is obligated to provide for them.  But, without defensible borders and control over its immigration policy, there will be no government to provide for them.  When the government breaks down there is no law and order, society falls apart and chaos reigns.  Isn’t that what these people are fleeing in the first place?

The second problem with the unrestricted admission of refugees is the troublesome reality that ISIS; remember them, they are the folks fomenting the civil wars and religious persecution that the refugees are fleeing; well, it seems they have let it be known that they are implanting terrorists among the refugees.  That gives them entree to the countries on their list for the worldwide Caliphate they are planning for us.  Why should Americans worry?  Well, our President, Il Duce Obama, has compassion, you see, so he is admitting, 10,000 or 70,000 or 100,000 Middle-Eastern “refugees.”  So the message from the crypto-terrorists is very simple, “Welcome us or you have no compassion.  We’re here.  Death to America!  Got you sucker!”

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