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FRANK ON FRIDAY – A House Divided?

Lots of action this week in the House of Representatives.  No, not action as in, the House took action on some legislation.  Instead, the action was the resignation of John Boehner as Speaker.  Boehner was tired of the fight.  Not the fight with Il Duce Obama, because he never fought him.  Boehner’s interactions with Obama were limited to playing golf with him and otherwise making sure he was comfortable.  So Boehner resigned, and the do nothing, stand for nothing, apologize for everything, Republican establishment duly offered up the next light-weight in line, Kevin McCarthy, as the new Speaker.  But, whoops, that didn’t work.  McCarthy needed 218 of the 247 Republican votes, and he could get only 175; so he stepped aside.  The election was put off – indefinitely.  That set the media into a frenzy.  “Republicans in chaos.” “Republicans in turmoil.”  Oh woe is us!  Do you realize what this means?  A real Speaker of the House, who truly represents the positions of his caucus might actually oppose the reign of the dictator in the White House.  Il Duce might not get everything he demands.

The truth is, Republicans are not in chaos.  The Republican Establishment, which is perfectly comfortable with the continued ballooning of the national debt; perfectly comfortable with the elimination of our borders; and perfectly comfortable with a President who ignores the Constitution, is in chaos.  They don’t represent the majority of the Republican Party, much less a majority of the Republican caucus in the House.  But since when does the majority rule in America?  The majority almost never rules in Congress.  In the Senate, 41 Senators rule.  In the House, Conservatives are ignored.  And the Congress is irrelevant anyhow.  Even if it agreed on something, Il Duce in the White House rules with an iron hand.  His latest offense?  Well, people in the military are not well paid, especially considering what they are called upon to do.  But Il Duce Obama now says he will veto any bill funding the military that prevents him from closing the base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.  You get that?  Military personnel won’t get paid, they will be held hostage by Obama, unless he gets to close Guantanamo.  But he’s the Commander in Chief, can’t he do that if he wants to do it?  No!  There is a Congressional procedure for base closings.  Will that stop Obama?  No!  That’s why we need a new Speaker of the House who is willing to oppose Il Duce when the need arises, or at least once.  If you fight the Dictator you won’t win them all, but if you never fight, you will lose them all.  The “lose them all” Republican Party either will change, or it will die.  There’s a good chance it will die.  Some Establishment Republicans are talking about working with Nancy Pelosi to choose the new Speaker.  If that happens, the Party is over.  It’s time to elect a winner instead of another good loser.  Who’s my choice?  Here’s a name no one has mentioned – Texas Representative Ted Poe.  He’s a former judge and a true conservative.  Let’s do it right this time.

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