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FRANK ON FRIDAY – The Progressives Eat Their Own

The nation’s universities were once centers for the exchange of diverse ideas and information, where all points of view could be discussed and evaluated.  Not anymore.  Generations of academic inbreeding have created a system in which college faculties are composed almost exclusively of Leftists who indoctrinate the students to accept only one point of view – the view of the  Left.  Any who dare to depart from the orthodox view must be denounced and expelled.  The colleges were content with this system when their acolytes focused their attacks on Conservatives.  However, the students that these schools have imbued with a false sense of empowerment, have now begun to eat their own.  The colleges didn’t object when students forced cancellations of planned speeches by Conservatives.  When students rose up and demanded the firings of professors and administrators in Missouri and California, the schools capitulated.  Now it’s gotten interesting.  At Yale, students are demanding that the name of the Calhoun School be changed.  You see, John Calhoun was a slave owner.  It’s only a matter of time before students at Washington & Lee figure out that the “Lee” is Robert E. Lee, the ranking Confederate General.  But it’s worse than that.  The censorship fever has now reached Princeton University.  Students at Princeton are demanding that the name of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs be changed, because it has come to their attention that Wilson was a notorious racist.  And so he was.  The federal government was desegregated during Reconstruction.  Wilson re-segregated it within three weeks of his March 20, 1913 inauguration.  When the IRS in Georgia fired every black employee, a group of black professionals appealed to Wilson.  Wilson was annoyed by their “tone,” and he refused to help, explaining that segregation was a positive thing because it avoided “race friction.”  That was not surprising, because Wilson’s History of the American People voiced sympathy for the KKK, which Wilson explained was necessary for the self-protection of white men.  Woodrow Wilson’s racism wasn’t limited to American minorities, either.  In negotiating the Treaty of Versailles, Wilson unilaterally killed a proposal that would have had the Treaty recognize racial equality.

All this sounds pretty bad, and if it was anyone other than Woodrow Wilson, he’d be a goner.  But Princeton has a problem.  Woodrow Wilson was not only a Princeton graduate, a President of Princeton, Governor of New Jersey and President of the United States, but he has been the pride of Princeton, canonized as a Progressive saint.  And that’s the problem.  Wilson has been called the Godfather of liberalism, the poster boy for the Progressive cause.  Wilson created the Federal Reserve, he gave us the income tax, and he nurtured the administrative state, the nameless, faceless bureaucracy which permeates every aspect of society, and which never goes away, no matter who is elected.  As an academic and as a President, Wilson had no use for federalism and the Constitution’s separation of powers.  He considered the God-given rights of the Declaration of Independence to be “an outmoded set of beliefs from an earlier, irrelevant era.”  Woodrow Wilson exalted the State over the individual.  Simply put, he was a fascist, before that term came into general use.  You doubt me?  Wilson shut down newspapers and magazines that published anything critical of the government.  He jailed reporters, and indeed, anyone who voiced objection.  His Attorney General conducted raids which jailed thousands without regard to First and Fourth Amendment protections.

Fascism, you see, is part and parcel of the Progressive, liberal, left-wing, whatever name you want to give the wild-eyed fanatics who now control the Presidency.  To those who doubt this fact, I commend Jonah Goldberg’s book, Liberal Fascism.  Goldberg defines fascism as a religion of the State, where government controls every aspect of society, and where everyone is “taken care of,” whether they like it or not.  Sound familiar?  The liberal fascist believes that the federal government should be allowed to get away with anything, so long as it’s for good reasons.  Sound familiar?  “If Congress won’t act, I have a pen and a phone.”  And therein lies Princeton’s problem, because the current President, Il Duce Obama, is as dedicated a liberal fascist as was Woodrow Wilson.  Obama, like Wilson, seeks to subordinate individual rights to the goals of the collective.  If you doubt me, just listen to him (if you can stand it).  Obama rails against the evil, rich 1%.  He denounces Big (insert the name of any industry).  He has seized control of ever greater portions of the economy through Dodd-Frank, and in the name of health care and the environment.  Jonah Goldberg was criticized for pointing out that the Nazis and the Italian fascists grew out of the Progressive movement.  He was indisputably right, and he wasn’t arguing that today’s Progressives are the same as Nazis.  Instead, he quoted George Carlin, who said, “When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts.  It will not be in jackboots.  It will be in Nike sneakers and smiley shirts.”  This sounds just like the attire of the college activists who are so intent on rooting out all non-Progressive beliefs.  So you see, the Progressives are now eating their own.  Bon appetit.

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