As the saying goes, when everybody tells you that you’re dead, you should lie down. The recent election sent a clear message to the Left, but they haven’t received it. The election of Donald Trump to a second term as president should have convinced the loony Socialist Democrats and the denizens of the lap dog media that Democrats are on the wrong track, but it didn’t.
In one sense, the Trump victory wasn’t surprising, given the fact that Democrats went out of their way to make every aspect of life in the United States worse for working people who are struggling to get by.
Biden and company were handed a secure border. Their opposition to a border wall aside, they easily could have increased the admission of immigrants in a sane and sensible way. Instead, they simply erased the borders, and admitted millions of illegal aliens, without regard for identity, medical condition, or criminal history.
The result was an influx of needy illegals, whose numbers included 500,000 known convicted criminals, including 13,000 murderers and 16,000 sex offenders. Biden and Party supplied them with hotels, food, phones, air travel, health care and education, at your expense. And when Latin American gangs took over apartment buildings, displacing and assaulting Americans, Democrats told us it wasn’t really happening.
Biden was handed an America with energy independence, for the first time in some 70 years. He cancelled pipelines and oil and gas leases, and doubled the cost of energy. Then he promised to destroy the oil and gas industry and tried to mandate electric vehicles that nobody wants and which the power grid can’t support.
Biden then spent trillions of dollars we haven’t got, which spiked inflation to levels not seen in 50 years. As the price of food soared, they told us prices really were going down. As Americans found it difficult, if not impossible, to provide for their families, Biden poured billions into Ukraine, and spent billions on illegal aliens.
Leftist culture was just one more brick on the load. Mindless fealty to DEI, and catering to transgender politics that sanctioned biological men competing in women’s sports, drove a wedge between the Democrats and large sections of their base that may never be healed.
The first duty of government is to keep people safe on the streets and in their homes. With crime becoming rampant due to Democrat “defund the police” programs and Soros prosecutors, all Democrats had to offer a scared public was the notion that there was only “as perception” of increased crime because crime rates really were down. This was cold comfort for a public being bombarded with daily reports of murder, rape, robbery, organized looting, and subway immolation.
Simply put, the Democrats’ obsession with the “progressive” nonsense of identity politics could be called anti-utilitarian, as they pursued the greatest good for the smallest number. For instance, by prioritizing the welfare of illegal aliens over U.S. citizens, they alienated large portions of their black and Hispanic base.
Enter Donald Trump. They call him a populist. He is merely a throwback to the philosophy of the only other president who was elected to two non-consecutive terms, Grover Cleveland. Cleveland said that “public service is a public trust.” What that means is that our elected representatives should act to carry out the will of their constituents.
It’s only because the politicians ignored the public and thwarted its will that Trump could be elected in 2016. The politicians in both Parties who lament Trump’s emergence have only themselves to blame. Had they paid attention to public opinion all those years, there would be no President Trump.
The malfeasance, misfeasance, utter stupidity, and senility of Joe Biden assured Trump’s reelection. After royally screwing up everything they touched, Democrats realized that old Joe had to go, but replaced him with a worthless dolt who managed to promise only more of the same.
Que Mala Harris ran a putrid campaign. She managed to spend some $2 billion, much of it going to campaign managers and celebrities who had to be paid to endorse her. She made few appearances, and answered few questions. In what everyone understood to be a change election, she promised not to change a thing.
And here’s the funny part. After losing, in what amounts to a modern day landslide, and leaving the House and Senate in the hands of Republicans, Democrats are still convinced that their problem was “messaging.” A number of Democrat pundits keep telling us that the main thing that the Democrats need to do is to get their messaging right.
What they mean by that is that, if only Democrats had expressed themselves properly, then the American electorate would have flocked to the Democrat brand, because they would have then understood that runaway inflation is a positive thing. The influx of 12 million illegal aliens who take your jobs, displace you from your home, use up public funds that could be supporting Americans, and increase your risk of becoming a crime victim is a good thing. Having biological men ruin women’s sports is a positive. And it is possible for men to become pregnant.
In a word, Democrats are delusional. They still don’t get it, and I, for one, am hopeful that they never will get it. Their problem wasn’t their message. It was their product. They were trying to force on the American public a product that it doesn’t want and doesn’t agree with.
You may be able to fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t continually tell the public it’s stupid and expect to be rewarded. And that’s exactly what Democrats took from the last election. Democrat apologists like Don Lemon are telling the few viewers they have left that anyone who voted for Trump is just stupid. The hateful Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post says that, if the Trump voters had only read The Post, they would have understood the truth, but the problem was that Trump voters can’t read.
Democrats still haven’t figured out that demonizing the opposition doesn’t work. They have called Republican voters a basket of deplorables, fascist, Nazi, garbage, and racist. And, if anything, they should be on notice that the “racist” label is false, since Trump owes his 2024 election to black, Hispanic and Muslim voters who abandoned the Democrat Party.
As this is written, Democrats in Blue States are doubling down on stupid, vowing to resist all things Trump, including the deportation of criminal aliens, and aliens who have been ordered removed by federal courts. Let’s hope they remain true to their Woke principles, and thus easier to defeat.
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