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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Last Call for Sanity

This has been a momentous week for our politics.  Politicians on both sides like to give lip service to platitudes about how we have free elections in America and peaceful transfers of power no matter who is victorious.  Very high-minded rhetoric.  The problem is that on Friday night last, the false veil of civility was pulled back to expose the ugly reality.  Donald Trump had a rally scheduled on a college campus in Chicago.  Predictably, the college faculty called for the event to be cancelled, because leftists are in favor of free speech only when they are speaking.  A crowd of violent protesters, perhaps channeling the 1968 Democrat Convention, stormed the arena and forced the cancellation of the event.  The protesters, by all accounts, were a rent-a-mob put together by such anti-democratic groups as Occupy Wall Street, anarchists, F**K The Police, Black Lives Matter, and, a group funded by George Soros (more about him later).  These disparate malcontents were organized by functionaries from the Bernie Sanders campaign.  The night turned into hours of news coverage; continuous loops of the same antics over and over again.  I had to suffer through an hour of Greta (who’s supposed to be a lawyer) on Fox News, trying to compare Trump’s First Amendment rights against those of a roiling mob.  Hey Greta, this had nothing to do with the First Amendment, and everything to do with those who revile the Constitution and who seek to destroy America in favor of their Marxist Utopia.  Bernie Sanders accused Trump of provoking violence.  There is one candidate in this cycle who constantly calls for a “political revolution,” his name is Bernie Sanders.   A mob of revolutionaries starts a fight that sends cops to the hospital, but we can’t blame Bernie.   Republican candidates also suggested that Trump’s own conduct was to blame.  I thought this argument was unfair, and I sincerely tried to regard Trump as a victim,  but later in the week, Trump, shortly after denouncing those who compared his rallies to Nazi rallies, announced that, if he falls short of delegates and isn’t given the nomination anyway, “there will be riots.”  I can only hope that his rioters don’t wear brown shirts.

Which brings us to the current state of affairs.  Trump won Florida and Rubio is out.  Kasich won Ohio, he can’t win, but he’s not going away.  We are confronted by the reality that there is one, and only one, candidate who can deny Donald Trump the necessary delegates and win the required number of delegates himself – Ted Cruz.  This is the last call for sanity, the last chance to choose a consistent conservative instead of – who knows what.  In 1980, Jimmy Carter was roundly ridiculed for saying that he had been discussing nuclear proliferation with his 12 year old daughter.  Yesterday, Trump assured us that he is discussing foreign policy with himself, which is sufficient because “I have a very good brain.”  I’m not sure which one is worse.  The Republican Establishment has a big problem.  Trump and Cruz have the vast majority of the convention delegates, but they don’t want Trump and they don’t want Cruz.  Hence, the reason why Kasich is still hanging around.  He can’t win, but maybe he can keep both Trump and Cruz from garnering the 1237 delegates they need to be nominated.  If that happens, then the Establishment, you know, that group that denies it exists, yet will stop at nothing to continue with crooked business as usual, may yet get to nominate another smiling, good loser, as our Republican candidate.  Ted Cruz likes to call it “the Washington Cartel.”  You doubt me?  Let’s get back to George Soros.  Soros belongs to that, unfortunately not rare, group of fabulously wealthy people who are vehemently anti-capitalist.  Capitalism permitted them to accumulate their wealth, but they don’t like it.  I can’t explain why that is, don’t blame me, I’m not a psychiatrist.  Let’s call these folks the billionaire bolsheviks.  George Soros is the brains and the checkbook behind Il Duce Obama, sharing Obama’s desire to “fundamentally transform America,” presumably into the socialist worker’s paradise that those in the Soviet Union enjoyed so much that they abolished the Soviet Union.  Now, Soros is backing Hillary Clinton, so that she can finish the destruction of America that Il Duce began, but he’s also hedging his bets.  Taking a page from that well known Washington outsider, Donald Trump, Soros believes in buying politicians on both sides, just in case.  They say money talks.  Soros gave money to a PAC supporting Jeb Bush.  With Bush out of the picture,  Soros is now sending money to  a PAC called New Day for America, which is the PAC supporting John Kasich.  But the Establishment doesn’t exist, right?  Sure, just like, “there’s no such thing as the Mafia.”  Anyway you slice it, there are forces at work seeking to frustrate the desires of the vast majority of voters for an anti-establishment candidate.  Last call for sanity.  Time to get behind Ted Cruz.

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