Hillary Clinton is spending millions of dollars running ads that paint Donald Trump as a racist. It’s not what the Democrats usually do. Normally, every four years the Dems simply insinuate that the Republican candidate is a bigot who will destroy the country. The Democrat gets elected, spends four years actually destroying the country, and then they start all over again. But Ms. Hillary isn’t limiting herself to just spreading insinuations. In a recent ad, she accused Trump of being connected to the Ku Klux Klan. What’s her proof, you ask? It seems she found some character who claims to be a Klan member, and he claims that “a lot of Klan members like Trump.” I wouldn’t call that much of an endorsement, but the clear implication of the ad is that, if you are endorsed by an extremist nut, then you are just as extreme a nut as the endorser. Obviously Hillary has never heard the maxim that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. So, let’s test the Hillary Clinton endorsement doctrine. The Human Rights Campaign is a blatantly Anti-Christian homosexual rights group. The group has endorsed Hillary Clinton for President. So, by her own standard, Hillary Clinton is anti-Christian. A number of rappers also have endorsed Hillary’s campaign. These are performers (I won’t call them “musicians”) who popularize illegal gun possession and violence, sing ballads about killing police officers, and refer to women using only words that rhyme with “bitch.” Two of these endorsers are Atlanta rapper Waka Flocka Flame, and Snoop Dogg. Now, Snoop Dog has it all figured out too. He said that Hillary’s the best candidate because, having been the First Lady during Bill Clinton’s presidency, “Hillary was the president already once.” You can’t argue with logic like that. I guess that means Hillary supports illegal guns, killing police officers and demeaning women. You ready for Hillary yet? It gets better. The women of Nevada’s Moonlite Bunny Ranch, a legal brothel, have teamed up to start an organization called “Hookers for Hillary,” and they mean business. They have a four-point platform for their endorsement of Ms. Hillary, with an emphasis on health care reform. (I thought we did that already). As revolting as the prospect might be, this endorsement means Hillary must be a prostitute too. When you think about it, that’s not as farfetched as it sounds. After all, she is a political whore, who’s been selling her influence to the highest bidders for years. Still not ready for Hillary? Then there are the Communists. That’s right, the Communist Party USA has endorsed Hillary. Sam Webb, the Communist Party spokesperson says that although Hillary Clinton is not Bernie Sanders, she “will build on the achievements of Obama’s presidency.” In other words, commies of a feather will flock together. Hillary must be a communist then, because they endorsed her. But we started this exercise talking about the KKK, didn’t we? It seems even the Klan is ready for Hillary, because in mid-March 2016, Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard William Quigg told several media outlets that he and his contemporaries had switched their presidential endorsement from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton. Quigg explained, “We want Hillary Clinton to win. She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s just our choice for the presidency.” Yes, that sound you hear is the tinkling of Hillary Clinton’s shattered glass house. The KKK is backing her, and by her own standard, that makes a her part of the KKK women’s auxiliary. (They only get to launder the sheets). Now, if that’s not good enough for you, I hasten to add that there is one, and only one, candidate for President in 2016 who has publicly kissed a high ranking member of the KKK.
That’s right. That’s Hillary Clinton kissing KKK Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd, the now deceased former Senator from West Virginia. Hillary described Byrd as her friend and mentor. She praised Byrd’s eloquence and nobility, calling Byrd the heart and soul of the Senate. The same Robert Byrd who said, “The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia.” How noble. Byrd also valued the American flag. “I will never submit to fight beneath that banner with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.” What eloquence. If he was the heart and soul of the Senate, the Senate needed a transplant. And what a double standard. Senator Trent Lott was forced to retire from politics when he congratulated Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday. No, Thurmond wasn’t in the KKK, but like every other Southern Democrat, he once opposed desegregation. Oh, the horror! Lott didn’t even get a kiss. Now we all know that Hillary has never told a lie, because she’s assured is of that. So when she says a candidate shares the mindset of whoever endorses her that must be true. Donald Trump had better keep an eye on Hillary. She’s liable to burn a cross at Trump Tower. Honest.
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