Democrats and other fellow traveler leftists are still in the throes of grief and trauma following the election of Donald Trump. Apparently, these people actually believed their own press releases. That’s scary. To paraphrase a Geico commercial, politicians lie; it’s what they do. Responsible people understand this, and know enough to discount the lies. Leftists, however, are true believers. So when Il Duce Obama told them, “you can keep your doctor,” they believed it, and even when it became apparent that this wasn’t true, they still believed the B.S. That’s sad. Eight years ago, when Obama was elected, he adopted the usual “tolerant” Democrat tone with Republicans. When they told Obama they wanted input into the proposed health care law, Obama said, “Elections have consequences. I won. Go away and be quiet.” Ah yes, the politics of inclusion. So when commentators asked, after November 8, what should liberals do now that Donald Trump has been elected, my advice was simple, “You can do what you told me I had to do eight years ago, shut the f*** up, and move along.” But that wasn’t good enough for the disaffected leftists. No. These fragile little snowflakes have tender sensibilities. They believed their own B.S., and of course, whatever a leftist believes is, by definition, the truth. The “experts” assured the Left that the changing demographics of America made it almost impossible for a Republican to win the presidency. The upper mid-West was a Democrat fire-wall which no Republican could breach. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan were safe Democrat States, and Iowa was leaning to the Democrats. What’s more, Obama had won Ohio the past two cycles, and no Republican could win without Ohio. All good Progressives understood that it was time for a female President, and it was time to get ready for Hillary. After all, it was her “turn” right? Wrong. Enter Donald Trump. He was all wrong for the “new America.” The Republican “autopsy” report after the 2012 election taught us that no Republican could possibly be elected without pandering to illegal immigrants and treating all Hispanic voters as proponents of open borders. Wrong. Trump called Mexican immigrants criminals and he got 2% more Hispanic votes than Caspar Milquetoast Romney, who went out of his way not to offend any group. Trump then won Iowa by 10% and Ohio by 9% and added Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, and thereby won 306 electoral votes and the presidency. (As I write this Trump is 13,000 votes ahead in Michigan with 100% of the vote counted but we’re told it’s still “too close to call”). Leftists simply can’t accept Trump’s victory. Hillary won the popular vote, didn’t she? Well, yes, she’s 1.6 million ahead nationally. Of course, she came out of California, where illegal aliens are allowed to vote, with a 3.4 million vote plurality. But it’s not fair! To that I say, read the Constitution! Read the what? It’s not fair. We knew we should win, therefore we should win. What is this Constitution of which you speak? O.K., maybe Hillary should be named the Alcalde of California. Hillary’s supporters are apoplectic, though. “Say it isn’t so!” It is so. Fragile little snowflakes on college campuses are inconsolable. Now this fits into the “you can’t make this shit up” category; colleges actually have cancelled the tests of students who are just too upset by the election to take a test. College administrators have brought in grief counselors and therapy dogs to help students cope with the shocking prospect of a President Donald Trump. One college even offered a Play-Dough therapy course for afflicted students. And it’s not just the students. At the University of Virginia, even some faculty members are protesting the University President’s use of a quote from Thomas Jefferson. After all, he was a slave owner. When they admit them to the school, don’t they tell the students who started the University? I guess not. Now I’m worried the students at Washington & Lee University may find out the “Lee” is Robert E. Lee. Uh, oh. But these pampered and privileged students just can’t seem to accept the results of the election. “Oh, woe is us, the majority ruled. That’s not supposed to happen. Is it?” Now, I’ve long said that if Democrats didn’t stand for hypocrisy, they’d stand for nothing at all, and they proved me right once again. Some of these same fragile little snot-nosed college snowflakes, who have been so traumatized by democracy that they shouldn’t be expected to go to school are in the streets of many of our cities throwing rocks, and other solid objects, at police officers. That’s right. And it’s because they represent the interest of the poor, right? Well, that’s wrong too. These affluent, self-important, pampered little college shits think they know what’s good for the poor “working” people they claim to champion, but there’s one problem; they have never met one of them. While protestors paid by George Soros march and burn, carrying “Not my President” signs, an African-American journalist actually went to Harlem and took the trouble to talk to some of its residents. While none of these people admitted to voting for Trump, none of them rejected him him out of hand. One man said, “Hillary was weak and she talked about other countries, and we live here. Trump wants to help veterans and secure Medicare, if he does that, he’s my man.” That certainly sounds reasonable, but it’s too reasonable for the Democrats. The Democrat Party is teetering on the edge of madness. The repugnant Chuck Schumer is vowing to block all Trump appointments and initiatives. Elections have consequences, right? Somebody better make sure Mitch McConnell knows this. And the Democrat Party is about to double down on crazy by making Keith Ellison, a radical left-winger with ties to Hamas, its Party’s chairman. That should sew up the votes of Midwest working men. The Democrats are unwilling to accept that they lost because America has no use for their radical left-wing policies. But don’t listen to me Democrats. No matter how dark it gets, keep pulling down the shades.
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