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FRANK ON FRIDAY – We Don’t Need No Stinking Election

We thought that when we voted on November 8, we settled the question of who is going to be the 45th President of the United States.  I remember the networks finally admitting that Trump had won, about 2:30 a.m. on November 9th.  I remember Hillary calling Trump to concede.  I remember Trump coming out after 3 a.m., with poor 10 year old Barron Trump valiantly trying to stay awake on the stage.  Then, later on November 9th, Hillary, Bill and her cohorts, all dressed in purple (the color of mourning) made an appearance so that Hillary could give a farewell to her heartbroken troops.  These events gave every indication that the election was, indeed, over.  Not so.  First, the Left whined about Hillary winning the popular vote.       Then, Jill Stein raised money for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.   Surprising no one, the recounts came to nothing, except, they did expose Democrat voter fraud in Detroit, where 37 districts reported more votes than the number of registered voters.  Can you guess who they were for?  Although they enjoy reality shows on TV, the liberals apparently have real problems with actual reality.  They simply could not and cannot accept the reality that they were rejected and Trump really won.  Witness their underhanded attempts to cultivate so-called “faithless electors” who might ignore the election results in their State.  You get that?  These nincompoops, who tell us it’s the popular vote that should count to elect the President, want electors to disregard the results of the popular vote in their States and vote for Hillary instead.  Oh, hypocrite, thy name is Liberal.  And now, still more leftist salvos against Trump.   Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich has warned that “a dark cloud of illegitimacy hangs over the Trump presidency.”  This is because the Russians “interfered” in the election by “favoring Trump over Hillary.”  How? They “exposed troves of secret, sometimes embarrassing, personal communication involving Clinton and internal planning by the Democratic National Committee.”   At the same time, they failed to expose any of Trump’s embarrassing emails.  Ah, several things.  First, if the Democrats lost because the truth about their myriad crimes, schemes and manipulations got out and turned off enough of their usual voters to give Trump a chance, why is that a bad thing?  The only shame is that it took a foreign country, instead of  so-called journalists to expose these scandals.  Secondly, maybe the Russians didn’t hack Trump’s emails because Trump never uses email.  Just a wild guess.  In any case, there’s no need to hack Trump to get embarrassing stuff because Trump regularly Tweets out plenty of embarrassing material on his own.  No matter how outrageous his rants, it didn’t matter.  But there’s no evidence that Russia did anything?   That’s just the point, they’re sneaky.  Anyway, we have indisputable evidence.  Hillary didn’t win.  Case closed.  The result of the election is the evidence.  I can prove it.  On October 19, Il Duce Obama said, “no serious person could rig an election in the U.S.  I’ve never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place.”  Trump should “get over it,” Obama advised.  Since the election, Obama has launched an investigation into Russian hacking of the election.  Exactly how one can “hack” an election is unclear, I suspect even to Obama.  A writer for the ultra-leftwing Huffington Post has even called for postponement of the Electoral College vote, scheduled for December 19.  Why?  Seth Abramson, Attorney; Assistant Professor at University of New Hampshire; Poet; Editor, Best American Experimental Writing; Editor, Metamodern Studies.  A Professor of Meta-what?  Metamoderna works towards a new kind of society.  A global government, a 30-hour working week (I thought Obamacare already gave us that), for 100% organic agriculture, and meat-free days.  Sounds like great fun, huh?  Abramson has three reasons:    1. Foreign governments should play no role in the outcome of American elections.  2. No person should ascend to the presidency due to the interference of a hostile foreign government.  3. We have absolutely no idea whether a foreign government played a role in the outcome of the recent general election, and therefore we have no idea whether a political candidate is about to ascend to the presidency due to the interference of a hostile foreign government.  I agree with points 1 and 2, and with the first clause of point 3.  We have absolutely no idea whether a foreign government played a role in the outcome of the recent general election because there’s nothing to see.  The Electors meet on December 19th under a law, passed in 1948, which sets the date on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December.  Congress could change it, right?  Sure.  So postpone it till when?  The Professor assures us that the White House has confirmed that an investigation into Russian hacking can be completed by January 20.  Right.  You know what?  If Jim Comey does it the same way he investigated Hillary’s 560,000 emails, it could be done before December 19th.  Then again, maybe we should just take heed of Obama’s pre-election wisdom, and the loony Left should just get over it.  But they can’t.  So stop the presses!  Why even have the Electoral College vote.  Don’t give me that Constitution crap again.  What are you, a purist?  Let’s just say that Hillary is the President and leave it at that.  Election?  We don’t need no stinking election!



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