It is interesting that, whenever a Marxist/socialist movement appears, it is symbolized by a color, usually of the clothing worn by its practitioners. And so, the Nazis had their Brown Shirts, and Mussolini’s Italian fascists were the Black Shirts. The communists’ color was red, hence Red China. Then again, most Chinese wore Mao’s blue suits. Go figure. The filthy rabble that propped up Juan and Evita Peron was so poor they didn’t even have shirts, hence, the descamisados (shirtless ones). Each and every one of these fascist movements had one thing in common. They advocated complete control over all aspects of their respective governments and economies, and the repression of individual rights and free enterprise. The leaders of the Leftist movement in America were highly educated people. They read Karl Marx, and they spent much of their time railing about the proletariat and the means of production. They presented themselves as champions of the poor and disadvantaged. The early Labor movement was run by communists who proclaimed they were just trying to help the working man, who was being screwed by the bosses. He was. And it was a good cause, but bad leadership. Eventually, the union communists were supplanted by the Mafia, because there was good money to be made from Labor. The working man still got screwed. But I digress. The Leftist intelligentsia revered the Soviet Union, the true Marxist workers’ paradise, and it labored to bring its blessings to America, the land of filthy capitalism. The fact that most of the Leftist “brain-trust” consisted of well to do people who gained their wealth from capitalism was, and remains, lost on this bunch. Witness, the millionaire Marxists who populate Hollywood and New York City. Also lost on this bunch was the fact that the people condemned to life in the Soviet Union’s workers’ paradise were uniformly destitute and unhappy, witness the Soviet workers’ saying, “We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us.” The Left took a big hit when the Soviet Union fell apart in the late 1980’s. Apparently, 60 years of paradise was all the paradise that the Soviet people could stand. When the Berlin Wall came down, it looked like it was all over for the Reds, and it was. But, it wasn’t all over for the Leftist movement, because almost overnight, the Reds all turned Green. Proving once again that, if they didn’t have hypocrisy, they’d have nothing at all, the Left embraced environmentalism as its new religion. And so, the Green Movement was born. A different color, but the same goal, to gain control over every aspect of our lives by gaining iron-fisted control of the government and the economy, and in so doing, repressing individual rights. Why? For the disadvantaged working man, of course. Picture it, the same people who never felt obliged to complain about environmental destruction in Russia or China want to shut down American industries, for our own good, of course. And they found a champion in Il Duce Obama, who, during the recent 8 year unpleasantness, has done his best to regulate economic growth out of existence. Enter Donald Trump, the unlikely antidote to Obama’s galloping socialism. The election of Trump was a message from the disadvantaged working man and woman to the Leftist masterminds – “Please don’t help us anymore.” Trump promises to deregulate to get the engine of capitalism going again. You see, Trump understands that economic growth, and not the government dole, is the path to prosperity. What’s left of the Democrat Party disagrees, and has vowed a fight to the finish. Trump’s pick of Scott Pruitt to head the EPA is a case in point. Pruitt currently is the Attorney General of Oklahoma. Now, Oklahoma is both a red state and a fossil fuel state. That would be bad enough, but the greenish-red Left has branded Pruitt as a climate change denialist. Now, I have no problem with an EPA that limits its activities to doing what it was created by President Nixon to do, namely, make sure we have clean air and water. In 1970, that was a glaring problem. You may recall, that when the EPA was created, water pollution was so bad that the Cayahoga river in Cleveland actually caught fire due to the poisons being deposited therein. Air pollution in 1970? Remember acid rain in the Midwest and smog alerts? The EPA did us a service by taking poisons like lead out of the air and sewage out of the water. Car emissions are a tiny fraction of what they were in 1970. That’s a good thing, and a good job by the EPA. But the EPA has been perverted into the tool of the Left, as a means to control the economy. That’s why it’s now trying to regulate carbon dioxide, as a pollutant. You’d think any reasonable person would realize that a substance we continually exhale should not be so regarded, but the Greens do not. They haven’t come right out and said we should stop breathing, but the Green movement is tied up with the anti-Growth movement, part of which advocates population control. And what was Scott Pruitt’s sin? He doesn’t blindly accept that humans are causing climate change, thus, he is a denialist. What Pruitt really said was this, “Scientists continue to disagree about the degree and the extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind.” For the Greens, this is heresy. The fact that all climate scientists agree with Pruitt’s statement is irrelevant. Al Gore, Il Duce Obama, Green billionaire Democrat fundraiser Tom Steyer, and all good Leftist comrades have declared, as a matter of faith, that there is no dispute about man-made global warming. The fact that 30,000 scientists have signed a petition saying they are not convinced doesn’t matter. The fact that warming stopped 17 years ago doesn’t matter. The fact that the scientist whose graph supposedly “proved” global warming has admitted he falsified the data doesn’t matter. That’s the way religion works. Those with open minds are not welcome. We have to Save the Planet. And if the poor have to continue to suffer so be it. By the way, when you combine a red shirt and a green shirt, you get a brown shirt.
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