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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Comey Chameleon

Former FBI Director James Comey testified before a Senate Committee last week.  He prefaced his testimony with a written summary which stated that he never kept notes of meetings with President Obama, but started doing so because he thought President Trump would lie.  Comey had previously been quoted as saying that, even before the inauguration, he had concluded that Trump and his staff were “dishonorable.”  Hans A. von Spakovsky, a Senior Legal Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, has summarized the most important parts of Comey’s Senate testimony.  1) There was no obstruction of justice under the requirements of the applicable statute, 18 U.S.C. §1503.  Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) asked if the president or anyone else working for this administration had asked him “to stop the FBI investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. elections.” Comey answered “no.”  Comey claimed that while the Flynn investigation “touched” the Russia investigation, he considered them separate.  In fact, Comey admitted that Trump told him he wanted to make sure the collusion investigation continued because he wanted know whether anyone connected to him had done anything wrong.    2) The president was never under investigation in the Russia probe.   3) There was no hacking or other interference with the voting, ballot counting, and administrative process of the election.  4) There is no evidence of any “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.  However, there was some testimony about attempted interference with an FBI investigation.  Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch ordered Comey to parrot the language of the Clinton campaign regarding the FBI’s investigation into the mishandling of classified materialShe told him to call it a “matter” rather than an “investigation.”  Comey said Lynch’s comments made him uneasy, and motivated his July press conference.  It sounds like Comey’s testimony went a long way toward clearing the President and putting this nonsense behind us, right?  Wrong!  Democrats, who never let the facts and the law get in the way of their hysteria, are still screaming for blood.  Here is how Comey’s testimony was reported by Newsweek:  Trump Impeachment Calls Surge as President Faces ‘Most Serious Scandal in U.S. History.  According to the nearly defunct periodical, “calls for President Donald Trump to face impeachment proceedings are surging.  In the past 48 hours, two of the leading Trump resistance groups have called for the first time for the impeachment process to start against Trump on charges of obstruction of Justice.” (Apparently, two calls constitutes a “surge”).  What is the source of this surge, you ask?  Which resurgent surgers are seeking to sever President Trump from his office? and the group Indivisible. called for efforts to impeach Trump in the House of Representatives to get underway, even before Comey testified.  “In the United States, no one is above the law,” read a statement from Anna Galland, executive director of Civic Action.  “The testimony that former FBI Director James Comey is expected to deliver today makes clear that Congress must begin impeachment proceedings immediately.  MoveOn does not make this call lightly.”  MoveOn is certainly an impartial observer.  Funded by George Soros, like all Soros operations, it is all whacko Left wing kook, all the time.  MoveOn took credit for the violence in Chicago at a Trump rally during campaign, and it protested the electoral college vote, proving that it doesn’t approve of the Constitution.  Strangely, MoveOn started out as anti-impeachment group, by passing around a petition asking Congress to “censure President Clinton and move on”, as opposed to impeaching him.  Of course, Clinton was a Democrat, so he deserved the benefit of the doubt.  The group called Indivisible is another whacko Lefty group with suspected ties to other Soros funded groups.  When asked about Soros funding of Indivisible, a spokesperson stated, “It doesn’t matter who we take money from.”  Draw your own conclusions.  Indivisible founder Angel Padilla previously served as an immigration policy consultant at the radical National Council of La Raza (The Race).  Soros is a major La Raza donor.  La Raza teaches that Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington State make up an area known as “Aztlan” — a fictional ancestral homeland of the Aztecs.  It believes that these are areas America should surrender to “La Raza” once enough immigrants, legal or illegal, enter to claim a majority, as in Los Angeles.  So Indivisible certainly has no bias.  But back to Comey.  If you were a chief executive, and one of your employees made clear he thought you and all around you were dishonorable liars, would you hire or retain that employee?  Comey took detailed notes, which he admits he leaked to the media after he was fired.  As Michael Goodwin of the New York Post has noted, “Comey is a Never-Trumper (and a sneaky-leaker) whose arrogance drips from him like sweat from a racehorse.”  He first assures Trump he is not under investigation, then he treats Trump like a criminal suspect, instead of as his superior.  No, that’s not right.  If he had been a criminal suspect, Comey was required to give Trump target warnings before speaking to him, or else what he said could not be used against him.  But this is not a criminal case where evidence is necessary.  This is a soft coup, where the standard of proof is “proof nearly approaching an idle rumor.”  Comey, long considered an apolitical Boy Scout, who was the ideal public servant, has proven himself to be an insubordinate megalomaniac.  When he was Deputy Attorney General under George W. Bush, he tried to usurp the authority of Attorney General Ashcroft when he became ill.  Last July, he usurped the authority of Attorney General Lynch, with his decision not to charge Hillary Clinton with a crime.  And now, he’s undermining President Trump because Trump fired him.  Make no mistake, I have no doubt that, in each instance Comey did what he did because he believed he and he and he alone could be trusted.  More’s the pity.  Mr. Comey, it’s alright to be a straight arrow, for whom honesty is the best policy.  That’s a good thing.  But when you convince yourself that you’re the only honest broker in a government run by your untrustworthy superiors, you’ve crossed the line., and it’s time for you to go.  Adios.

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