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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Not Presidential?

After a CNN supervising producer was caught admitting that CNN knows the Trump/Russia collusion story is “bullshit,” but management keeps pushing it anyway, the media needed a new line of attack on President Trump.  Enter the Joe Scarborough/ Mika Brzezinski flap.  These two apparently have a morning show on MSNBC.  Joe once was a conservative Republican Congressman from the Florida pan-handle, also known as the Red-Neck Riviera.  How he wound up on leftist whacko MSNBC is unclear.  Mika’s claim to fame is that her father was the National Security Advisor for Jimmy Carter.  Joe claims that he and Mika were friends of Donald Trump for more than 10 years.  When they had candidate Trump on their show they got along with Trump, then their attitude changed.  How and why it changed is a bit murky if you rely on Joe and Mika’s explanation.  Initially they liked Trump, but changed their minds because of the Muslim ban (which never existed).  Their timeline is suspect.  Joe says he decided in 2015 he could never vote for Trump.  Mika says she questioned Trump’s sanity during the campaign.  Keep in mind, these are Trump’s “friends.”  After Trump was elected, Joe and Mika were Trump’s guests at Mar a Lago.  Joe claims he changed his mind over “the race stuff,” citing Trump’s attacks on the Khan family, who lost a son in Iraq, and Judge Gonzalo Curiel.  Ah, but Joe, those things happened before the election.  No matter.  Perhaps Joe and Mika turned on Trump to cater to MSNBC’s leftist nut case viewers.  Since the election, Joe and Mika have called Trump a jackass, a schmuck (for those unfamiliar with Yiddish, that’s an unusually large penis); with a screw loose; who looks like a thug and a goon; who is lying to you, whose presidency is rotten to the core and right to the top; and who is unfit mentally.  Joe called Trump the “greatest liar that’s ever sat in the White House.” “He lies every day.  A lot of the times he lies every minute.  He forgets the lie he told five minutes ago.” Remember, this was Trump’s “friend.”  Even lying Congressmen don’t use the “L” word towards one another, but Joe found it proper to use it towards the President.  So, Trump tweets some negative stuff about the Joe and Mika show and about Mika’s face (have you seen it?), and the media is off on the new anti-Trump meme.  He’s not presidential.  His comments were not respectful and were beneath the dignity of the presidency.  Now, there’s even a plan to get doctors to declare Trump unfit to serve as president.  Are you kidding me?  “Beneath the dignity” from a media that, after declaring Il Duce Obama beyond any criticism for 8 years, has rejected any notion of respect, dignity or decorum when it comes to its coverage of President Trump?  The media has declared open season of Trump, and has badgered, insulted and smeared him at every opportunity.  Their main complaint?  Trump refuses to be a willing target, a tackling dummy, who will take every low blow with a smile.  When you hit Trump, you don’t get a Ronald Reagan aw shucks, “there you go again,” you get an immediate smack in the chops.  And because Trump refuses to simply take it, they have decided he must be crazy.  Why?  Other presidents didn’t act like Trump.  Oh really?  First of all, other presidents haven’t been treated like Trump.  The media never laid a glove on Obama; didn’t call him a liar, although he lied constantly.  And the times have changed.  Reporters never mentioned JFK’s affair with an East German spy, or the sneaking of secretaries, code-named “Fiddle” and “Faddle,” into the White House after hours.  Today, the media is simply out to get Trump, so anything goes.  Moreover, if you think no president ever criticized the press or made nasty comments before Trump, you are wrong.  Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper.  Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.” (Fake news, huh Tom?)  Theodore Roosevelt said, “[President]McKinley has a chocolate eclair backbone.”  Harry Truman compared the press to prostitutes, saying, “Presidents and the members of their Cabinets and their staff members have been slandered and misrepresented since George Washington.”   Truman also attacked a Washington Post music critic who insulted his daughter Margaret, threatening to punch him in the nose and kick him in the testicles. (was that presidential?)  Lyndon Johnson said, “Jerry Ford is so dumb that he can’t fart and chew gum at the same time.”  After hearing a speech by Richard Nixon, LBJ said, “I may not know much, but I know chicken shit from chicken salad.” (the Republic survived)  George W. Bush was overheard calling a New York Times reporter “a major league asshole.” (this comment did not inspire violence against reporters)  So Donald Trump is unpresidential?  Really?  Unconventional?  Definitely, that’s why he was elected.   Confrontational?  Sure, we didn’t want another good loser.  Ungentlemanly?  Okay, but the media reaps what it sows.  The media and the entertainment industry, all dead-set against Trump’s supposed lack of dignity and decorum, are responsible for creating a culture completely devoid of any dignity or decorum.  Their world respects no filter for profanity, violence, or propriety, therefore they have no standing to decry a lack of decorum; by anybody.  The Joe and Mika flap is just the next convenient excuse for bashing Trump.  In truth, this latest Twitter feud is nothing new.  There was an almost identical Twitter war in 2016, in which Scarborough responded to a negative Trump tweet, “You’re acting like a bush-league loser, you’re acting like a racist, you’re acting like a bigot.”  It wasn’t big news then, because the “experts” said Trump couldn’t win.  And therein lies the difference.  Joe and Mika turned on Trump only because he did win.  No longer a side-show, Trump became the enemy of MSNBC.  In February 2017, Mika let some of the truth slip out noting, “Trump thinks he can control exactly what people think, but that’s our job.”  Joe and Mika said they wanted to give Trump a chance, but by February 15, 2017 concluded, “Right now, we consider this country to be in a state of crisis, because of some very disturbing decisions he has made.”  At that time, Trump had been president for 25 days.  Some chance.  So, no, Trump isn’t guilty of conduct unbecoming a president, the media is guilty of conduct unbecoming of journalists.

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