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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Call 911, America’s at Risk

The anti-Trump hysteria has now reached dangerous proportions, with the riot in Charlottesville sparking mob violence throughout the country.  The mobs now are intent on tearing down any statue or monument that they consider “racist.”  The left-wing media is feeding into this frenzy, as just another good way to damage the President.  However, this is not just fun and games anymore.  We have reached the point where a clear and present danger to the United States of America now exists.  Consider this column a 911 call, because our way of life is in jeopardy.  Here’s what happened in Charlottesville.  A group of repugnant, throw-back white supremecists went to court and got a permit to hold a march.  The white supremecists are prone to violence, and they are despicable.  Then, a group of equally despicable left-wing extremists, known as Antifa, showed up to counter-protest.  Antifa  (anti-fascist)  is, according to the New Jersey Department of Homeland Security, a violent terrorist organization composed of anarchists.  Alan Dershowitz, no right-winger he, describes Antifa as “a radical, anti-American, anti-free market, communist, hard, hard left censorial organization.  Antifa labels whatever it disagrees with as “hate speech,” which it says is not free speech, which justifies them to commit violence against “right-wing” groups. (Of course they fail to understand that the Nazi’s were not “right-wing,” they were Socialists)  Anyhow, the Antifa counter-protesters went to Charlottesville to start a fight, and they did just that.  President Trump made the mistake of recognizing the indisputable fact that the riot was the fault of both groups of violent extremists.  The media immediately denounced him, because they denounce anything he says.  I get that they hate him, and want to see him defeated, but this time it’s a step too far.  The recognition that both sides were at fault wasn’t a vote of support for white supremecists, it was a recognition that white supremecists and anarchists are equally dangerous.  Simply put, the fact that the white supremecists are wrong, does not make the Antifa violence against them right.  The President isn’t choosing white supremecists over Antifa, he’s simply pointing out that both groups are dangerous for America.  Be honest, would you want either of these groups to run America?  I hope not.

The problem is that the media’s obsession with destroying Trump has led it, and many feckless legislators, to lend support to the violent anarchists.  Now emboldened, they have embarked on a crusade to destroy any monuments they consider “racist.”  Contrary to their propaganda, they do not mean well.  It started with Confederate monuments, then it was Andrew Jackson.  In Houston, the Young Communist League wants to remove a Confederate monument, because it says the Confederacy represented treason against the United States. (Isn’t it funny that an organization that advocates the overthrow of the U.S. government suddenly opposes treason?)  On August 14, a member of the far-left communist Workers World Party toppled a Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina. (Noticing a trend here?)  She is a member of an extreme leftist group that supports the totalitarian regime in North Korea and wants to abolish capitalism.  Think she’s really just upset about the Civil War?  That led President Trump to say, “This week it’s Robert E. Lee.  I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down.  I wonder is it George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after?  You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?”  It doesn’t stop, and it didn’t take a week.  Two days later, a Chicago minister called for the removal of George Washington’s statue from Washington Park, because of his “ties to slavery.”  That same day, vandals defaced the Jefferson Memorial.  Pulling down statues is not a new idea.  It happened in ancient Rome.  It’s very common.  In 1776, American patriots took down a statue of King George III, and melted it down to make musket balls.  The Nazi’s tore down cultural monuments; the communists tore down national monuments in Eastern Europe; the Iraqis tore down Saddam Hussein’s statue; and the Taliban destroys ancient monuments of other religions.  The point is that statue and monument destruction does not happen in a stable and secure environment.  Statue destruction is the hallmark of revolutionary change; it is an activity which ordinarily follows the liberation of, or the subjugation of a people.  And that is why the recent statue destruction hysteria is a clear and present danger to the survival of the United States of America as we know it.  On one level, destroying monuments destroys the past, it destroys our history, not all of which is pleasant.  Take away the uncomfortable parts of our history, and we can’t learn from our mistakes.  Don’t teach history in school, erase historical monuments, and we are left in the hands of ignoramuses wearing black hoods, many of whom don’t even know why they are causing destruction.  For instance, on August 17, they set a statue of Abraham Lincoln on fire.  Why?  Well, it was a statue, wasn’t it?  On a more dangerous level, the condemnation of Washington and Jefferson is just part of the anarchist Antifa plan.  Washington, Jefferson and Madison owned slaves, therefore, the Revolution is tainted, the Declaration of Independence is tainted, and the U.S. Constitution is tainted; in fact, it’s invalid.  Antifa may consider itself an opponent of fascism, but it is really no more than the other side of the white supremecist coin.  The extreme leftist groups and fascists are opponents, but they share one principle.  Both groups that clashed in Charlottesville favor complete government control, at the expense of individual freedoms.  In their world, there is no free enterprise, no free speech, no right to assemble, or to worship, and all dissent results in imprisonment or death.  By politicizing the Charlottesville riot, the whores who inhabit both Parties in Congress are playing into the hands of dangerous extremists on both sides.  A choice between winding up in a concentration camp run by white-hooded bastards, or a camp run by black-hooded bastards, is no choice at all.  The destruction of the supreme law of the land is a prospect to be feared.  I think it was best said in A Man For All Seasons.  “If you cut down all the laws to get at the Devil, when the Devil turns round on you, where will you hide, all the laws being flat?”  And you media whores who are giving aid and comfort to the anarchists represents a final stroke of supreme ignorance.  Cut down the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to oppose Trump, and how long will you keep a free press and your multi-million dollar salaries?  Your right to print and broadcast your tripe comes from that same document written by those nasty slave holders.  It’s just a small step from removing statues to this –

German poet Heinrich Heine warned,“Where books are burned, human beings are destined to be burned too.”  But maybe the Antifa bastards will be more forgiving.  See you in the reeducation camp guys.

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