Maybe I’m dating myself, but I sure miss the good old days when there were two sides to every story, and when different opinions could be expressed, and even debated. When I was growing up political commentators in newspapers and on TV weren’t all conservative or all liberal. There were people such as Art Buchwald, Jack Anderson and Anthony Lewis. These commentators, despite their personal beliefs, at least tried to call them as they saw them. They dished it out to both sides when they thought it was deserved. They may have been Democrats, but they surely didn’t spare Lyndon Johnson from their barbs. Even JFK felt the criticism, “I’m reading more, but enjoying it less.” In short they didn’t set out to destroy those they disagreed with. I mean, Anthony Lewis was about as left-wing as they come, and to my knowledge, he never supported the use of violence. The media in those days was tough, but there were limits, and there were standards. Not anymore. Today, what passes for journalism exists in places like the Huffington Post. They have a commentator named Jesse Benn. Jesse Benn is a Trump-hater who endorsed violent resistance against Donald Trump in June 2016, when Donald Trump was only the presidential presumptive nominee for the GOP. Trump hadn’t even been nominated yet, much less elected, much less done anything to threaten the left-wing crazies. This is the same A-hole who justified the shooting of a Republican lawmaker, as preferable to Republican policies. According to Mr. Benn, resistance is acceptable because there’s an inherent value in forestalling Trump’s normalization. Violent resistance accomplishes this. You get that? It has been decided at the highest (lowest?) levels of leftist insanity that Trump is the one who’s abnormal. He must be, because liberals are normal, and he doesn’t agree with them. Delusions of rectitude. (I’ve written about this before). Benn has now transferred his mania to the NFL protest business. According to Benn, white athletes who don’t kneel for the national anthem are defending white supremacy. He explained, “See, for white athletes the anthem and American flag do represent freedom, liberty and whatever other amorphous American values one might ascribe these symbols. So, from their view, kneeling would be disrespectful to the privileges a white supremacist nation affords them.” Freedom and liberty are amorphous American values? Liberals keep saying Trump doesn’t uphold American values, so what are they? Welfare, open borders and lawlessness? Vile rodent Benn ( sorry, but he really does resemble a white rat) continued,
“In the fairytale we Americans tell ourselves where soldiers fight wars for freedom and not imperial conquests …” “If white athletes can’t fathom kneeling because they feel soldiers fought for their rights and blah blah blah patriotism, it’s because they are treated as full citizens and afforded those rights they imagine soldiers fought for.” It is a sickness. Anyhow, if he’s right, where’s our Empire? And black athletes aren’t full citizens? Really?. Remember, these are the same players who, in London, knealt for our Anthem and stood for God Save the Queen. You want to talk about an Empire that, by law, made people second-class citizens? So bend your knee, or else. Genuflect to prove you worship what? Anarchy? It gets worse, Janaya Khan, who is the co-founder of Black Lives Matter-Toronto, is now urging allies of the movement to “stop saying ‘white privilege’ and start saying ‘white supremacy. According to her, if you’re white,”it doesn’t matter if you hate and abhor the KKK and neo-Nazis. By virtue of your skin color, you are guilty.” I love a fair trial, don’t you? At least Mr. Benn and his fellow mental patients aren’t advocating killing off all white men to solve the problem of white supremacy. Don’t scoff, somebody is. College Professor (what else?) Noel Ignatiev, reportedly received a standing ovation recently when he told his class that white males are a cancer and they should kill themselves.
“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others,” See, this is what we’re paying $60,000 a year to have our kids taught. Ignatiev added, “The goal of destroying the white race is simply so desirable, it boggles the mind trying to understand how anyone could possibly object to it.” You can’t argue with logic, I mean, who could object to genocide? If Ignatiev’s “final solution” to white supremacy sounds a little like something Adolph Hitler might say, you’re right. In Mein Kampf Hitler wrote,“All who are not of a good race are chaff,” He said that the elimination of Jews “must necessarily be a bloody process.” Compare Ignatiev’s statement, “Eventually, I would like to put white males in concentration camps and work them to death just like they’ve done to everyone else. When they are all dead we can throw a party and dance around their corpses.” Ignatiev even adopted Nazi terminology. He runs a website called “Race Traitor,” a term right out of the Third Reich. In what perverted world can Noel Ignatiev be considered an educator, and what legitimate educational institution would hire him? Professor Ignatiev considers himself a neo-abolitionist. If you happen to be a white male, he wants to abolish you. But, hey Noel, you’re a white male (I guess). Why not get the ball rolling and abolish yourself?
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