The phony left-wing A-holes who populate Hollywood like to pretend that they are on the cutting edge of a progressive society that ensures that the rights of every kook fringe group on the face of the Earth are fully respected. They respect the rights of minorities, the LGBTQ crowd, grape pickers, the homeless. They even demand rights for groups who have no legal rights, like illegal aliens, even when those aliens come here and commit crimes. In Hollywood, there’s a ribbon for the rights of every group, except it seems, for the women who work in the movie industry. For more than 20 years, Harvey Weinstein rode high on the hog in Hollywood (an apt allusion, as he is about as porcine a creature as they come). He was a Hollywood producer in the mold of the movie moguls of the 1930’s. Translation – Harvey wielded the power of life or death over an actor’s career, so he could be physically repulsive, personally offensive, and generally abusive towards all who sought an audience with the King. Weinstein was so powerful that he even got away with physical assaults on reporters, who he later blamed for being “aggressive.” Harvey’s predations included the sexual harassment of, and some have alleged, sexual assaults on actresses who were caught in his web, and thus under his power. In short, Weinstein was immune from the proper behavior expected of a normal human being residing outside of that enlightened, progressive, and highly evolved enclave in Southern California. He was immune, that is, until this month, when a veritable who’s who of Hollywood actresses accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct spanning decades. The allegations resulted in Weinstein’s being fired from his own company, and caused him to hire a phallanx of high-priced legal talent, which he may need, because police agencies on at least three continents are considering prosecutions. Harvey’s explanation was that “I came of age in the ’60s and ’70s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different.” Harvey’s growing as a human being though, he claims that it recently has come to his attention that sexual assaults are frowned upon these days, even in Hollywood. What a crock! Think about it, here is one of the foremost leaders of a group of liberal crackpots who consider themselves to be all-knowing, always right, much smarter than the mere bumpkins in fly-over country (that’s us folks), and always, always so so better informed than us mere mortals, that they should be the final authority on every subject. And these superior beings, whose hearts bleed for every worthy cause, somehow missed the bulletin that the boss is not supposed to sexually assault the help. Give me a break. Those of us in the unenlightened part of America got that message some time ago. After the deluge of accusations, some denizens of Hollywood admitted what the rest of us already knew, that it was common knowledge that Harvey Weinstein was an obnoxious, abusive prick, who molested scores of women at every opportunity. That took some courage, huh? The media, true to form, reported the Weinstein accusations as though the fact that sexual misconduct was going on in Hollywood was a revelation. It’s not a revelation, its an institution. Lurid stories about the infamous “casting couch” are as old as the film industry itself. A 1920 article in Photoplay magazine reported on “immorality in camera-land,” where “young women are not advanced in their chosen profession unless they submit to the advances of studio managers, directors, or influential male stars.” And it wasn’t only Hollywood. Dancer Agnes de Mille said of the Broadway Schubert brothers, “If you didn’t sleep with them you didn’t get the part,” “The Shuberts ran a brothel: Let them sue me.” Tippi Hedren wrote that director Alfred Hitchcock sexually molested her. Marilyn Monroe experienced the Weinsteins of her day, calling Hollywood “an overcrowded brothel, a merry-go-round with beds for horses.” Male actors weren’t spared either. Hollywood agent Henry Willson reportedly preyed on gay actors such as Rock Hudson. Roddy McDowall said Willson was “like the slime that oozed out from under a rock you did not want to turn over.” Weinteinesque behavior in Hollywood was no secret. Hollywood even acknowledged it in their own pictures. Remember producer Jack Woltz, in The Godfather? People were complaining about Harvey Weinstein long before this year, but no one was listening, because Weinstein was powerful and influential. Weinstein was your ticket to an Academy Award, and too many actresses were willing to pay the price of admission. So why now? Why has the mighty Weinstein fallen in 2017? Some suggest that its just a sign of the times. If Bill Cosby got caught, Harvey’s fall was inevitable. I’m not buying that theory. If Harvey Weinstein was at the peak of his power, Hollywood wannabes would continue to take whatever perverted crap he dished out. A more plausible explanation was offered by Rebecca Traister of New York magazine. She reported seeing Weinstein at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser (yes, Harvey was a big supporter of women’s rights), “he seemed small and frail, and, he appeared to be walking with a cane. He has also lost power in the movie industry, is no longer the titan of independent film, the indie mogul who could make or break an actor’s Oscar chances.” That description tells the tale. No longer the King of the jungle, Harvey Weinstein succumbed to the law of the jungle, where the old and slow become fodder for the younger swifter predators. But make no mistake, Hollywood hasn’t changed. As long as there are young women dreaming of stardom, Hollywood will remain the perverted cesspool is has always been. In her memoir, Marilyn Monroe graphically summed it up, “I met them all. Phoniness and failure were all over them. Some were vicious and crooked. But they were as near to the movies as you could get. So you sat with them, listening to their lies and schemes.” Personally, I hope the accusations keep flying out there on the left coast. Better that the Hollywood A-holes should send money to their lawyers, than to socialist politicians.
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