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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Moby Trump, The White Male

Now more than a year after the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton remains deranged, and seems to be slipping ever closer to out-and-out madness.  Hillary was supposed to win.  All the media told her she would win.  All her campaign staff (except husband Bill) told her she was going to win.  Hillary didn’t win on November 8th, so from November 9th on, Hillary started blaming others.  Now she can’t stop, and it’s not healthy.  According to Ed Klein’s new book All Out War, Hillary has begun to drink heavily.  She has gained weight, and in recent TV appearances without makeup, she’s frightening.  The one thing Hillary steadfastly clings to is her insane delusion that the reason why she lost the election was Trump’s collusion with Russians.  Neither Hillary, nor the rest of the deranged Left can accept the fact that the reason no evidence of any collusion has been found is because no collusion took place.  Hillary “reasons” that, because both the Russians and Trump didn’t like her, they must have been working together.  It sounds plausible, but it doesn’t add up.  As Melville wrote of Ahab in Moby Dick, “All my means are sane, my motive and my object mad.” The Klein book puts this into context.  The Russian distaste for Hillary dated to her tenure as Secretary of State.  They didn’t want to deal with her as President.  Donald Trump just did to Hillary what he had done to the 17 other Republican candidates, he savaged and defeated her.  But no, Hillary cannot accept the truth.  She continues to claim that Trump was the tool of the Russians, and has vowed to lead the resistance against him, at a time when the majority of the Democrat Party would just like to see her disappear.  It occurred to me that Hillary’s obsession with Donald Trump is not unlike the obsession of Herman Melville’s Captain Ahab.  Recall that whaling captain Ahab, who lost his leg to the white whale in a previous encounter, began a mindless pursuit of Moby, leading to Ahab’s death.  The parallels are stunning.  Hillary was injured politically by Obama in 2008.  Trump cut the political legs out from under her in 2016, and now she craves vengeance.  To sane observers, Moby Dick is just a big white whale, who does whatever whales do.  Thus, Donald Trump just did the things presidential candidates do in an election.  Ahab, or in our case Hillhab, on the other hand, believes that Moby Trump is the embodiment of evil.  She  pits herself and humanity in an epic, timeless struggle against the White Male who injured her.  She believes that killing Moby Trump will eradicate evil.  Like Ahab, Hillhab is too literal a reader of the world around her.  Instead of interpreting the loss of an election as a common consequence of her occupation and perhaps as a punishment for taking excessive risks, she sees her loss as evidence of evil cosmic forces persecuting her. (The Russians colluded).  Ahab says he sees Moby Dick as a “mask,” behind which lies a great power whose dominance Ahab refuses to accept.  Ahab sees that inscrutable power as evil.  Likewise, Hillhab refuses to recognize the dominant “great power” as the electorate finally fed up with business as usual, and sees only the Russians as an inscrutable evil power.  Those around Ahab viewed Moby Dick merely as a dangerous wild animal.  Those around Hillhab view Moby Trump merely as a dangerous political animal, but to Hillhab, Moby Trump is the personification of evil, the evil White Male, who denied her her life’s ambition.  It doesn’t matter if Hillhab’s obsession is unreasonable, as Melville wrote, “Think not, is my eleventh commandment.”  It doesn’t matter if her obsession is down-right crazy. As Melville wrote, “for there is no folly of the beast of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men,” and “Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I’d strike the sun if it insulted me.”  Clearly Hillhab has sustained a crippling loss, but just as clearly, she’s supposed to be an intelligent woman who knows better.  Though as Melville said of Ahab, “There is a wisdom that is woe; but there is a woe that is madness.”  Hillhab seems utterly consumed by a madness that prevents her from moving on with what should be a comfortable life, after a creditable career of public service. (That was hard to type, but at least she should believe that).  Instead she mindlessly pursues Moby Trump, the great White Male who bested her, spewing invective, and vowing retribution.  We can only hope that Hillhab will snap out of it before it destroys her, lest she reprise the last words spoken by Ahab, after Moby had destroyed his ship. “…to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”  Then Ahab went under for the last time.  Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that for Hillary.  Hillhab can no more destroy Moby Trump, than Ahab could destroy Moby Dick.  It would be a shame if Hillary’s obsession brought her to the same fate to which Herman Melville consigned his captain so many years ago.  Then again, as Melville told us, “Verily there is nothing new under the sun.”

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