When they began the witch hunt in 2016, the goal of the Left (and some so-called Republicans) was to keep Donald Trump from being elected President. After he shocked the world, their goal was to drive him from office. Even before his inauguration, there were calls for impeachment. MSNBC resistance fighters (formerly disguised as journalists) declared that the Trump/Russia “scandal” was “bigger than Watergate.” (You have to forgive Leftists. They only know how to say three things – It’s worse than Watergate – It’s worse than the great depression – and the rich don’t pay their fair share). Now into the 3rd calendar year of investigations of Trump world, the Democrats are running out of hope that some evidence will surface to link Trump with Putin, the Russian government, any Russian official, a trolley car driver in Russia, somebody with a name that sounds Russian – anything! It doesn’t matter though. The Mueller investigation goes on, and he and his band of Hillary-lovers may yet find somebody wearing a red baseball hat who might yet lie to an FBI agent about something unconnected with the election. As time goes by, however, all but the most delusional Democrats know the Russia investigation will come to nothing. That’s why they’re constantly trying to goad Trump into firing Mueller. “He better not fire Mueller” they say. “Oh, if he fires Mueller, there will be a constitutional crisis.” Trump keeps being asked, “You going to fire Mueller?” He keeps saying, “No.” Indeed, with unusual restraint, Trump, last week, even said, “I think Mueller will be fair.” The point of this exercise is to find a reason – any reason – to impeach this President. The passing of tax reform doesn’t matter. A DOW over 25,000 doesn’t matter. Millions of new jobs don’t matter. The lowest unemployment rate, including black and Hispanic unemployment, at the lowest level in decades – they don’t care. Trump must be removed. Meanwhile, the folks at Circa News, Judicial Watch and Congressional investigators are beginning to unravel the twisted, corrupt, dirty, underhanded and illegal activities of Hillary Clinton, her campaign team, and even more alarmingly, those of the FBI, the Justice Department, and yes – dare I say it – Obama himself. It’s worse than Watergate? Sure. They say that the coverup is worse than the crime. In Watergate, the crime was a burglary, and the coverup was worse. In the case of the Trump investigation, there is no underlying crime, but we’ll overlook that point. (Which is hard to do, because if there wasn’t a crime, it’s unclear what there might be to coverup. But no matter). As it turns out though, there is a coverup in this case, it’s just that it’s not Trump who’s doing the covering. The evidence uncovered by Circa News, Judicial Watch and the Congress has proven that Hillary, Inc., a/k/a, the Clinton Crime Family, bought a bogus dossier from British and Russian intelligence sources, that’s right, Russian intelligence sources that falsely tied Trump to Russians. That lying dossier seems to have been delivered to the Justice Dept., perhaps by the wife of the Justice official whose job it was (he’s now been demoted) to get FISA court warrants for surveillance. We know Justice got warrants and conducted surveillance on Trump employees before and after the election. That means that the Democrats contrived to use national security to spy on the Republican presidential candidate. The guys at the FBI pitched in. Peter Strozk wrote emails talking about getting an “insurance policy” to stop Trump. Then the FBI gave Hillary “special treatment” when they investigated her email server scandal. James Comey? Well, he simply has a Messiah complex. He envisions himself as the one true light of the world. All he needs is a cross and a crown of thorns and he’s in business. Obama had to approve all this nonsense, so he’s in this up to his skinny Socialist neck. Justice and the FBI went along because Hillary was going to win anyway, and these crimes would never come to light. Then, oh shit! Trump won, and the coverup began. Not by Trump, by Justice and the FBI. With Trump as Chief Executive, it was only a matter of time before the truth leaked out. The only way to avoid it was to sink Trump before the truth leaked. They tried. The FBI has been defying Congressional inquiries for months, and just yesterday were supposed to deliver requested information after being threatened with a contempt citation. It recently was confirmed that numerous classified emails were found on Huma Abedin’s private laptop, the one she shared with pervert husband Carlos Danger. Anybody else would be in jail, but Hillary got “special treatment,” which included being cleared before she was interviewed. Mueller is the former FBI Director. He doesn’t want the FBI to be embarrassed. Mueller was chosen by Rod Rosenstein from Justice. Rosenstein was there when Justice did its dirty deals on Trump. He doesn’t want Justice, or himself, splattered when the truth hits the fan. The Democrats are afflicted with Trump derangement syndrome. They were willing to corrupt the U.S. justice system and the rule of law, and destroy all confidence in the Justice Dept. and the FBI to get Hillary elected. She lost, so now they are willing to throw Hillary and Bill, Harvey Weinstein and Al Franken under the bus to get Trump. They are willing to rip up the Constitution and to destroy the oldest democracy on the face of the Earth to get Trump, and a large segment of our government is willing to participate in a coup to deny a duly elected President the office that he won despite their illegal efforts during the campaign. So it’s true, the coverup is worse than the crime. The FBI, Justice and Mueller are the cover-upers, and Donald Trump and the American people are the victims.
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