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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Russia’s Green Collusion

Last week The American Spectator reported on a release from a Congressional Committee which documented actual Russian collusion in U.S. political affairs.  No, it wasn’t one of the Committees investigating Russian collusion with Trump in the 2016 election.  It really had nothing to do with President Trump at all, or for that matter, with the 2016 election.  But much like the Congressional election investigations, this one has documented Russian collusion – with Democrats.  The House Science, Space and Technology Committee has released a report that details Russian meddling in U.S. energy markets.  You see, Russia is among the world’s leading producers of oil and natural gas.   Even so, the Russian economy only equals that of that other industrial powerhouse, Italy.    By contrast, the U.S. economy is more than 8 times bigger than Russia’s.   Now, say what you want about Italy, but they know their place in the world.  Russia, however, insists on portraying itself as a super-power, without super-power wealth.  It’s no coincidence that the term, “Potemkin Village,” a real looking, but fake facade, originated in Russia.  The real Russia is a Potemkin Village, albeit, a village with nuclear weapons.  All of this may explain why Russia goes to such great lengths to meddle, interfere, disrupt, or dare I say, collude in the affairs of other nations throughout the world.  It’s also an explanation for why the Russians, not only are unconcerned about being cast as the sinister bad-guy bullies of the world, they encourage it, because it helps their cause.  Simply put, the more willing people are to believe that Russia can affect all things, the more powerful Russia appears, and appearances, you might have heard, are everything.  And so, the Congress has documented Russian interference with our oil markets, involving Russian payments, filtered through a shell entity in Bermuda.  Payments to whom?  Why, to Democrats, of course.  The Russians are sending millions of dollars to U.S. environmental groups.  Are the Russians really concerned about the state of our environment?  Do they care about our air quality?  Not likely, as they are wholly unconcerned with those things in their own country.  Remember Chernobyl?  No.  The Russians are paying U.S. leftist environmental groups to oppose fracking, oil pipelines, and all other forms of crude oil exploration and production.  The environmental groups are happy to do just that, because their environmental positions rival religious zealotry.  They really believe their own crap, and would much rather see most of America living in cold dark caves than face the prospect that even one more barrel of oil might be produced.  The Green nuts get what they want, and the Russians get what they want – lower U.S. oil production, to allow them to monopolize the market, and to spread political discord.  More oil production in the U.S. means lower oil prices.  The Russians are slowly but surely going broke with oil prices below $100 a barrel.  If, with the willing complicity of the Green nuts, Russia can stop U.S. oil producers from pumping oil, then they can spend more on weapons to threaten the world, and fund more computer hacking and other attempts to destabilize democratic governments.  The result?  Just another example of left-wing hypocrisy.  The Democrats, on the one hand, want to get rid of fossil fuels, so they take money from Russians, thereby making it easier for the Russians to interfere in our affairs, then the same Democrats decry Russian collusion and interference.  And Trump is under investigation.  You can’t make this stuff up.    Who got these many millions of Russian paid dollars?  Ever hear of the Union of Concerned Scientists?  These are the nuts that are pushing a fake climate change agenda.  They are also behind a push to charge anyone who opposes their opinion on climate change with racketeering.  That’s right.  If you don’t do what we say, we’ll put you in prison.  I think the Russians invented that too.  Welcome to the fundamentally transformed America of Il Duce Obama and his band of merry socialists.  The Union of Concerned Scientists isn’t even composed of scientists.  If you send them $25, they’ll declare you a concerned scientist too.  Repeat after me – “money is power, and science is for sale.”  If you’re not scared by this, you should be.  Several Earth Days ago, I told you gentle readers that, when the Berlin Wall fell, all the Reds turned Green.  We now have direct proof of that statement.

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