Former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was one of the heads of the FBI who was in charge of the attempt to remove the President. I guess I should say, unofficially in charge of removing Trump, as he was featured in the text messages between FBI agent Peter Strozk and his paramour with the overbite, as a participant in the “we need an insurance policy” against Trump’s election affair, among other affairs. He was fired on March 16th, two days before his 50th birthday, and hours before his pension was to begin. Dems immediately blamed Trump for attacking the FBI. They are making the attack, because this was not Trump’s doing. The FBI Office of Professional Responsibility (the OPR) was behind it. The OPR is the place where Mueller and Comey and McCabe referred complaints against the line FBI agents who violated one of the ethical or legal rules of the Bureau. FBI agents are trained at the FBI academy in Quantico, Virginia. From day one of their training, the agents are taught to follow the rules. Any agent who strays from those rules is referred to the OPR for punishment. When a line agent screws up, he or she faces sanctions, up to and including termination. The cardinal rule of the FBI is that an agent always tells the truth. The FBI prizes, or should I say now, prized its reputation as the guys in the white hats. They are, or were, the straight arrows. Remember Efrem Zimbalist on TV? The surest way to get fired in the FBI is for what they like to call, “a lack of candor.” Candor is the quality of being honest. The OPR investigated McCabe and recommended his firing, stating that “all FBI employees know that lacking candor under oath results in dismissal and that our integrity is our brand.” AG Jeff Sessions said that the lack of candor at issue was McCabe’s interview regarding his handling of the Clinton Foundation investigation. Isn’t it funny that everyone connected in any manner with anything named “Clinton” seems to come to a bad end? (More about that later). It’s not clear where the “under oath” part of the lack of candor comes into the McCabe case. You see, “a lack of candor under oath” can be a crime; either perjury or false swearing. Which is pretty bad, since it’s a crime to lie to an FBI agent when you’re not under oath. McCabe and Strozk and Mueller are trying to put General Flynn in prison for doing just that, under circumstances where James Comey first concluded that Flynn didn’t lie at all, and whatever Flynn said was already known to the FBI from the illegal wiretaps they got with the Steele dossier. McCabe fought back, claiming that Trump was out to get him (I thought turnabout was fair play), and had unfairly attacked his credibility, which is strange, since he was fired due to his lack of credibility. I guess you could say it was “definition” of character. Predictably, the Dems and the media (redundant, I know) blamed it all on Trump, decrying a Republican plan to destroy law enforcement and intelligence agencies. That’s even more strange than McCabe’s response, considering the Democrats’ history regarding law enforcement and intelligence gathering. Democrats told us that the police, which would include the FBI, were racist killers, who killed minorities on sight for no reason. The wanted the New York police investigated by who, the FBI. (They’re rolling, they don’t have to make sense). The also blamed police for crimes committed by criminals in Baltimore, Missouri and Boston. Whatever went wrong, it was the fault of law enforcement. The Dems also hated the intelligence community for decades, up until Trump. Democrat Senator Frank Church singlehandedly destroyed the CIA’s ability to collect human intelligence after his hearings in the 1970’s. When the lack of directly gathered intelligence led to 911, they blamed the CIA for that too. They blamed the CIA and DIA and the NSA, really all of the agencies they now claim found nonexistent Russian collusion, for intercepting communications after 911. They complained about the Patriot Act, and decried the interception of telecommunications in general. They gave aid and comfort to Black Lives Matters and Antifa, and they complained when the police broke up the Occupy Wall Street encampments. In fact, Democrats never met a law enforcement officer or intelligence officer they approved of until President Trump came along, and for some reason found it unfair to be the subject of a witch hunt over nonexistent collusion with Russians in the 2016 election. Democrats are deranged by the very thought of Donald Trump. The simple truth is that the Left doesn’t really care about Russian interference, it doesn’t care about the FBI, it doesn’t care about our ability to gather intelligence, it doesn’t even care about Hillary Clinton, and it clearly doesn’t give a furry rat’s ass about the voters. The establishment on the Left, just like the establishment on the Right, cares only about staying in power. If this proposition was wrong, Donald Trump would not have been elected.
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