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FRANK ON FRIDAY – A Higher Lunacy

President Trump ran for election promising to drain the Swamp that is Washington, D.C.  By “Swamp” he meant that both Parties have so embedded themselves into the the government, gained so much control over  legislation and regulation, and so grown the bureaucracy, that there is little difference between Democrats and Republicans, because neither Party actually represents the voters anymore.  Instead, the Party apparatus and most elected officials serve the entrenched Establishment, and the voters be damned.  Many people, principally those inside the Beltway, the Establishment if you will, discounted the Trump “Swamp” argument.  “Trump’s nuts,” they said, “nothing to see here.”  Right, “Pay no attention to the thousands of men and women behind the curtain, who pull the levers of power for the highest bidders, no matter what Party is in the majority.”  They weren’t worried in 2016 because no uncouth outsider, supported by an army of deplorables, could possibly defeat the Queen of the insiders, Hillary Clinton.  Then, Donald Trump won, and the Swamp had a collective breakdown.  The result was the myriad investigations into “collusion” which continue to this day.  You see, the Establishment Swamp creatures were not about to let a little thing like a national election get in their way.  If they couldn’t defeat Trump at the polls, they would just have to contrive to remove him from office.  And thus, we learned that the Swamp extends far beyond the political Establishment in Washington, and into the Justice Department and the FBI, places that we were led to believe should be above politics.  The Justice Dept. was peopled by Obama appointees, so its partisanship wasn’t surprising.  But the FBI?  I remain convinced that the FBI didn’t simply go rogue in 2016.  Its leadership was ordered to take actions they knew were wrong, and they did them secure in the knowledge that, once Hillary was elected, all would be forgotten.  So Obama and Loretta Lynch ordered FISA warrants based on a phony dossier, and people at Justice, including Rod Rosenstein, signed off on 4 applications, but no one would ever find out, so long as Hillary won.  But she didn’t, and then action was necessary.  What action?  The FBI had to protect its reputation, and those of James Comey and Andrew McCabe.  How to do it?  Attack Trump.  So Comey extends the FBI secret investigation of Trump, which was going since June 2016, by going personally to Trump, in the guise of an FBI Director briefing a President-elect and a President, but actually as an undercover agent, to document any Trump misconduct.  Comey writes Memos, and then leaks them to his lawyer/friend, who makes them public, to cause Rod Rosenstein to appoint an independent counsel to investigate Trump.  Comey gets fired, spends 10 months writing a book, and this week, on his book tour, snipes at Trump for things such as his tan lines. (You can’t make this stuff up).  Then Comey’s Memos are released, the Memos that Comey wrote to get Mueller appointed, and they reveal – NOTHING.  Comey mentions an investigation into Russian collusion, and Trump tells him to proceed.  No collusion, no obstruction, nothing.  The Mueller appointment is a hoax.  Why can’t Trump just put his own people in position at the Justice Dept.?  Well, that’s part of the Swamp action plan.  The Senate won’t vote on the nominees.  The Dems demanded 30 hours of debate on each one, and the Republicans are fine with that because its just one big happy Swamp.  And James Comey is still running from interview to interview, even in the wake of a criminal investigation to look into his own handling of classified documents.  Picture that.  James Comey is a former U.S. Attorney, a former Deputy Attorney General and a former FBI Director.  He fired and prosecuted countless federal employees for mishandling classified materials, yet he did the same thing, admitted it in testimony before Congress, wrote a book about it, and then went on every television program that would have him, and bragged about it.  Comey’s book is entitled, A Higher Loyalty.  The title is an allusion to Donald Trump’s having told him he needed his loyalty.  Comey should have called his book A Higher Lunacy.  How dare an unworthy individual like Donald Trump ask for his loyalty?  After all, Trump was only the duly elected Chief Executive, who was Comey’s boss, and Comey, of course, already had decided that Trump was unfit to be President.  We don’t need no stinkin’ electoral college, we’ve got St. Comey the Righteous (or is it Self-Righteous?) to make that decision.  I’ve always maintained that Democrats are afflicted with delusions of rectitude.  Of course, we were told that Comey is a Republican, even though he wanted Hillary to win, voted for her and his wife and daughter supported Hillary and marched in the Women’s March in January 2017.  Comey’s got other delusions, including delusions of Godhood.  James Comey really believes that he’s the guy that Diogenes found, not only “an” honest man, but perhaps the only honest man.  Comey really expected to be acclaimed when he admitted his duplicitous conduct in his dealings with the President.  He’s deluded, and the reason I know he’s deluded is that he said we’d be better off with Hillary as President, because of Hillary’s (get this) “dedication to the rule of law.” That’s Hillary Clinton he’s talking about, the one who set up a private server that permitted at least 5 foreign actors to read her classified messages, the same Hillary who deleted 30,000 subpoenaed emails, digitally wiped the server clean, destroyed subpoenaed devices, and was complicit in taking hundreds of millions of dollars for the Clinton Foundation from foreign sources while Secretary of State.  The same Hillary Clinton that Comey saved from indictment with an exoneration statement he wrote before the FBI interviewed Hillary, gave all of her cohorts immunity and returned subpoenaed devices to her.  That Hillary Clinton, the one who was dedicated to that rule of law.  If this doesn’t make sense to you, there are two possibilities.  One – Comey’s nuts; and Two – you must remember that, as the nation’s only honest man, Comey thinks he is the law, or at least, that he was the law.  On reflection, he’s nuts.

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