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The late radio talk show host, Bob Grant, used to say “There’s nothing less liberal than a Liberal.”  The recent flap over Kanye West has again proven that Grant was right.  Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am not now, nor have I ever been a fan of rap music.  Indeed, I have been known to note, from time to time, that it is no coincidence that rap rhymes with crap, but politics makes for strange bedfellows.  Rapper Kanye West, it seems, is a fan of Donald Trump, and vice versa.  West recently has come under fire for daring to be photographed in public wearing, dare I say it?  Yes, he wore a Trump “Make America Great Again” hat, and actually admitted that … oh, this is so painful … that he actually likes Donald Trump.  Now, it’s true that Mr. West is an African-American gentleman, and it’s fair to say that African-Americans ordinarily get cut some slack when they make controversial statements, however it seems we have happened upon the limits of such slack cutting.  That limit is reached whenever an African-American expresses support for any Republican.  It’s clearly nothing personal.  Kanye was a hero when he said George W. Bush didn’t care about black people.  But supporting Donald Trump is beyond the pale; it simply cannot be tolerated by our left-wing masters, and they have quite clearly driven home this point to Kanye West.  West tweeted, “You don’t have to agree with [Trump] but the mob can’t make me not love him. He is my brother.  I love everyone.  I don’t agree with everything anyone does.  That’s what makes us individuals.  And we have the right to independent thought.”  On its face, one might argue that simply expressing the proposition that an individual should have the right to independent thought is not a radical idea.  Indeed, one would think that it is such a fundamental tenet of our society that it need not be mentioned at all.  But apparently, that is not the case in 21st Century America.  Kanye was roundly denounced as a race traitor by numerous, alleged celebrities. (I say “alleged” because, as a 63 year old white guy, I never even heard of some of these people).  Rosie O’Donnell, no less (and there is no less), called Kanye “a fucking moron,” and told him to “wake from the illusion.”  Somebody named James Gunn tweeted, “It’s nice to see black people and white people coming together to be complete freaking lunatics.”  Fellow rapper Snoop Dogg said of West’s wearing a Trump hat, “That mighty white of you Kanye.” Even David Crosby got into the act, which was surprising, because I thought he was dead.  Over the past few months, Crosby has labelled Kanye an “idiot and poser who’s as dumb as a post” and “can’t write, sing or play, creates nothing and helps no one.”  That would be strong medicine, but for the fact that it comes from a nearly brain-dead former dope fiend, who famously reported freebasing cocaine under his coat while flying first-class, who gave his drug dealer a job on his management team, and spent a year in a Texas prison for gun and drug possession, leading to multiple heart attacks, and a liver transplant.  But I digress.  A Los Angeles rapper named Daz Dillinger, has even called upon the Crips gang to “fuck Kanye up.” (I reiterate my “rap is crap” sentiment).  I’m not sure if Daz was wearing a brown shirt when he said it, but such conduct was common in Nazi Germany.  Sean Fennessey of something called, The Ringer  tweeted, “No one wants to deal with this,” as though West had just praised the Holocaust. “In the days since he returned to Twitter . . .  Kanye has clipped the barbed wire around his mind and begun espousing the empty phraseology of alt-right thinkers who rallied around President Trump.”  Whoever Mr. Fennessey may be, he unwittingly swerved into the truth with his rant against Kanye.  He accused Kanye of clipping “the barbed wire around his mind,” which allowed him to have unleft-wing thoughts.  In the Progressive gulag, such conduct cannot be tolerated.  Progressives, you see, are at their core, fascists.  The Progressive fascists have declared Donald Trump to be persona non grata, and have launched “the Resistance,” which thereby requires all who are leftists, and more importantly, all persons from identity groups which the Left considers in thrall to the Left, to espouse no position, and to entertain no thought contrary to the Resistance.  Trump must be opposed, at all costs, on any and every issue, and no African-American may dare to express any unapproved opinion.  An expression of support for this President by an African-American is considered blatant race treason (a term that Joseph Goebbels would have embraced), and cannot be tolerated.  It’s even been suggested that Kanye West must be insane.  That’s a tactic right out of the Nazi and Stalinist playbooks too.  This is not an isolated incident.  It’s no coincidence that African-American Trump supporters Diamond and Lace had their Facebook page declared “unsafe for the community” by the propaganda ministers at Facebook.  Sean Fennessey stated an unintentional truth, when he mentioned clipping the barbed wire.  The fact is that the Left would prefer to have all of us behind barbed wire, to keep our impure thoughts from infecting the unsuspecting masses.  I have a lot of respect for Kanye West, who is standing up for his right to have an independent mind, irrespective of skin pigmentation.  I may have to reassess my aversion to rap music.  Kanye does have a way with words.  Consider one of his lyrics, “And what’s a black Beatle anyway, a fucking roach.
I guess that’s why they got me sitting in fucking coach.”  A man that eloquent deserves our support.

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