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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Now It’s Cohen Kompromat

As part of the never-ending fairy tale – Once Upon A Time, nine years before he decided to run for President, the Russians gathered embarrassing information about Donald Trump, hacked into Democrat computers to help Trump, got Trump elected President by “hacking the election,” (whatever that means), and now are able to control Trump, or maybe Trump is a willing agent of the Kremlin … and the Leftists whined, bitched and moaned miserably ever after.  The facts that the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, the State Department, the Treasury Department, the DIA, the Director of National Intelligence, the Congress, the entire media, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in more than two years of investigation, have found no evidence of Trump collusion with Russians, and the fact that Mueller has twice indicted Russians, and twice announced that there was no evidence of any criminal involvement by any American, and the fact that Trump has increased sanctions on Russia and is trying to drive a wedge between Russia and Germany that would cost Russia billions of dollars, do not change the tune of the loony Left – “Oh Trump colluded,” they tell us, “we just need to wait for Mueller (whose people have leaked anything and everything they thought would damage Trump) to find Trump guilty.”  Just about every week, the Left announces another “Aha!” moment, as in, “Aha, we have Trump now!”  But they never do.  Rush Limbaugh said it best.  Every time they try to take Trump down and fail, they inoculate him against the next attack, they get weaker, and Trump gets stronger.  The latest Aha! concerns Donald Trump’s former lawyer, fixer, or whatever, Michael Cohen.  Cohen was the focus of a previous Aha!, over his payment of money to that paragon of All-American motherhood, porn star Stormy Daniels, who took money not to disclose an alleged affair with Trump, which she later disclosed anyway, and for some reason is still litigating.  The new Cohen Aha! is over talk of a payment to keep a former Playboy model quiet about another alleged affair, which allegedly happened in 2006, 10 years before the 2016 election.  It seems old Michael Cohen, who keeps saying he was just doing legal work, acted like anything but a lawyer, when he secretly recorded a meeting he had with Trump weeks before the election, in which meeting, the two discussed a payment, to one Karen McDougal.  It was Aha! again, and they were off and running.  Cohen was going to flip on Trump, he’d tell all, and Trump was finished.  Mueller would have his proof of collusion, and Trump would have to resign, or be impeached.  Except, they were wrong again.  First, Mueller isn’t even handling the Cohen probe; if it had anything to do with Trump collusion, he would be.  Private conversations between lawyer and client about legal business are privileged.  Recording, and then releasing such a secret recording is an ethical faux pas, which can get a lawyer disbarred, I don’t know anything about the Fixer Code of Ethics.  Cohen hired Clinton henchman Lanny Davis to represent him.  Davis leaked the recording to CNN.  As Flounder once said, “Oh boy!  This is great!”  But Rudy Giuliani waived Trump’s privilege, and the recording was released.  The media salivated over whether it was Trump or Cohen who was in favor of paying McDougal by cash or check.  The recording mentions setting up a corporation. That certainly sounds suspicious.  The transaction the two were discussing was perfectly legal, and was to be carried out in a perfectly legal fashion, but never actually took place.  No money ever changed hands, so what’s the Aha! all about?  Nothing, as it turns out.  This hasn’t stopped the media from doing its best (worst?) to bash Trump.  A typical story by a typical “impartial journalist” came from Virginia Heffernan of LA Times.  She entitled her dazzling work of journalistic impartiality, Michael Cohen’s Recordings Might Be The Kompromat We’ve Been Waiting For.  Kompromat is the Russian word for compromising information, to be used to blackmail Trump.  First of all, if Trump couldn’t be torpedoed by the scurrilous crap the Left has been throwing at him since 2015, no stale Russian crap is going to hurt him.  Secondly, speaking for normal Americans, “we” are not waiting for Kompromat, only the media morons inside the Left-wing media bubble are still waiting for it.  The impartial Ms. Heffernan is the same “journalist” who has referred to former President Barack Obama as “our true father” and has equated Trump to “a stepfather who was going to rape us.”  So her credentials are impeccable.  Heffernan is 49 years old so she ought to remember that her “true grandfather,”  Bill Clinton, actually was a rapist.  Another Heffernan Trump bash was Our Pardon-Giving President Perverts the Pardon, where she preached, “Who gets pardoned shouldn’t be about who you know.”  Ms. Heffernan is also old enough to remember “Tricky Dick” Bill Clinton’s pardon of Mark Rich.  Rich made $2 billion by illegally selling oil to Iran, South Africa, Cuba and North Korea, fled to escape prosecution for racketeering and tax evasion, and was on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List.  After several million dollars of political and other contributions to the Clintons, he was pardoned.  I guess it’s OK to pardon perverts for a price.  In her Cohen story, Heffernan describes Trump and Cohen as follows: “The two goons reportedly discussed how to suppress the First Amendment rights of Trump’s alleged former extramarital girlfriend” …  “you can approach the president’s perfidy through the indictments of Russian military intelligence commanders for undermining American democracy.”  Again, anyone remember Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky?  Oh right, that was “only sex.”  Heffernan blasts Cohen’s work for a company tied to Russia as “influence peddling.”  That the Clinton Foundation took over $2 million from Russia’s Uranium One company, and took $23.5 million from the Russian Skolkovo initiative, a group about which the FBI issued “an extraordinary warning” to U.S. tech companies, concluding that the “true motives” of the Russian partners, who were backed by President Vladimir Putin’s government, were to obtain “classified, sensitive, and emerging technology from the companies.”  But, of course, as impartial “journalists” we can trust Hillary, and we’ve already decided that Trump is guilty.

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