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Category: Blog Post

The Time for Choosing

After nearly four years of failed stimulus, stunted recovery, monumental debt, arrogance, incompetence, deception, tarnished illusion, disappointment, obfuscation, misdirection, lame excuses and outright lies, the time has come to determine whether America wants, or can afford, another four years of an Obama presidency.  Elevated to super-human status by a subservient media, no experienced chief executive could have fulfilled the lofty expectations of this president.  Obama was no experienced chief executive, but merely a Chicago machine politician who never held a real job, much less an executive position.  Despite this flaw, Obama could have succeeded had he surrounded himself with experienced, pragmatic problem solvers.  Instead, our ideologically rigid, arrogant, demagogue president surrounded himself with equally inexperienced ideological soul-mates; academics with no connection to the real world and Stalinist czars.  This was a plan which was doomed to fail and evidence of its failure is all around us.  Crippling unemployment, mountainous debt, increasing poverty, shrinking economic growth, the Libyan fiasco and coverup and widespread despair with no end in sight.  Jimmy Carter had a word for it – malaise.  America had the solution for the Carter malaise – Carter’s defeat in his bid for a second term.  The choice in 2012 is even more compelling.  This president has no plan to improve current conditions.  No president deserves re-election based on the notion that “if we just wait a while things are bound to get better.”  The choice is clear as November 6 draws near.  If America is to remain strong at home and abroad, Obama must be defeated.

Why “You didn’t buiild that” makes sense to Obama

In July, in Virginia, Obama told the crowd, “if you have a business, you didn’t build that.” That statement seemed odd, even coming from Obama. The more I think about it, though, it makes sense – to Obama. The President is the poster boy for “you didn’t build that,” because he’s in the White House, and he’s never built anything. By his own admission, he spent high school taking drugs. Despite that, he was admitted to Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard. Then he was hired by the University of Chicago to write a book about voting rights. Instead, he wrote an autobiography. He was elected to office in a one party town. He was elected to the Senate when his opponent quit the race. Then, he was invited by the media to be President. Of course Obama thinks you didn’t build that. He’s had a free ride from academia and government all his life. It’s all he’s ever known, and that makes him singularly unqualified to be President. Obama must be defeated.

The Death of Journalism

Attempting to take advantage of the simple-minded used to be a crime. Today we call it journalism. On 9/23/12, the Associated Press had an article entitled “Romney tax returns lend credence to Democrats’ claims.” The article is an attempt to perpetuate the falsehood that Romney paid less in taxes than he should have paid. To do this, the AP dutifully parrots the Democrat line that Romney paid tax at a lower rate than most taxpayers. The fact that none of Romney’s income is from wages is not mentioned. The fact that Romney had nothing to do with setting the rates is not mentioned. The fact that President Obama, in 2010, approved a two year extension of those very tax rates is conveniently omitted. And then, to support the misleading headline, the AP quotes Harry Reid’s allegation that Romney has manipulated his tax returns. Harry Reid. The man who falsely claimed that Romney paid no taxes for the last ten years is now, according to AP, vindicated because Romney, instead of paying no tax, actually paid more tax than was due. And this my children is what passes for journalism in America. We’re really not as dumb as you think.
Obama must be defeated.

Hurting Muslims’ Feelings?

We are told that the recent outrages in Libya and Egypt occurred because a video which practically nobody had seen, and which was produced in America by someone nobody ever heard of, hurt the feelings of Muslims. How is it that we have come to accept the notion that, of all the peoples of the Earth, only Muslims have feelings? And how is it that Muslim feelings can be hurt to the point of fomenting riot and murder over such things as an unseen video or a cartoon, when Muslims don’t seem to be offended by such things as the beheading of innocent journalists, the murder of innocent women and children in the marketplace, the murders of American troops, and the slaughter of Christians whose only crime was not being Muslim? More importantly, why would any thinking American tolerate a President whose first instinct is to appease the murderers and to apologize for the existence of religious freedom in America? No Administration that begs forgiveness for our First Amendment is worthy of support. Obama must be defeated.

Liars Figure

The saying is that “figures don’t lie, but liars figure.”  That’s the way to view the recent Bloomberg Poll that has Obama ahead of Romney, are you ready for this, by 13 points.  Never mind that Gallup has done 66 polls since April, and the candidates were never more than 2 points apart.  Never mind that there is disastrous economic news and scandal in the Justice Department.  Don’t look simply to the poll results, but examine the sample.  The Bloomberg poll samples 15% more Democrats than the Rasmussen poll, which has Romney slightly ahead.  Don’t despair.  There is a long way to go.