This week’s edition is about doubt. No, not the movie Doubt, that starred Philip Seymour Hoffman. It was great, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about my doubt, or doubts plural. And things being what they are on these pages, it’s not surprising that my doubts are about our political situation. We live in a nation that seemingly has lost its mind. We have two political Parties. They rarely agree on much of anything, with one exception – they’re content to continue spending trillions of dollars that we don’t have, ballooning our national debt to more than $34 trillion. They seem to think they can continue on this course indefinitely. Can they get away with it? I doubt it. We’re on the road to ruin, and if we don’t stop soon, the Chinese are going to close our road for good. We have leaders in Washington who have decided, for some demented reason, that we shouldn’t have secure borders, that we should admit millions of illegal aliens, and that we should let them come and go as they please, while we support them with borrowed money. Does that make any sense? I doubt it. We have a president who has caused runaway inflation that’s crippling millions of Americans. Does he intend to do anything constructive to make things better? No doubts here. He’s clearly a senile moron, who’s being led around by the shadowy figures who are really running the country into the ground. Do I think he’ll figure out he’s being used and change course? I doubt it. All signs point to no. The latest Biden gambit has been an attack on food producers and grocers whose greed he claims is responsible for the high prices. To paraphrase Dean Vernon Wormer, “Brain-dead and stupid is no way to go through life son.” Two things caused the inflation, both of which are Joe Biden’s fault – needless spending, and an idiotic energy policy that doubled the cost of fuel. Think Biden might wise up and fire Cabinet members whose energy policy on oil and gas is “leave it in the ground”? I doubt it. If Biden’s economic and foreign policy debacles are truly part of a plan, that plan must be to turn America over to the Chinese, who have paid the Biden family millions of dollars. A real media would have examined the mounting evidence, and long ago concluded that Joe Biden is in the employ of the Chinese. Do I think the truth will ever come to light? I doubt it. Too many politicians from both Parties are bathing in foreign money. We’re now 8 months away from a presidential election. Joe Biden shows every sign of being the Democrat candidate. Will Democrats keep Old Joe on the ticket? I doubt that. They don’t like to take chances on elections they think they might lose, or which may be so far out of reach that even ballot harvesting with an International Harvester reaping machine won’t help. Will Sleepy Joe go quietly? That’s doubtful. On the other hand, Democrats don’t have many appealing candidates to replace him. So, chances are we will be getting the electoral rematch that most voters say they don’t want. But one thing is certain. This will be the first presidential election in our history in which each of the candidates is trying to win so he can stay out of prison. That should make for a lively campaign season. And what about the campaigns? Donald Trump is alternating between rallies and court appearances, he’s oozing with energy, and he’s, so far, managed to limit his rhetoric to commonsense plans for the future. Can he manage his tongue till November? I doubt it. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is in therapy designed to keep him upright, he has an ever more disturbing blank look in his eyes, and when he speaks, he needs a gibberish interpreter. The latest polls have Trump 2, 4, or 5 points ahead nationally. Should we believe them? I doubt it. My theory has two scenarios. Democrats are either manipulating the poll numbers to make them look bad, or they’re permitting the true numbers to be reported now in hopes that Joe will either drop out or be pushed out by Party leaders. If Democrats get their wish, can they pull off a smooth candidate swap? Highly doubtful. The only way to do that painlessly would be to replace Joe with Cackling Kamala, but if they do that, what have they gained? Kamala is less popular than Biden. It looks like the Democrats will have to fall back on their traditional three-part plan – lies, a corrupt media, and ballot box stuffing in the dead of night. If they can keep the election close, that will work again. The trick will be to hide Old Joe from the public if he’s the candidate. This week, Trump challenged Biden to debates, anywhere, anytime, and in any format. I doubt that Joe will take the bait. This will become a bigger problem for Biden the closer we get to November. One more reason to take Joe out. For who? Well, this week, Michele Obama’s spokesperson said she will “not not run for president.” Can we rely on that? I doubt it. What wasn’t said, ala LBJ was, “I will not run, nor will I accept” the nomination. Nobody ever expected her to “run.” The scenario is that, Joe gets shipped to assisted living, and Michele grudgingly agrees to be put on the ballot. And speaking of the ballot, this week, a unanimous Supreme Court ruled that State officials can’t remove Trump from the ballot for participating in a nonexistent insurrection, or for that matter, in a true insurrection. No surprise to anyone who actually read the 14th Amendment. Have the liberal rubber-stamps on the Court finally seen the light? No. They wrote an opinion saying the majority went too far by foreclosing other methods of removing candidates. The three Leftist witches, pardon me, Justices, missed the point. The Court ruled there’s only one method, and it resides in the Congress. Case closed. And now I must close this episode. Have we heard the last of the Leftist attempts to force Trump off State ballots? No. And don’t doubt me.
The Roman Republic, and then Empire, dominated the ancient world for more than 500 years. In those areas under Roman control, there was no greater honor than the grant of Roman citizenship. The US has been around less than half that time, but the prospect of American citizenship has attracted millions of immigrants to our shores. These were the people who built America, who turned an untamed land into a world power that became the envy of the world. In his farewell address in 1989, President Reagan, borrowing from the New testament and Puritan pilgrim John Winthrop, described his conception of America as “the shining city upon a hill.” “In my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here.” This was a beautiful sentiment, which perfectly described a time before our leaders had completely lost their minds. The immigrants who came to America for those first 200 years came to pursue the American Dream, and to become Americans. This was special. There is no German Dream or French Dream. You can immigrate to France, even become a French citizen, but you’ll never really be French. Not so here. America was the Melting Pot, taking in diverse peoples who emerged as Americans. It wasn’t perfect. Far from it. Our history is replete with the good, the bad, and the ugly, but at the end of the day, no matter who you were, you were better off in America than anywhere else in the world. But we’ve lost our way. We’re beset by a political Party that’s intent on running down America. They tell us we’re not “the land of the free” but the land of white oppression. As with most things Democrat, that’s a lie which is exposed by their own hypocrisy. They tell us we’re no good. America’s not an exceptional nation. Andrew Cuomo even said, “Make America great again? It never was that great.” Which was strange talk from someone who, had his ancestors not become Americans, would still be in Italy driving a donkey cart. The point is that while our nation always welcomed immigrants, we had laws that regulated immigration, to ensure that those who came were capable of supporting themselves, weren’t criminal, insane, or both, and didn’t have communicable diseases. Those laws are still on the books, but they’re being ignored and violated every day. Leftists are trying to turn the American Dream into a globalist dream, in which the US isn’t the leader of the world, but just another nation, no different than any other. But to do that, they have to drag us down to the level of every other nation, including those that Donald Trump once aptly described as “shitholes.” And they’re doing their best. Since his inauguration, Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden is responsible for permitting some 10 million illegal alien invaders into the US. Are they sick? We don’t know. Are they criminals or insane? We don’t know. Neither do we know who they really are, where they’re going to live, nor what they’ll do once they get there. The only thing we can be reasonably sure of is they need our money, and what’s worse, both the invaders and the morons running this government are convinced it’s our responsibility to pay whatever it takes to support them. Worse yet, Leftist politicians are falling all over one another to make the invaders comfortable, using your money. Democrat governors and mayors have stolen at least $517 million from the federal COVID-19 stimulus package to make cash payments to individual illegal immigrants. This was money earmarked to help American citizens weather the Wuhan Plague. In New York City, although 23% of US born kids are living below the poverty line, they’re spending 53 million of your hard-earned tax dollars to give illegal aliens prepaid debit cards, to the tune of $15,000 a year for a family of four. Is your business in trouble? Are you behind on your rent or mortgage? Screw you! The illegal aliens are now ahead of you in line. Are you a homeless military veteran? Remember that chant, “We’re number one?” Forget it. You’re now number two, because Democrats have made America a nation of the illegals, for the illegals and by the illegals. You just don’t count anymore. It puts me in mind of the angel, Clarence, in It’s a Wonderful Life. Remember, he was an angel, second class, just as you’re now a citizen, second class. But it’s all in a good cause, right? Wrong! We now have millions of invaders, sucking up our tax dollars, eating our food, crowding our schools, overburdening our health care system, and using up housing resources, many of whom not only aren’t grateful, but are robbing people, assaulting police officers, and killing Americans. No of course, not all of them are criminals. The point is, if you fail to vet any of them, you get the evil as well as the non-violent charity cases. But we’re not supposed to utter that truth. Remember when Trump came down the escalator in 2015, and said, “They’re not sending us they’re best?” He was lambasted, but he was right. He’d seen it before. In the 1980 Cuban Mariel boatlift, Castro sent us some 125,000 refugees by boat. Many in what Jimmy Carter hailed the Freedom Flotillas, became productive citizens, but many were criminals and the insane. Multiply the Cuban Marielito problem by 80 and that’s the Biden Invasion. We’re not against immigration, we’re in favor of choosing to admit only those who will make America stronger. Since 2014, about 25% of Venezuela’s population has fled that Social paradise. Hundreds of thousands came here, and with no real border, and no one looking, Venezuelan criminal gangs are rampaging through America. This is not the price we have to pay as a nation of immigrants. It’s the insult we’ve been forced to endure for electing Joe Biden. The notion that hard-working American taxpayers, already saddled with Biden inflation eating away at their ability to make ends meet, should be further burdened by having to support needy ingrates, who are just as likely to kill you as to trim your hedges, is hard to swallow. We’re the jackasses who’ve been pulling the wagon up the hill all these years, and we now have an additional 10 million people riding in the back. It’s no wonder border security is the number one political issue. If you second class citizens want to be promoted back to first class, the Democrats have to go.
This week’s title doesn’t refer to the news programs that are aired in the late evening, but rather to the alarming trend among segments of the media to ignore the obvious for years, and much later announce as “breaking news” events that they had helped to suppress. I’m referring to the supposed bombshell reporting by Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag, that the US Intelligence Community asked foreign spy agencies in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to surveil 26 associates of Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election, which fueled allegations that the former president’s campaign had been colluding with Russia. Warrantless surveillance of US persons is specifically prohibited by US law. You, no doubt, will recall that much of the impetus for what became the Trump/Russia Collusion investigation was gleaned from the phony dossier that Hillary Clinton bought from former British MI5 spy Christopher Steele, but that came later. The wheels of the conspiracy were set in motion by the CIA early in 2016, and once again let me say, this is not new information. I reported all of this stuff years ago. On March 17, 2017 in Journalism Rest in Peace, and on March 24, 2017 in Who Were Those Unmasked Men? I discussed the report that investigators wiretapped Trump Towers. The media denied it. It turned out to be true. On June 1, 2018 in Spy vs. Spy, and on June 8, 2018 in The Deep State Lives, I reported that Donald Trump and his campaign were the targets of a multi-agency investigation which included the use of government informants who planted the information that the government used to start the Russian Collusion investigation. The Democrats and the media denied the allegation as “outrageous.” Five years and eight months ago, I wrote, “CIA Director John Brennan sprang into action. The American Spectator has pieced together the sordid timeline. We were led to believe that the investigation began in May 2016, when George Papadopolous told Australian envoy Alexander Downer Russia “had dirt” on Hillary Clinton, including her emails. Now we know the truth. In March 2016, the CIA arranged for one of their informants, British academic, Joseph Mifsud, to meet with Papadopolous. In April 2016, Mifsud fed Papadopolous information that Russia had dirt on Hillary and her emails.” “Brennan shared the information with James Comey, and the FBI launched Operation Crossfire/Hurricane, which was controlled by “the Langley Working Group,” a government task force including CIA, FBI, Treasury, Justice, the DNI (James Clapper) and the NSA.” “Papadopolous later was introduced to a second CIA spy, Stefan Halper, who also passed on the “Russian dirt on Hillary” information to Papadopolous. The CIA also sent an informant to meet with Carter Page in London, perhaps the same professor Halper” who worked in London. Then, FBI agent Peter Strozk, the FBI’s conduit to CIA Director Brennan, the same agent who interviewed General Flynn, and Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton … was tasked to go to London to interview Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, to whom a drunken Papadopolous repeated what he had been told by Mifsud. So the CIA and FBI planted the story it used to begin the Trump investigation with people working for Trump. Hillary then bought the Steele dossier from a group called Fusion GPS. Steele got what he put in the dossier from Russian intelligence agents. Get that? The phony dossier that alleges Trump colluded with Russia, came from Hillary, who bought it from a guy (Steele) who got it from the the Russian FSB. You can’t make this shit up. Steele later testified under oath that the allegations in the dossier about Trump weren’t true. In 2020, declassified documents proved that the FBI misled both the Congress and the FISA Court by using the dossier, which they knew was false, to get wiretap authorizations. Nobody has gone to prison for that. They should. The intelligence agencies then sent a Russian woman linked to Fusion GPS to see Donald Trump, Jr. He threw her out, but the meeting provided a pretext for more wiretapping of Trump employees after the election. Last March, Special Counsel John Durham wrapped up a four year investigation which concluded that the FBI investigation of Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia was “seriously flawed” and had no basis in evidence. I guess “seriously flawed” means “blatantly illegal” because that’s what it was. Add to this the stonewalling by the FBI to slow-walk document releases to the Congress, the suppression of all dissent by social media outlets in 2020, which prevented most people from considering the evidence on the Hunter Biden laptop, which proves Biden Family corruption, and the utter contempt exhibited by the Media for all things Trump, and is it any wonder that we’re saddled with President Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden? I truly like Matt Taibbi, and I respect his work, but I have to ask, “Matt, what kept you?” Me and plenty of other people had this travesty figured out seven years ago. I make no claims of clairvoyance or superior intelligence, far from it. It may be that my professional background gave me an advantage. I spent most of my life investigating crimes, and much of it involved electronic surveillance. The difference was that we liked to have real evidence of wrongdoing before invading someone’s privacy. Here, the CIA and FBI made use of “evidence” they knew was either false or seriously suspect. Just for example, no honest prosecutor would touch supposed evidence from a political candidate about his or her political opponent with a ten foot pole in the lead up to an election. What was done here was 100 times worse than that. This disgraceful episode had the greasy fingerprints of Il Duce Obama all over it. Our government, you know, the same lying assholes who keep lecturing us on “threats to our democracy,” used fabricated evidence from one candidate to spy on employees of the opposing candidate. Then, when the target of their phony investigations won, they tried to run him out of office using the same phony crap. The Deep State lied, and the Media swore it all was true. And even now, years after they finally admitted that the Trump/Russia Collusion allegations were all a hoax, lying She-Wolf, Crooked Hillary Clinton, is still calling Donald Trump a Russian stooge. Heads should have rolled long ago. The other day Trump hit the right tone. Asked if he sought revenge, he said no, “my success will be the revenge.” That sounds good, but it’s really not enough.
I can’t tell you how unsatisfying it is to have the gift of seeing realities that others miss, ignore, or try to hide. I’m reminded of the R.F.K., Sr. quote, “Some men see things as they are, and say why. I dream of things that never were, and say why not.” Except, because our current state of chaos, bordering on insanity, brings on nightmares rather than dreams, my quote would be, “Some men fail to see things as they are, and say ‘That’s nice.’ I’m haunted by the way things really are, and say, ‘Snap out of it!” And so, once again, we shall revisit the prediction I made some time ago, and put into print on these pages in the column, What to do with Joe (12/1/2023). Here are some excepts from that one. “Old Joe served that purpose [getting rid of Trump], but it now looks like he’s outlived his usefulness to the Democrat Party, and it may be time for him to go.” “The problem for Democrats isn’t that Biden is inept, senile and corrupt. They’re willing to put up with that for another four years, the country be damned. The problem is that they may not be able to get Old Joe reelected.” “If Biden can’t control the Justice Department, he and other family members could be indicted. Old Joe could do a convincing Vinny the Chin impression and escape prosecution, but not the others.” This was a reference to mobster Vinny the Chin Gigante, who when the Feds were closing in on him, wandered around the streets of New York in his bathrobe to perfect an incompetency defense. It worked for Vinny, and I thought it also might work for Joe.
Only it looks like Joe may not need to bother, since the Delaware Special Counsel has decided that he won’t be charged for possessing and disclosing classified documents, primarily because, he is “an elderly man with a poor memory.” The report was remarkable, and as a lawyer very insulting, because, in order to clear Biden of doing things with classified documents much worse than the things President Trump has been accused of, the Special Counsel proved himself to be a double-talking bullshit artist, with the flexibility of a world-class contortionist. He starts out by saying, Joe Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials.” Stop right there! This satisfies the elements of two federal crimes, removing materials with the intent to retain them, and willfully disclosing them to an unauthorized person. But the Counsel didn’t stop right there. What Biden did was illegally take classified documents in 2007 as a Senator, and in 2015 and 2017 as VP. The 2015 papers related to Ukraine, from which Biden had just returned, after forcing that nation to fire the prosecutor who was about to uncover Hunter Biden’s misconduct. The 2017 papers included top secret Presidential Daily Briefs, and other documents relating to Afghanistan, marked Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmental. And unlike Donald Trump, Biden didn’t keep them in a locked room, guarded by the Secret Service. Instead, Biden put them in a broken box in his garage. He also had handwritten journals containing classified information in an unlocked drawer in his basement, and he disclosed classified information to the ghostwriter of his autobiographies. The Special Counsel found that the documents taken and held as VP were not criminal because, “As vice-president and president, Biden had the authority to keep classified documents in his home,” which raises the question, why has Trump been indicted for doing precisely that? But the Counsel went even further. Totally abandoning his proper role as a prosecutor, he found that Biden could raise as a defense his age and poor memory, making it difficult to prove he acted willfully. This after telling us that he found Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials.” In essence, the Counsel is saying Biden would have been indicted, but for the fact he’s incompetent to stand trial. This is a bombshell. The standard for incompetence to stand trial is very high. For example,right now I have a client who killed his father. When arrested, he told police he had just spoken with his dead father, who told him he was hiring a lawyer to represent him. He was found competent to stand trial. A defense of “I must have just forgotten” doesn’t cut it. In any event, if Biden’s condition even raises the remote possibility that he’s incompetent to stand trial, he has no business serving in any elected office, much less as President of the United States. Unsurprisingly, the Biden Administration has dug in. They celebrated the decision not to charge, and bashed the portion of the report questioning his competence. They’re right about one thing. If Biden indeed is incompetent, the prosecutor has no business raising such an issue. It’s what’s known as an affirmative defense that must be raised, if at all, by a criminal defendant. What’s more, if raised, it requires psychological examinations by doctors for the defendant and the government, and a court hearing. The Special Counsel had none of that. He just threw it out as an excuse not to charge Sleepy Joe, who indignantly swears he’s in full possession of his faculties. In this case, Biden kept the materials after being told by his staff it was wrong. He told the ghostwriter, “I didn’t want to turn them in.” That is an admission of wilfulness. As to the handwritten notebooks, Biden said, “The notebooks are my property. Every president before me has done the exact same thing.” So once again, why has Trump been charged with having documents he arguably could retain under the Presidential Records Act, while Biden will not be charged for having and disclosing materials he took before he was president? Good question. The Special Counsel’s explanation was that he may have thought he could legally retain them, and may have forgotten about them. Neither circumstance is a defense. To this Biden protests, “My memory is fine.” Whether it is or isn’t, the rationale used to avoid prosecution stinks. One thing is clear, at least to me. This Special Counsel report did not come when it did by coincidence. The report is just the next chapter in the plan to engineer the eventual replacement of Biden on the 2024 ticket. The Special Counsel is a cog in the Obama machine. At this writing, 86% of Americans have concluded that Biden lacks the mental acuity to be president, and 86% of Americans agree on little else. As I said in December, Joey the Chin has to go. Here’s hoping Joe remains stubborn and that his inevitable removal sparks a political bloodbath that tears the Democrat Party to pieces.
FRANK ON FRIDAY – State of Delusion
Last week Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden managed to stay up late enough to give a 68 minute State of the Union speech. You may have seen it –