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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Save the Earth; From Us

Next week the great unwashed Left, unburdened as it is by facts or reason, will celebrate the 54th annual bacchanal known as Earth Day.  They will meet, mingle, march and chant their slogans, as part of the endless pursuit of their Holy Grail – worldwide despotism.  The great philosopher Pogo once observed, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”  That’s applicable here.  The message of every Earth Day project is the message common to all Leftist schemes.  “You’re living much too well.  Your comfort is harming the planet.  You don’t deserve what you’ve got, and it’s time for you to make sacrifices.”  Of course, the pseudo-celebrities who champion this pablum are not about to make sacrifices themselves.  They will continue to live on their private estates, consuming millions of gallons of water that they want to deny to you, and flying their private jets all over the world, while lecturing you about carbon footprints.  As I’ve noted before, the Eco-activist, Green agenda is fundamentally Marxist-Socialist.  Practically the day after the Berlin Wall came down, the former Reds all became Greens.  Only the name was changed, because the goals remained the same.  De-industrialization, and iron-fisted restrictions designed to control the populace by cancelling personal freedom.  The Greens want to reduce industrial production in order to reduce consumption. They pay lip service to favoring well-paying jobs, but like all good Marxist comrades, they hate the industries that create the jobs, failing to grasp that they can’t have one without the other.  I took a look at the website for the Earth Day cult,  The eco-extremists brag that their Earth Day minions will mobilize more than one billion people.  Of course, big numbers do not necessarily translate to positive outcomes.  McDonald’s has sold more than 99 billion hamburgers, and the Greens are opposed to that, as well as to the consumption of all meat.  Too much carbon you know.  Reduce cow farts and save the Earth.  The Greenie website also proclaims, “It’s not just a day, it’s a movement.”  A good dump every morning is also a movement, and both create the same result. A load of  sh- , wait, it’s Earth Day, so let’s call it compost.  The Greens are obsessed with the notion of climate change.  They conveniently ignore the fact that drastic climate changes have occurred throughout the Earth’s history, which cannot be attributed to industrialization.  From about A.D. 900 to 1350 or so, the Earth experienced what was called the Medieval Warm Period.  Temperatures rose about 2.5 degrees, in other words, more than the current climate change alarmists are crowing about today.  The results were positive.  Much of the population relied on subsistence farming.  Agricultural production soared, permitting the expansion of non-farm  populations in cities like London and Paris.  The sudden warming supported grape vineyards in places like Norway and England, to the extent that English wines were exported to France.  The population of Europe rose to 80 million, and just in time too, because after 1347, the black plague killed more than 25 million Europeans.  The warming came to an end, and a new, colder period naturally appeared, 500 years from the 14th to the 19th centuries, which came to be called the Little Ice Age.  The point of all this is not to deny that the climate changes, that is evident.  And it’s not to deny that industry may have some effect on the climate.  The problem is, we just don’t know whether industry is fueling warmer temperatures, or whether the Earth is naturally warming once again as it did in Medieval times.  And before we listen to the climate nuts, shut down industries, put people out of jobs, and destroy people’s lives, wouldn’t it be a good idea to be sure?  I know Il Duce Obama bragged he was going to lower the level of the oceans, but if the warming is a natural part of the climate cycle of the Earth, the actions of a mere Man, or even of a supposed Messiah, won’t change it.  For that matter, it’s not even clear that the Earth is warming.  Don’t take my word for it.  Dr. Ivar Giaever won a Nobel Prize for physics in 1973.  He’s not buying the man-made global warming claims.  In 2015, Dr. Giaever announced, “I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem.”  “The facts are that in the last 100 years we have measured the temperatures it has gone up .8 degrees and everything in the world has gotten better.  So how can they say it’s going to get worse when we have the evidence?  It must be politics.” “When you have a theory and the theory does not agree with the experiment then you have to cut out the theory.  You were wrong with the theory.” Giaever’s own climate research was eye opening.  “I was horrified by what I found.”  “Global warming really has become a new religion.  Because you cannot discuss it.  It’s not proper. It is like the Catholic Church.”  Amen brother.  And therein lies the problem with the Earth Day crowd.  They’re driven, not by science, but by a religious fervor. initiatives include ending plastics.  They’re made from oil, and discarded plastic is polluting the oceans.  Rather than just prevent the dumping, the goal is to end the use of all plastics.  Of course, without plastics, the world we know cannot exist.  Even the electric cars the climate nuts crave cannot be manufactured without plastic components.  Medical equipment that saves and prolongs lives are plastics.  Food freshness, safety, and availability depends on plastic packaging.  No matter, climate cultists are willing to sacrifice your quality of life to maintain their purity, and if it kills you, they’re good with that.  Climate Uber Alles.  All you need to know about Earth Day is that it was the creation of Ira Einhorn and Paul Erlich, two different men with the same agenda.  Einhorn, an associate of Yippie leader Abbie Hoffman, cared more about climate than human life.  He murdered his girlfriend, hid her body in a trunk, and later absconded to France to escape justice.  Erlich, wrote, The Population Bomb, in 1968, which predicted worldwide starvation if the world’s population continued to grow.  Since he wrote the book, the population doubled, and obesity is a worldwide problem.  Simply put, he was wrong about that, and just about every other thing he and his cult are trying to sell the world.  The bottom line is that the eco-nuts are blinded by their ideological purity.  Like all Leftists, they can’t see that the perfect is the enemy of the good.  No one opposes initiatives that would improve the environment, but that’s not enough for them.  Gluing yourself to the road, and shouting, “Do what we say, or the world ends Tuesday,” isn’t an effective way to convince people that you’re serious.  I’d say, “Happy Earth Day,” but it’s proponents are never happy.

FRANK ON FRIDAY – Shake, Rattle, and Roll

In case you’ve been in a sensory deprivation chamber, or hiding under a rock since last Friday, you may not have heard the news.  On April 5, at about 10:23 am, we had a magnitude 4.8 earthquake here in New Jersey.  Ever since that time, we have heard of little else (other than the April 8 solar eclipse, which has engendered almost as much hype and hysteria).  Now, I’m certainly not downplaying the potential damage that an earthquake may cause.  Major earthquakes can be devastating.  The 2010 7.0 earthquake in Haiti killed more than 300,000 people.  By far the place in the US which experiences the strongest earthquakes is Alaska, which lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire.  A 1964 9.2 quake there killed more than 100 people.  The 1906, 7.9, San Francisco quake was our most deadly, taking more than 3,000 lives.  Property damage can be extensive.  The 1989 Northern California 6.9 quake took down part of the Oakland Bay Bridge.  Then again, one wayward container ship just took down all of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, and there was no earthquake.  But back to last Friday’s apocalyptic natural disaster.  The 4.8 quake, centered near White House Station, was the third strongest recorded NJ quake.  There was a 5.3 in Rockaway in 1783, and a 5.2 in Weehauken in 1737.  The problem I have with all the hype about this latest quake is that there’s never been even one fatality caused by an earthquake in New Jersey.  Even way back in 1783, when building standards didn’t exist, the most damage caused was that a few chimneys toppled over.  But I guess last Friday was a slow news day, because that’s all we’ve heard about ever since.  Sure, the shaking can be scary.  I learned of it from my daughters, who texted “did you feel that?”  We didn’t.  Although reports are that the quake was felt from Maine to Virginia, we were in Monmouth County and didn’t feel a thing.  And so far as I can tell, the only report of damage that’s been made is from Newark (New Jersey’s own Haiti), over 40 miles from the epicenter of the quake, where some residents reported that the quake caused their homes to shift and lean.  No offense, but I saw the houses on the news, and they looked like they began leaning when FDR was in the White House.  I guess if you don’t have a student loan to forgive, you have to find another way to get some federal money.  I get that earthquakes in New Jersey are pretty rare, so that may account for the hysteria.  But that being said, earthquakes aren’t rare.  In 2023, there were more than 500,000 earthquakes worldwide.  Most were minor magnitude quakes but there were 16,000 quakes over 4.0 magnitude, that’s better than 4 a day.  Why all the earthquakes?  Well, it’s not the reason given by a Green Party candidate for Senate here in New Jersey.  Kristina Amira Khalil, who based on her photo appears to be an amiable idiot, contributed this to the dumbing down of America, “I experienced my first earthquake in NJ.  We never get earthquakes.  The climate crisis is real.  The weirdest experience ever.”  And she wants to replace Robert Menendez in the Senate.  Then again, maybe she’s an upgrade.  For the record, climate change is not the cause of earthquakes, any more than it’s the reason we had a solar eclipse on April 8; and yes, I heard Leftist idiots propose that too.  Let’s take the second one first.  We have solar eclipses because, purely by chance, the Sun happens to be 400 times bigger than the Moon, and the Moon also happens to be 400 times further from the Sun than it is from the Earth.  The result is that, when the Moon and Sun pass before one another, from our perspective on the Earth, they appear to be the same size.  Earthquakes occur for another reason, which also has nothing to do with climate change.  I’ll make this simple enough for even a Senate candidate to understand.  The Earth has a molten iron center, which is under great pressure, and our landmasses lay on tectonic plates which are separated by cracks we call fault lines.  When the plates rub together mountains arise, and the sliding of plates and fault lines sometimes causes earthquakes, as the pressure is released.  This process has been ongoing for more than 4 billion years.  The process is driven by what’s under the Earth, and not by an atmosphere surrounding the Earth.  Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes have been happening since the Earth was born, including for the billions of years before there was any life on Earth and before there was any CO2 or oxygen in the atmosphere.  Simply put, there were earthquakes before there was a climate.  Case closed.  So on the next rare occasion when we in New Jersey experience the Earth shake, rattle, and roll, don’t feel guilty about your carbon footprint.  It’s just Mother Earth showing us who’s the boss.

FRANK ON FRIDAY – The Last Reasonable Man

This week, I note with sorrow the passing of former Senator Joseph Lieberman, who represented Connecticut in the Senate from 1989 to 2013.  At a time when our politics has become more divisive than at any time save the years before the Civil War, Joe Lieberman was the voice of reason, and in truth, he may have been the last reasonable Democrat.  At age 82, Lieberman died suddenly on March 27, reportedly after a fall at home.  An obituary in The Wall Street Journal referred to Lieberman as a “Party gadfly.”  That label trivializes the man’s accomplishments.  A gadfly is an irritating critic, or a nuisance.  What Joe Lieberman was was the conscience of a Democrat Party which had become increasingly intolerant to dissent of any kind.  Joe Lieberman was the embodiment of the American dream.  Born to Jewish immigrants, he attended Yale University, where he became the editor of the Yale Daily News.  He went on to Yale Law School, and served as Attorney General of Connecticut before his election to the Senate in 1988.  When first elected, Connecticut was split between Democrats and Republicans.  During his tenure in the Senate, things changed.  Connecticut went to the Left.  The Parties moved farther and farther apart.  Politics became more and more divisive.  But Joe Lieberman never changed.  He was from a different, more reasonable time.  Unquestionably liberal on social issues, Joe Lieberman was no ideologue.  He was less concerned with what the Democrat Party line demanded, and more concerned with doing what was right.  He angered Democrats by supporting the war in Iraq.  It cost him dearly.  In 2006, he was defeated in the Democrat primary by Leftist Ned Lamont.  Instead of just going away, Lieberman ran as an Independent and won, getting 70% of the Republican vote.  It is one of the persistent ironies of the Democrat Party, which blathers constantly about bipartisanship, that a candidate who truly is able to reach across the aisle, is reviled rather than being embraced.  For Democrats, bipartisanship means they tell Republicans what to do, and they just do it.  Lieberman later supported the candidacy of John McCain in 2008, angering Il Duce Obama.  He incurred the wrath of the Almighty again in 2010, when he blocked a Democrat scheme to impose a Socialist single-payer healthcare system, during the debate on what became known as Obamacare (the Unaffordable Care Act).  After retiring from the Senate in 2012, Lieberman refused to endorse Il Duce Obama for reelection.  He later became the head of the No Labels Party, which every four years threatens to run an Independent candidate for president.  This year is no exception.  In his last days, Lieberman lashed out at the detestable Chuck Schumer, who had called for the replacement of Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, labeling his criticism, “meaningless, gratutitous, and and offensive.”  As you will remeber, it was the detestable Chuck Schumer who famously warned Donald Trump that, “If you criticize the intelligence establishment, they can get back at you six ways to Sunday.”  That may turn out to be the only thing Schumer ever said that was true.  The intelligence establishment tormented Trump for 6 years.  In any case, a week after his criticism of Schumer, Lieberman was dead, and with him went the last voice of reason in the Democrat Party.  Ronald Reagan was fond of reminding people that he once was a Democrat, quipping, “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, it left me.”  Sadly, that is the truth.  While the Republican Party is plagued by a few of its own unmovable ideologues to be sure, what has become of the Democrat Party in the past 40 to 50 years is shocking.  For those whose political information is limited to lies from MSNBC, half-truths from CNN, and fantasies from The New York Times, let me set the record straight.  Democrats may still pay homage to John F. Kennedy, but he would be unwelcome in today’s Democrat Party.  He was elected by being perceived as stronger on national defense than Richard Nixon.  He was succeeded by LBJ, who engineered the enactment of Medicare, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act, and who launched the War on Poverty.  Despite these liberal programs, LBJ was considered a conservative by mainstream Democrats in the 1960’s, and he’s never mentioned by today’s crop of nuts.  LBJ’s Vice-President, Hubert Humphrey was to the Left of LBJ, so much so, the LBJ referred to him as “a bomb thrower.”  However liberal Humphrey was, he would not be insane enough to fit in with today’s Democrat Party.  In the Broadway show Evita, there’s a song with the lyric, “Politics, the art of the possible.”  It once was just that.  Consensus was not only a positive, it was an imperative.  Our politics has moved from the art of the possible to the enforcement of purity.  The result is stalemate at a time when the problems of the world cry out for action.  They used to say you don’t want to see how sausage or laws are made.  Right now, legislative gridlock has reached the point where nothing is being made, while we fall deeper into debt, and become ever more vulnerable to our enemies.  Joe Lieberman represented a time when finding the middle ground meant you were a Statesman, and not a traitor.  His voice will be sorely missed.


Attainder, huh?  Okay, you may be asking, what’s he talking about now?  I’ll explain.  In English criminal law, an attainder was the “stain” or “corruption of the blood” which arose from being condemned for a serious crime, meaning a felony or treason.  The defendant who was attainted not only lost his life, but his property, his hereditary titles, and the right to pass them on to his heirs.  The practical result of an attainder was the removal of the defendant, and the confiscation of everything he owned by the Crown.  Think of the old Errol Flynn movie, The Adventures of Robin Hood.  King John declares Robin Hood an outlaw, and steals all his land and other property.  Monarchs used attainders against political enemies and those who posed potential threats to the King’s position and security.  Attainder was a handy tool, which not only did away with real or imagined political opponents, but also made the monarch even richer.  Sound familiar?  Once attainted, the descendants of the noble could no longer inherit their lands or income.  Attainder essentially amounted to the legal death of the attainted’s family.  Attainder by verdict resulted from conviction by jury.  Attainder by process resulted from a legislative act outlawing a fugitive; a bill of attainder.  This form of attainder made it unnecessary to go to court where one would have to deal with pesky things like evidence and burdens of proof.  The U.S. Constitution prohibits bills of attainder.  What does this fascinating history lesson have to do with life in the 21st Century?  I’m getting there.  Because Democrats and their leftist comrades consider the Constitution merely an obstacle standing in the way of their iron-fisted dictatorship, they are practicing attainder even as I speak.  The feudal Lord who is the subject of this latest attainder is, of course, one John Donald Trump, former President of the United States, Duke of (New) York, builder, billionaire, and erstwhile thorn in the ass of the bilious bastards who populate the Establishment of both political Parties.  Attainder was most commonly used on people who were charged with treason.  In England, treason included not only killing or attempting to kill the King, but even the act of imagining the death of the King.  A charge of treason could result from participation in an insurrection.  Uh oh, there’s that word again.  Sound familiar?  For a number of years now, the Establishment, consisting of Democrats, assorted other leftists, and RINO Republicans, has been hard at work trying to impose attainder on Donald Trump, his family, and any other person who has dared to provide aid and comfort to the treasonous Duke Donald.  Trump is considered to be a traitor.  Not a traitor to the United States, as that term is defined by the Constitution, which limits treason to “levying War against the United States, or adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”  Trump’s crime is much worse than that.  Think about it.  The Left is levying war against the United States every day, by bankrupting the treasury, admitting millions of illegal alien invaders, and cancelling law enforcement, thus putting citizens at risk of death or serious bodily injury.  Trump is much more dangerous than that, and for that reason, the Establishment is pursuing the attainder of Trump, both by verdict and by process.  The attainder by process began in 2016, when officers of the Crown, namely Il Duce Obama, a/k/a King Barrack I, and more specifically, the Justice Department, FBI, CIA, and other agencies, conspired to prevent Trump’s election, and to remove him from office once elected.  These agencies basically declared Trump an outlaw, so anything went.  Attainder by process continued, in the guise of two phony impeachments.  Trump’s crime?  Imagining that someone from outside the Establishment could be President, and then actually making that happen.  You see, Trump knew better than to do that.  For years, he supported the Establishment with contributions.  He understood the way the system worked.  You paid the political crooks, then they left you alone and provided their influence.  But he rebelled.  In 2016, Trump took on the Establishment and defeated it at its own game.  That did it.  In 2016, they declared Trump an outlaw, who was subject to attainder.  And even after the 2020 election, which replaced Trump with Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden, a/k/a Mad King Joe, the pursuit of attainder continued, again, both by process and by verdict.  The attempts to remove Trump from State ballots is nothing more than an attempted attainder by process.  Royal Attorney General Merrick Garland has unleashed the Grand Inquisitor and Lord High Executioner, Jack Smith, to pursue attainder by verdict by indicting Duke Donald for what amounts to an imaginary insurrection in Washington, D.C., and the heinous act of maintaining classified records, as every President before him has done without objection.  Mad King Joe then enlisted other servants of the Crown, Letitia James, the Bailiff of New York, Alvin Bragg, the High Sheriff of Manhattan, and Fani Willis, the Countess of Fulton (Georgia) to pursue attainders by verdict.  Recently, Lord High Justice Arthur Engeron –

(No offense, but in my opinion he looks like an evil vindictive prick) – ordered Trump to pay $454 million to New York State, and put a monitor in charge of his businesses, for an imaginary fraud involving inflated real estate values (the hallmark of every real estate developer), which defrauded no one.  These lawsuits and indictments seek to imprison Trump for the rest of his life, and to seize all his assets, his businesses, and his ability to hand down any property to his descendants.  They’re even looking forward to removing the name “Trump” from everything he ever has built.  They used to do that in ancient Rome.  Right after they murdered an Emperor, they removed his name and likeness from all statues and public monuments.  Some things never change.  So, life in prison, all property seized, and the Trump name forever erased from the public consciousness.  In other words, attainder.  Don’t forget, attainder was the remedy to remove potential threats to the Crown.  Mad King Joe, and his leftist courtiers want to remain in power.  That’s the only reason for all the lawsuits, indictments, and 24 hour a day bashing of Trump.  It’s necessary, because Trump really is a threat.  Simply put, the Establishment wants to take Trump’s life, estates, and property, so they can continue to take your property and your freedom.  So, the next time Trump says “they’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you,” believe it.


FRANK ON FRIDAY – Still a Shithole

The failed State which is Haiti is back in the news.  Independent for more than 200 years, Haiti never has had a stable government.  It’s been ruled by a variety of dictators, juntas, and thieves, all of whom have been purged by violence.  The latest purge took out the latest weak ruler, Ariel Henry, who made the mistake of traveling to Puerto Rico, and now can’t return.  A number of violent gangs now control Haiti, the biggest of which is run by a thug called “Barbeque,” due to his habit of setting rivals on fire.  Charming.  The poorest, most corrupt nation on Earth is now in the hands of blatant criminals, instead of being in the hands of criminals masquerading as government officials.  Of course, Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden is inviting fleeing Haitians to come here.  It all put me in mind of the 2018 Donald Trump “Shithole” controversy.  At that time, Trump questioned the wisdom of admitting people from “shithole countries.”  I addressed the issue on these pages on January 18, 2018, to prove Trump was right.  Here’s part of it again.

(From Frank on Friday, 1/18/18) –

Trump asked “why the U.S. would want to continue taking in more people from shithole countries like Haiti and some African nations.  The Dems and the media predictably went nuts, calling Trump a racist who defamed nations like Haiti.  The problem is that truth is a defense.  In other words, you can only be defamed by false statements.  If Haiti really is a shithole, then Trump was right.  Let’s take a look at Haiti.  In 1788, there were 47,000 free people and 700,000 slaves in Haiti.  In 1792, the French colonial masters abolished slavery.  In 1800, the newly freed Haitians revolted against the French, and set up their own State.  In 1802, Napoleon tried to put down the revolution.  He sent 57,000 troops to Haiti.  But the Haitians won, because within months, 50,000 Frenchmen died of yellow fever.  The French gave up, presumably having concluded that Haiti was a shithole.  The U.S. profited however, as Haitian war losses led France to sell Louisiana to the U.S.  I’m not sure if we should thank the Haitians for that, or yellow fever.  In 1804, Haitian President Jean-Jacques Dessalines launched the First Empire, and declared himself Emperor for Life, which sounds a lot like Idi Amin, who later ran another shithole, Uganda.  Dessalines ordered the massacre of all whites who did not swear allegiance to him, but spared women who agreed to marry non-white men.  Thomas Jefferson and most of the world refused to recognize Haiti.  Things did not improve.  In 1809, nearly 10,000 refugees, knowing a shithole when they saw one, fled Haiti and settled en masse in New Orleans, doubling the city’s population.  Sound familiar?  In 1824, more than 6,000 African Americans migrated to Haiti.  Many quickly returned to the U.S., presumably preferring a slave nation to freedom in a Haitian shithole.  In 1825, the Haitian government promised the French 150 million francs, later reduced to 90 million, for independence.  It took Haiti 122 years to pay the bill.  The U.S. occupied Haiti for some years starting in 1915, after the assassination of Haiti’s president, Vilbrun Guillaume Sam.  Apparently Haitians were upset by Sam’s habit of killing political prisoners.  The Duvaliers, brutal dictators, ran Haiti from 1957 to 1986, during which time they killed more than 60,000 Haitians and stole $500 million.  When a country robs, starves and murders its own people, it’s probably a shithole.  In the 1990’s, Jean-Bertrand Aristede staged a coup and took over the government.  He later fled the country, after a revolt in Northern Haiti.  When your elected leaders flee their own country, it’s probably a shithole.  But how about the weather?  Housing is so deficient in Haiti that lives are at risk whenever there’s a storm.  If thousands die and tens of thousands are left homeless every time it rains hard, it’s probably a shithole.  The 2010 earthquake left 300,000 Haitians dead, and 1.6 million homeless.  How’s the infrastructure doing years later?  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers assessed the damage from the quake and found that many of the roads aren’t any worse than they were before, because they never were any good.  If a massive earthquake couldn’t make the roads worse, it’s probably a shithole.  What about the Haitian people?  Well, they are largely uneducated, and unskilled.  More than 40% of them are unemployed.  The International Red Cross reports that seven out of ten Haitians live on less than $2 a day.  It is one of the poorest, and by far, the most corrupt nation on Earth.  If it’s the poorest and the most corrupt, it’s probably a shithole.  The commune of Cité Soleil in Port-au-Prince has been called “the most dangerous place on Earth” by the United Nations.  If even the U.N. calls it that, it’s probably a shithole.  Not that the U.N. has been much help.  The massive cholera outbreak, that killed 10,000 Haitians, reportedly was caused when cholera-infected waste from a U.N. peacekeeping station contaminated the country’s main river.  But at least they have their health, right?  Wrong.  The World Health Organization cites diarrheal diseases, HIV/AIDS, meningitis, and respiratory infections as common causes of death in Haiti.  Ninety percent of Haiti’s children suffer from waterborne diseases and intestinal parasites. The incidence of tuberculosis in Haiti is more than ten times as high as in the rest of Latin America, and malaria is rampant.  Putting aside whether these diseases are the result of living in a shithole, give me one good reason why the U.S. should be importing infected men, women, and children; children who will be added to your kid’s class in school.  You can’t get your U.S. citizen child into school without vaccinations, but infected Haitians, come on up!  But wait, Haiti, at least is supposed to be a democracy.  They do have elections.  The U.S. even gave Haiti $33 million to ensure fair legislative and presidential elections in 2015.  It didn’t help.  A special verification panel declared the results “tainted by significant fraud.”  No, we didn’t get a refund.  I don’t want to influence the readers.  Make up your own minds.  In light of the foregoing, is Haiti a shithole, or not?  It’s really not about whether using the word “shithole” was a good idea.  Take “shithole” out of the equation, and convince me why we should be importing more unskilled, poor people, who don’t speak English, from places like Haiti.  I can’t think of a good reason.  Trump was right again.”

I rest my case. And now Biden is inviting the shithole denizens to bring their problems here.  Maybe Barbeque will come over too.  If he starts burning people over here, the only thing the Leftists will complain about is the carbon footprint of the corpse.  It’s sick out there and getting sicker.