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FRANK ON FRIDAY- A Show About Nothing

In 1992, Seinfeld was a popular TV show.  In one famous episode, Jerry was approached by NBC to create a TV series, a show on TV about a show on TV.  He complained to George that he couldn’t think of an idea for a show.  Undaunted, George said, “How hard is it, look at the junk on TV.”  He then told the TV executives, “I can sum up the show fo you in one word, ‘nothing.'”  They were skeptical.  “What about stories?”  “No stories.  I got up and came to work.  That’s a show.”  They asked, “Why am I watching it?”  George gave them the perfect answer, “Because it’s on TV.”

It occurred to me that the Harris-Walz campaign is just a rerun of that Seinfeld episode.  It’s all a show, but nothing is real, and nothing is related to policy or governance.  It’s truly a show about nothing.

The Kamala campaign is being orchestrated to take advantage of the fact the Vice-Presidents really don’t matter.  Few Americans can name all 46 Presidents of the United States.  How many could name even 20 Vice-Presidents, much less tell you who ran with who?  John Adams called the Vice Presidency “the most insignificant office ever devised.”  Vice-President John Nance Garner was even more succinct, the office, he declared, “Isn’t worth a warm bucket of spit.”

Simply put, Vice-Presidents are largely invisible,  Nobody knows, or cares, what they do, or where they go.  As a result, when one of them gets shoved into the foreground, and when that person is a Democrat, the media can attempt to introduce him or her as “new and improved,” or as the current ad campaign goes, “A centrist, whose positions are “right down the middle.”

They’re counting on the fact that the electorate will never ask, “Right down the middle of what?”  If that ever happened, and the truth somehow slipped out, it would immediately become apparent that Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and the rest of the left-wing Socialist cabal, are “right down the middle,” in between the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks.

The point is that the Kamala phenomenon that has boosted her poll numbers of late is all a carefully crafted illusion.  Kamala is a creature of the Teleprompter.  Biden had to be abandoned because he could no longer convincingly read the lies.  Kamala can do at least that much.  She is the queen of the quip and the soundbite.

They don’t dare let her speak off the cuff, because bad things happen.  Look forward to two more months of her taking no questions, and simply parroting the same tried and true lines, and lies.  Kamala likes to repeat the catch phrase, “What can be, unburdened by what has been.” Maybe she thinks it’s Kennedyesque, stealing RFK’s “Some men see things as they are and ask,’Why?’ I dream things that never were and ask, ‘Why not?'”

The difference is that RFK really had some ideas, and Kamala has only punchlines.  For Kamala (or is it Scamala?), what I think her tag line means is that she considers herself unburdened by whatever wild-eyed, leftist, Commie position she has taken in the past, because now, she can be the President.

That must be what she means, because a fair evaluation of  “what Kamala has been” would impose a crippling burden upon what she thinks she can be.  What Kamala has been is the most radical Democratic-Socialist in the Congress.  She comes by it honestly, though, as her father is, get a load of this, a Marxist economist, who teaches at Stanford University.

Marxist economics actually is a really easy subject to master.  The government owns everything, they tell you what to do, and you better do it, or else.  In Kamala’s case, the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree.

Kamala is in favor of the so-called Green New Deal, which is an anti-industrial, extreme left wing fever dream, designed to do away with oil and gas, in favor of “renewable energy,” which, I guess, means solar and wind power, which can’t run today’s power grid, and will never be able to run the power grid of tomorrow, which will require double the power we use today.  Kamala doesn’t care.  She supports spending $3 trillion a year for 25 years to finance this boondoggle.  She doesn’t consider a $75 trillion bill to be a burden.

Kamala, who was the Border Czar, did absolutely nothing to stem the flood of illegal aliens, welcoming more than 10 million invaders the past three years.  She now says, as President she will get the border under control.  Of course, as Czar, she told us that the border was secure when 10 million invaders came in.  But her past record doesn’t burden Kamala.

Throughout her Vice-presidency, Kamala swore to us that Joe Biden was “as sharp as a tack.”  Joe tells us that he and Kamala were partners on all policy decisions.  Kamala lied to us about the state of Joe’s dementia, but she’s unburdened by was has been, and is focused on what may be.

In 2020, in Tim Walz’s Minnesota, Kamala was unburdened by the riots that burned businesses and killed people. She bailed out the criminals and tried to defund the police. The residents of Minnesota are carrying her burden to this day.

Kamala also is unburdened by the Constitution of the United States.  She keeps talking about a federal abortion mandate, despite the fact that the Supreme Court has ruled that abortion is a State issue.  No President and no Congress has the authority to mandate anything to do with the abortion issue.  Kamala doesn’t care that she’s defying the Supreme Court on abortion, any more than Biden cares about defying the Supreme Court on student loan debt forgiveness.

Most importantly, this year, Kamala has been unburdened by the necessity of running a campaign, and discussing her positions on the issues.  The Democrats can pretend that Kamala is a centrist for only one reason.  She didn’t have to campaign against other Democrats, and prove to the freaks and perverts who vote in Democrat primaries that she was the most extreme left-wing Socialist in the contest.

As this is written, Democrats and their lap dog media are working full time to erase Kamala’s past and to create a fictitious Kamala Harris, who they can sell to unsuspecting Americans.  George Orwell predicted this in 1984, “‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’”

The Harris/Walz campaign is a political souffle, consisting largely of air and fluff.  We must hope that the Trump campaign can shine enough light on the Harris myth to deflate that Socialist souffle.  Democrats like to say that sunshine is the best disinfectant.  When the light of truth shines on Kamala’s positions on important issues, the Socialist infection that is Kamala should be wiped out.

Spread the word.  The Harris/Walz campaign is a show about nothing.  Its slogan should be,”What we can get away with, unburdened by substance.”

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