
"Preserve, Protect and Condemn explores the future of government controlled healthcare in America. The bad news is that you might not have one."

FRANK ON FRIDAY – About 38 Years Late

We seem to be living in the world visualized by George Orwell in his novel 1984.  The parallels are eerie and a bit frightening.  In 1984, the ruling Party was made up of iron-fisted socialists who controlled every aspect of life.  Sound familiar?  The Democrats currently running 100% of the federal government appear to be using 1984 as their playbook.  Instead of “Make America Great Again” the Dem slogan seems to be “Make America Oceania.”  We now live in an Orwellian world.  The only difference is that, instead of having Big Brother watching us, we’ve got the Big Bungler, stumbling, mumbling, and trying to shake hands with invisible people.  Our leader doesn’t have to watch us himself.  He’s got help.  We’re all being watched all the time by the NSA, the FBI, Google, MSN, Firefox, Chrome, your iPhone (which means the Chinese), Siri and Alexa.  So it’s all Oceania all the time.  The Left practices Orwell’s double-think.  If you’ve ever listened to Jen Psaki or MSNBC, which I guess is redundant, you’ve heard double-speak, the habit of claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts.  Democrats exhibit a willingness to say that black is white when the Party line requires it.  And if you’ve ever spoken to a regressive Democrat, you know they have the ability to believe that black is white, and and to be certain that no one has ever believed otherwise.  As in Oceania, leftists also hear an opponent say “black” when what he really said was “white.”  The world in 1984 was a world of perpetual war.  We’ve got people in both Parties trying to push us into military actions all over the world.  They thrive on perpetual war, and as in 1984, they tailor our supposed enemies to fit their current agendas.  In WWII, Russia was our ally, then they were the Evil Empire, then allies again, and now, according to Democrats, they are responsible for all the world’s ills.  That’s just one example.  Sadam Hussein?  Ally, Villain, Enemy, and then Outlaw.  In 1984, the government practiced Newspeak, constantly changing what was considered “acceptable” language to make the expression of “heretical” thoughts impossible.  In our world, the Left seeks to cancel and ruin anyone who dares to believe “all lives matter,” when the “acceptable” belief is that only “black lives matter.”  And dare you utter the wrong pronoun to the wrong person, you’re fired.  And as in 1984, the Left seeks to prosecute “thought crimes,” a person’s politically unorthodox thoughts, such as unspoken beliefs and doubts that contradict political orthodoxy.  Oceania had a Ministry of Truth, whose job it was to lie, and to rewrite history to make it coincide with the lie of the day.  Ever seen a Biden press event?  The 1984 Ministry of Plenty actually managed rationing of scarce resources.  We have a Secretary of Energy who is on the record as saying that oil should be left in the ground, so we can use nonexistent renewable energy sources.  Just this week, it was announced that the economy contracted by 1.4%.  Sleepy Joe celebrated the expansion.  Oceania relied on censorship, surveillance and the perpetuation of inequality, but told the people they were being given truth, freedom, and equality.  That sounds like any MSNBC host.  To our leaders, dissent is insurrection, and democracy can only be saved by canceling our freedoms.  George Orwell would be proud.  My comparisons to 1984 should not be doubted.  If you need evidence, just consider the current flap over Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter.  Picture it.  The Left controls all three branches of government, and nearly all of the media companies on Earth.  If the Left’s delusion that they alone are speaking the truth and  protecting democracy was real, ask yourself why they would be so afraid that the opportunity for free speech might return to Twitter.  In other words, if they’re right, then how can a differing opinion hurt them? Not convinced?  The Department of Homeland Security is setting up a Disinformation Governance Board in an attempt to combat “misinformation” online.  So now, they not only claim “silence is violence,” but speech is violence too.  Such a Disinformation Board is , of course, wildly unconstitutional.  The Left has transformed America from a nation of laws that protected minorities, into a land where the law is no more than a distraction, and where the entire country is being forced to hop from one foot to another while pretending that there are an unlimited number of genders, men can be women and vice versa, and where the least particle of dissent triggers the useless college-educated class, people we for some reason call “influencers,” to run for their safe spaces.  Biden’s State of New-Oceania paints America as a land of weakness, senility, and impotence.  The poster-boy for Biden’s America is Uncle Sucker, who handcuffs the police, encourages criminals to run amok, permits illegal aliens to enter at will and then subsidizes their crimes, while at the same time telling its own citizens nothing can be done about inflation, so they will just have to sacrifice their rights, their livelihoods, and the futures of their children.  Is it any wonder that Russia is threatening nuclear war, the Chinese are poised to take over the world, and America’s a laughing stock all over the world?  Power abhors a vacuum.  If a strong America is unable or unwilling to lead the world, then the totalitarian tyrants will fill the void.  Then, God help us.  All this may sound bleak, but I’m barely warming up.  We are fast approaching a point of no return.  If we don’t soon turn America back from the brink of insanity, it will be too late.  Abraham Lincoln understood this, “America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”  Nikita Khrushchev agreed, “We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”  Unless we stop the insanity, America will decay from the inside out, will collapse into irrelevancy, and darkness will envelop the world.  Forget about Party labels.  Urge your friends and neighbors to vote for sanity, not for Republicans or conservatives, but simply to protect themselves.  A sane America isn’t the land of racism, white supremacy, or intolerance, it’s just America.

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