Being the shameless political whores they are, it didn’t take Democrats long to capitalize on the Parkland school shootings to call for another round of “sensible” gun control measures. They don’t have any idea what constitutes a “sensible” gun control measure, but then they are no more interested in taking sensible measures to protect the public than they are interested in ending the DACA immigration issue. If this seems a bit cynical, keep in mind that the Democrats aren’t outraged by all school shootings, only the ones that support their agenda. You’ve heard about Parkland morning noon and night. However, the media has said nothing about the Great Mills High School shooting in Maryland. That seems strange, as the People’s Republic of Maryland is a blue a State as there is. It’s not strange. The Democrats have nothing to gain from the Great Mills incident because an armed guard shot and killed the attacker. Democrats don’t want armed security at schools. If they had their way, the only people who would have guns would be the heavily armed bodyguards who protect their asses. The Parkland incident understandably left scores of students traumatized. They were in shock, confused, hurting and angry. That made them vulnerable, and their vulnerability made them the perfect tools to be used for the purposes of the Left. They displayed them on television at every opportunity. It was heartbreaking. Pitiful children pushed in front of microphones to plead that finally it is time for action. What action? They don’t know, but they are sure that it’s a “simple” matter. A leader emerged from the student ranks, self-professed gun control activist David Hogg. He has demanded immediate gun control, he has demanded that the most popular rifle in America be federally prohibited, that the NRA be regarded as a haven for “child murderers,” that Americans boycott Amazon, FedEx, and the state of Florida, and that Governor Rick Scott take responsibility for the failures of others. Hogg has demanded that public officials must listen to him. President Trump invited Hogg to the White House for a “listening session,” but Hogg hung up the phone and refused to go, instead denouncing the President as a coward. Hogg is a perfect foil for the Left because he checks every left-wing box. He criticized the federal response to the hurricane in Puerto Rico, made comments in support of funding for wind and solar power, injected himself into Florida’s senatorial election, and suggested that, as a matter of general policy, cops cannot be expected to protect the citizenry if they believe they might be outgunned. You really can’t blame poor David Hogg for all this, he’s a product of his environment. According to him, his father worked for the “lack of candor” FBI and his mother works for fake news CNN. No wonder Democrats like him. Hogg played a key role in the so-called March for Our Lives in Washington on March 24th. This was the march advertised as a grass roots outpouring of the righteous indignation of young people. In truth less than 10% of the marchers were young. The rest were the usual suspects, dredged up from the “Pussy Hat” women’s march, the SEIU, other unions, and assorted other lefties. And grass roots my ass. Assorted Hollywood phonies ponied up $500,000 apiece to rent buses for the “children.” George Soros did his part to increase the disharmony – it’s his specialty. Anyhow, I am the only one who perceives the logical inconsistency that the “March for Our Lives” was organized by Panned Parenthood? David Hogg continues to make demands, and the media continues to sell the false narrative that children, not old enough to vote, should dictate what the law must be to our elected legislators. Hogg became a media darling, his every utterance splashed across the news. He called the president a coward, Florida Governor Rick Scott Harry Potter villain Voldemort, and Marco Rubio a murderer. He sees it as his duty to fix the gun problem himself because, “Our old ass parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to.” A lovely sentiment, no? But Mr. Hogg has proven to have a condition which afflicts most bloviating liberals. He can dish it out, but he can’t take it. Hogg complained in a tweet that he was not accepted by several colleges. Fox host Laura Ingraham dared to tweet back, suggesting that Hogg was whining about his college rejections. (which he was) That’s all she said. Hogg immediately called for a boycott of Ingraham’s advertisers, and she was roundly denounced for “cyber-bullying.” Even worse, some advertisers left her show. Two things. First, if you consider a simple disagreement or criticism “cyber-bullying,” then Hogg and those like him should either stay out of the public debate or seek help. Secondly, and more importantly, David Hogg is riding for a big fall if he doesn’t understand that his 15 minutes of fame are about the gun violence issue, and not about him. So here’s some advice David – political activism is all well and good, and if you want to mobilize like-minded people to your cause, have at it; but understand some things. First of all, America isn’t a “democracy,” it’s a constitutional republic. The loudest voices don’t get to dictate policy. Moreover, you might learn a thing or two from the “old ass parents” you’ve disparaged. Gun violence is a serious problem that deserves serious attention. But me and the “old ass” individuals who came before me, understood and understand that America was able to retain its republic through all those years before David Hogg arrived precisely because we didn’t tear up the Constitution and permit the government to destroy individual liberty whenever something bad happened. Perhaps that’s the difference between children and adults. And by the way, David, your right to insult those you disagree with comes from the same supreme law of the land that you would tear up in pursuit of “gun control.” A government that can cancel the Second Amendment can just as easily cancel the First.
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