On Sunday night, Patricia Arquette was handed an Academy Award for her work in some movie that has been seen by surprisingly few people. Instead of a simple “thank you,” we were treated to an angry demand for pay equality for women. My reaction was, “what an imbecile!” Of course, the audience of similarly afflicted Hollywood imbeciles immediately erupted, cheering her on. No surprise there. Have you ever noticed that liberals are always in favor of fixing problems that don’t really exist? “We need to spend more on a social safety net for the poor!” Perhaps a good cause in 1930, but today, we have the largest welfare state on the face of the Earth. We’re $18 trillion in debt. 50 million people are on food stamps. We spent trillions on the War on Poverty. We’re importing more poor people to be cast into the social safety net. And we’re told poverty is getting worse. Good job on that one. “Save the whales!” I don’t know anybody with a grudge against whales, or any other mammal. “Save the Earth!” Really? Please. “Stop Global Warming!” As I write this, I have a space heater under my desk to keep my feet from getting numb. Give it up. And so it is with pay equality for women. Though fully aware that liberals are immune to the facts, the fact is that the U.S. Labor Department, part of the same government liberals love so dearly, has reported that, in the past 30 years, women are better educated and better paid than ever before. The statistic you always hear – women make 72% of what men make, comes from a comparison of the total amounts earned by men and women, without regard for the number of hours worked. Many women work part-time because they are caring for their children and their households. The Hollywood imbeciles must be forgiven for not making this connection, as there is an endless supply of illegal alien au pair workers in California. In truth, if women as a group invested the time necessary to care for their families, and still were called upon to work long enough to earn as much as men as a group, that would be a real inequality.
Oh, by the way, yesterday, Il Duce Obama had the FCC take over the internet. I will keep speaking my mind until they come and get me.
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