William Congreve is credited with the saying, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Good thing he never met Barrack Obama. A woman scorned is no match for a petty, shallow, arrogant President scorned. First, Obama claimed that the Congress invited Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak without giving him notice. That really wasn’t true, but since when does the truth matter in America. Then, after Netanyahu spoke, Obama said that Bibi was interfering in his plans for a deal with Iran. And what a deal! For some reason (Hussein?), Obama seeks to hand the craziest, most rabid, uncontrollable terrorists on the face of the Earth a nuclear bomb. That ought to help the Mideast peace process. And while we’re on the subject, am I the only one who has noticed that we only hear the term “peace process” after terrorists have bombed and killed a bunch of innocent people? Anyhow, Prime Minister Netanyahu, for some reason, takes exception to Muslim crazies in his neck of the woods having a weapon which could erase his nation in one attack. You just can’t please some people. Netanyahu then compounded his insult to Il Duce Obama by actually winning re-election, and this, despite the fact that Il Duce sent his political operatives to Israel, illegally funded by U.S. grant money to try to depose the elected leader of a nation that is supposed to be our ally. America certainly is slipping, time was we only tried to get rid of our enemies, and even then we had standards, we just killed them. It’s hard to get good help nowadays. In any event, it wasn’t a bad week. Bibi won. Obama lost, and he’s mad as Hell. Il Duce, you’re a loser. Get used to it.
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