So it’s 2015 and we are confronted with what we are told is another Clinton scandal. Really? No. It’s not another scandal, it’s what prosecutor’s would call a pattern of racketeering activity. The Clintons are not so much a family as a racketeering enterprise. A family? Well, the Gambinos were called a family, so I guess it’s about the same thing. Using your position to obtain money no one would give you but for your position is what would commonly be considered a bribe. Did Hillary break the law by soliciting money from foreighn governments for her “foundation” while she was Secretary of State. Did her husband, Slick Willie, break the law by accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from foreign governments and companies for speaking engagements in an effort to influence Hillary? At the end of the day, who cares? What we should be concerned about is the smell test. In legal terms, is there an appearance of impropriety? Case closed. There is an unmistakeable stench of impropriety. Look up impropriety in the dictionary, and you see side by side pictures of Bill and Hillary. It’s not another scandal. It’s the continuation of the same scandal that took Bill Clinton from the $32,000 a year Governor of Arkansas to to the multi-millionaire he became. My advice is, let’s cut the cord on the Clintons, on the Bushes, on all the powers that be with whom we have been dealing for years. Let’s make a clean break and give somebody new a chance.
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