In 1934, Cole Porter wrote the song, Anything Goes. The lyrics went like this:
“In olden days, a glimpse of stocking Was looked on as something shocking. But Heaven knows, Anything goes.
If he only knew where we would be less than 90 years later. Once upon a time, it was an accepted fact that there were two sides to every story. In our government, we had the ruling Party, and what used to be known as “the loyal opposition.” The opposition was dead set against the policies of the Party in power, but it remained loyal – to the United States of America, to the Constitution, and to the the notion of majority rule. People actually used to say things like, “I oppose what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” We haven’t heard anything like that lately. Instead, our society has become increasingly polarized. A smart man who used to be on the radio in New York liked to say, “there’s nothing less liberal than a liberal,” he was right. In my experience, when confronted by an inconvenient fact, a Leftist will give one of two stock answers: 1) “that’s not true” even though it is; or 2) “both sides do it,” as though, even if true, that was a valid excuse. The most alarming development, however, is the increasing tendency of the Left to demand that its beliefs be blindly accepted and endorsed, and that the resort to violence is justified in response to any dissent. The Left doesn’t subscribe to “if you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Instead, their philosophy is, “if we don’t win, we’ll burn it all down.” This mindset stems, of course, from the liberal mental disorder known as delusions of rectitude, the unshakable belief that they’re always right. This fact was proven again in recent days in the wake of the leak of a draft opinion of the United States Supreme Court in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson. The Dobbs case is a challenge to a Mississippi law that prohibits abortions after the 15th week of a pregnancy. Now, lest I be pigeonholed as a wild-eyed pro-lifer, I’m anything but. I respect people who have strict pro-life opinions, but I’ve always been on the other side, to an extent. Simply put, I’m probably the only person who thought Roe v. Wade was an imperfect, but sensible compromise to an intractable issue. In Roe, the Supreme Court created a constitutional right to abortion by declaring the existence of a non-existent right to personal privacy in what Justice Blackmun termed “the penumbras and emanations” of the Fourteenth Amendment. A penumbra is the shadow outside of a shadow. Translation – it really doesn’t exist. Roe specifically stated that the Court wasn’t sanctioning abortion on demand. The Court created time restrictions. Since 1973, the Democrat position on abortion has evolved, or is it devolved, from “abortions should be legal, safe and rare” to, enter Cole Porter – “anything goes.” And by anything goes, I mean anything, up to and including partial birth abortion and post-birth abortion, also known as infanticide. On the other side of the issue are the pro-life purists, many of whom would outlaw abortion at any time and for any reason, even the life of the mother. The extremist positions on both sides are undefendable. That’s why I thought Roe v. Wade was a reasonable compromise. Roe was flawed for two reasons. First, it declared a constitutional right that doesn’t exist in order to give the Court jurisdiction. Public health is a State concern. Secondly, it injected the judiciary into an area on which the courts should not tread. The various State legislatures, and the individual voters in each State who elect them are the ones who must make these decisions. The Roe Court denied that power to the States and their citizens by federalizing abortion law. And since abortion rights and climate change have become the only religions recognized by the Left, the protection of and expansion of abortion rights has become a holy crusade for Leftists. The right to kill the unborn, or even the recently born, is an article of faith that the Left believes must be protected by any means necessary, including, and for some, preferably by violence. The Dobbs opinion was expected in June. Then, this week, a draft opinion, allegedly written by Justice Samuel Alito was illicitly leaked to the press, and Leftist Loony Tunes World went nuts. The opinion reportedly overturns Roe v. Wade, not by outlawing abortion, which the Court correctly states it has no right to do, but by returning the issue to where it belongs, the various State legislatures. The leak has spawned a federal investigation to discover the leaker, who likely has violated several federal laws by disclosing information designed to corruptly influence members of the Court before the official opinion is filed. Law professor Johnathan Turley has declared that the leak cheapens the institutions of our government, observing that, “The fact that some are praising this leak shows how utterly craven we have become in our politics. There appears no ethical rule or institutional interest that can withstand this age of rage.” He’s right. The leak has galvanized the Left and sent it into a frenzy of indignation, revulsion, threats, vows of violence, and dare I say it, even insurrection. Let me count the nuts. Democrat Senator Whitehouse doesn’t want a leak investigation. He says it really wasn’t a leak, it wasn’t done out of some patriotic duty. Democrat Rep. Cori Bush said, abolish the filibuster and force pro-life Americans to fund abortions for “pregnant people.” A senior correspondent tweeted “Seriously, shout out to whoever the hero was within the Supreme Court who said ‘f*ck it! Let’s burn this place down.” “Progressive pastor” John Pavlovitz wrote “This is war.” (I think Bugs Bunny once said that too). Daniel Uhlfelder, a Democrat candidate for Florida Attorney General proclaimed, “It’s time for a revolution.” There were calls to abolish the filibuster, to codify Roe, to expand the Supreme Court, and there were calls for violence. Democrats who several weeks ago claimed not to known the definition of a “woman” suddenly remembered. Joe Biden – “I believe that a woman’s right to choose is fundamental.” Hillary Clinton – “Women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights.” Maria Shriver tweeted in favor of revolution. Something called Freedom Road Socialist Organization declared, “These people have no right to rule. This country needs a revolution.” You can’t argue with that. Duly appointed Justices have no right to decide legal cases, that’s a job for socialist revolutionaries. Joe Biden actually bumbled into the truth by accident. “And the idea we’re letting the states make those decisions, localities make those decisions would be a fundamental shift in what we’ve done.” Right Joe, it’s a shift away from federal usurpation of a State responsibility, and a return of the authority to where it belongs. The people will make the decisions, and that’s what they’re afraid of. As this is written, the Supreme Court is on a war footing, with riot fences surrounding its building. Leftists have promised to threaten the Justices in the Court and in their homes. For them, anything goes, so let’s join in. The Democrat Congressional majorities have to go, the rioters have to go to jail, and the Woke movement needs to go on the ash heap of history.
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