It’s official, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared what is commonly called the COVID-19 virus a global pandemic. I’m not discounting this, but then again, I’ve seen the head of the WHO on TV, and he does not inspire confidence. The media is whipping up a world-wide panic. This is a serious disease, to be sure, but let’s get things in the proper context. First of all, the name. It’s being called COVID-19 virus because, and only because, the Chinese object to the virus being linked to China, and officials are kow-towing to the Chinese. I won’t. Ebola Zaire is named for the river region where it originated. Lyme disease was from a town in Connecticut. MERS is Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, which came from bats in Saudi Arabia. We’ll come back to the bats, but you see the point. This virus came from Wuhan, China. Depending on which story you choose to believe, it either originated in the raw meat markets of Wuhan, where the Chinese buy and consume such delicacies as bats (see above) and pangolins (I never heard of them either, think of a fat ugly anteater) , or else it somehow escaped from China’s only Level Four biological laboratory, which is in Wuhan. That lab, perhaps not coincidentally, was studying and experimenting with various corona viruses, so the release of COVID-19 could be viewed either as an accident or as a successfully engineered mutation. Either way, either the virus or the government killed the doctor who was running the lab. This virus started in China, the Chinese knew it was a big problem last October, didn’t warn their people, didn’t warn the WHO, or anyone else in the world, and took no steps to control its spread until after it was too late. For these reasons, I’m calling this thing the Wuhan Flu. If the Chinese don’t like it, then that’s another Christmas card I won’t be getting. So, it’s the Wuhan Flu, and the Wuhan Flu is now being used by Democrats to bash President Trump. I’d like to say this surprises me, but alas, it doesn’t. Every time I think the Democrats can’t go any lower, they double down and set a new limbo record. How low can they go? No telling. They couldn’t defeat the President in 2016, so they accused him of Russian collusion. That failed, and will likely find some former Obama Administration officials under indictment. They tried to impeach the President over nothing, and that failed. In January, while Democrats were pursuing the impeachment sham, the danger of the Wuhan Flu came to light. In January, President Trump organized the Corona virus Taskforce and stopped all flights coming in from China. This turned out to be a good thing, as thousands of Chinese traveled to the U.S. every day. The President also put restrictions on people coming in from Italy, Japan and South Korea, and mandated 14 day quarantines for people at risk. These steps kept the spread of the Wuhan Flu down in the U.S., while China, Japan, Korea and Italy saw thousands of cases and hundreds of deaths. Did President Trump get a “thank you” for his foresight? No. Democrats complained that banning Chinese from entering the country was racist. MSNBC, says calling it Wuhan is itself racist. Sick yet? Trump was bashed for not having millions of test kits ready in February for a disease we only learned about in January. The notion that this President, or any president spends his time deciding what diseases we should test for is absurd, but the Democrats went one better. Almost every night, we get a report from the Corona Virus Taskforce. Every high-ranking professional from the CDC and the NIH participate, and it’s clear the medical professionals are running the show, but Democrats complain that the Trump Administration is incompetent. What they’re doing is wrong. What should they do? Democrats won’t say. They are openly gleeful at the prospect of a damaged economy, a frightened public and are hoping for as many deaths as possible. You sick yet? I don’t mean from the virus. We know Wuhan Flu is more deadly than the normal influenza we get every winter. But consider. Doctors say this is a moderate flu season. Ordinary influenza has killed over 20,000 Americans. In a bad year, we lose more than 60,000 to the flu. The Wuhan Flu so far has killed 4,700 people worldwide. Italy, with 1/5 our population has over 825 deaths. In the U.S., as this is written, there are 1,400 cases and 39 deaths, all elderly or older people with underlying medical conditions that compromised their immune systems or their lungs. 29 of the deaths are in Washington State, with most coming from one nursing home. Had the President not ordered “racist” travel restrictions, and had hundreds of thousands of infected travelers been admitted in February, where would we be? As this is written, travel from Europe has been halted for 30 days. Princess Cruises has shut down till May. The NBA and NHL suspended their seasons. Schools are closing. Things are so bad that New York even cleaned the subway stations. They cancelled the St. Patrick ‘s Day parade. I hate all parades, so I don’t care. I don’t want to downplay the risks, but consider. The 2009-2010 Swine Flu infected 60 million Americans and killed 18,000. Nothing was closed. This suggests that there’s something about Wuhan that the experts think is different. Was it manufactured by China? Don’t know. We need to be careful, but hysteria is unwarranted. This will end. The stock market will recover, and Democrats will find something else to blame Trump for. So I’m good and sick. Not from the flu. I’m sick of the hype, and I’m sick of Democrats hoping for recession and death. Most of all, at age 65, when I add the Wuhan Flu to all the other things that are liable to kill me at any moment, it’s not so bad. It would be nice if Democrats would put down their brick bats and think about the citizens for once. They won’t. They’d rather see you die than work with the President. Sick.
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