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FRANK ON FRIDAY – Are You Stupid?

The long awaited debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris took place Tuesday night.  On the whole, I thought that Kamala succeeded in  distracting Trump with her incessant attacks.  She succeeded in avoiding word salads, and she successfully parroted canned attack lines, most of which were false.  On his part, a distracted Trump missed a number of opportunities to go after Kamala.  In the end, the debate turned out to be full of sound and fury, which I believe will do nothing to move the polls one way or the other.

For its part, by all accounts, ABC News shamelessly weighed in, time and time again, on Kamala’s behalf.  They falsely fact-checked Trump, while not once pointing out blatant Kamala falsehoods.  In the first debate (Trump-Biden), CNN was largely neutral.  Since the media’s just an arm of the Democrat Party, I’ve concluded that the CNN moderators were fair because they were in on the plan to expose and purge Biden.  The ABC moderators were simply doing their jobs – to damage Trump.

Sure, Trump was off his game, he was a bit ham-handed, as he often is, and he took Kamala’s bait a few times, but after the debate smoke has cleared, some fundamental truths remain – Kamala Harris has nothing substantive to offer America; Kamala can’t sell herself as an agent of change, who will turn the page on Biden policies; and Kamala, although good at spewing memorized attack lines, can’t make a convincing attack based on actual facts.

I’ll get to Kamala’s long list of lies in a moment, but first here’s what I consider the most important takeaway from the debate.  It happened in the first five minutes.  It was the first question, and to my mind, the only relevant question in this election.  Kamala was asked, “Do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?”  She never answered the question, because even she couldn’t lie herself out of that one.  Instead, she went off on a story about how she was raised, and she said her “plan” is more government spending (“I’ll give you $6000 to buy a new crib”), which is what caused the inflation that’s killing Americans.

Kamala’s performance was a recitation of every lie and hoax that Democrats have been spreading about Donald Trump for 8 years; lies which the moderators never once challenged.  Don’t take my word for it.  This from Megyn Kelly, no Trump lover she – “All she does is lie.”  When MSNBC’s Chris Hayes tweeted, “ABC moderators doing an excellent job,” Ben Shapiro retorted, “This is how you know they’re complete shit.”  Ron DeSantis’ Press Secretary Jeremy Redfern gave this description of the questioning:   To Trump, “Why are you bad?”  To Kamala, “Why is he bad?”

The relevant question for voters is, “If Kamala Harris can’t offer policies that change course from Biden’s disasters, and must resort to bald faced lies to smear her opponent, why should she be promoted to President?”

Let’s revisit the many lies of Kamala Harris.  She began by resorting to the usual Saul Alinsky tactic – accuse your opponent of what you’re about to do.  Kamala, “You’re going to hear a bunch of lies.”  We did.  From her.

1) Trump will implement Project 2025, a list of policy recommendations from the Heritage Foundation.  Trump has denied that repeatedly.

2) Trump is responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco. Biden and Harris refused to listen to the military, pulled out, killed 13 servicemen, handed the Taliban $85 billion in equipment, and gave China the Bagram airbase.

3) Kamala won’t ban fracking.  There is video of her saying “I absolutely will ban fracking.”

The “Trump is a threat to democracy” meme sported multiple lies.

4) Police officers were killed on January 6, 2021.  False.  One person was killed.  Ashley Babbitt, and unarmed Air Force veteran was murdered by a Capitol Hill Police Lieutenant.  He was never even investigated for the crime.

5) Trump instigated an assault on the Capitol.  False.  Fearing unrest, he offered Nancy Pelosi and the D.C. Mayor 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the Capitol.  They repeatedly refused them.  At the time Trump, at the White House, was telling people to act “peacefully and patriotically,” protestors had already entered the Capitol, two miles away.  His speech had nothing to do with what happened.

6) Trump promised “a bloodbath” if he’s not elected.  False.  In Detroit, speaking to auto workers, Trump said a Biden reelection would result in a bloodbath for the auto industry due to lost jobs.

7) The Charlottesville “fine people on both sides” hoax.  This has been debunked even by liberal outlets.

8) He’ll be “a dictator on day one.”  False.  He said he’ll restart oil drilling and close the border on day one.

9) Kamala accused Trump of supporting anti-Semites.  Really?  Half his family are Jewish.

10) Trump sent “love letters” to North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un.  The fact – Obama told Trump North Korea was the most dangerous problem.  Trump met with Un and kept him under control.

11) Kamala supports Israel.  Give me a break.  She refused to go to Netanyahu’s speech and later told him to curb his attack on Hamas.  She called for a ceasefire, despite the fact that Hamas has refused to attend talks.

12) Kamala denied that she supports abortion up to the time of birth.  She voted for it.

13) Trump will sign a national abortion ban.  He’s repeatedly denied this, and he explained to Kamala that after the Supreme Court case, the federal government has no authority to do this.

14) Trump will ban invitro fertilization.  False.  Last week he promised federal subsidies for IVF.

15) Trump had the highest unemployment since the Great Depression.  This ignores the fact that the Wuhan plague caused Democrats to shutdown the entire economy.

16) Trump “gave us” Covid.  No.  The Chinese gave us Covid, a fact Kamala and company denied, and denounced as racist.

17) Trump sold out to China.  Huh?  Trump imposed crippling tariffs on China, which Biden maintained.  Trump even convinced China to stop buying Iranian oil.  It was Biden and family who were paid millions by China, and it’s Kamala’s running mate who “loves” China.

18) There are no American troops in a war zone.  False. American troops were injured in recent Hamas and Hezbollah attacks.

19) Trump’s tax cuts benefited only billionaires.  False.  Lower and middle income Americans got the most benefit.

20) Trump will impose a 20% sales tax.  Pure fantasy.

21) Crime is down.  False.  Cities are hellscapes.  Kamala’s San Francisco is an unlivable nightmare.

The foregoing are just the lies that immediately came to mind in the wake of the debate.  I’m sure I missed some.  The question I have for American voters is quite simple.  If, after being presented with no more than a tissue of lies from a woman who is partly responsible for destroying our economy and perverting our culture, you still think Kamala Harris is a better choice than Donald Trump, “Are you stupid?”

Instant analysis after the debate seems to support the proposition that Kamala’s lie fest did little to move the needle.  A post-debate poll showed Kamala’s rating for trust on the economy slipped from 37% to 35%.

A Pennsylvania focus group concluded that, while Trump spoke facts, Kamala only repeated what Biden has been saying, motivating a black focus group member to ask, “How is that a new way forward?”  6 of 10 members of a Reuters focus group favored Trump.  The New York Times no less (and there is no less), surveyed undecided voters, most of whom said Trump was more convincing, “His facts were better than her vision.”

Democrat pollster Doug Schoen was unimpressed.  He said that, despite Kamala’s rhetoric, the country’s still on the wrong track, and he noted that Trump’s closing statement recounting Kamala’s failures was true.

Kamala Harris offered America no more than empty platitudes sprinkled with lies.  So, “Do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?”  If you do, “Are you stupid?”

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