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This week is the 53rd edition of Chicken Little Appreciation Day, also known as Earth Day.  The title of this week’s offering came to me when I thought of Erich Segal’s book, Love Story.  In it, a character says, “Love is never having to say you’re sorry.”  With the history of Earth Day, and the predictions of global warming/climate change activists in mind, it occurred to me that being a so-called Progressive means never having to be right about anything.  A similar observation was made by Ronald Reagan, who famously said that, “It’s not that liberals are bad people, it’s just that they know too many things that aren’t so.” The record has proven that the super-geniuses of the Left, who are so positive that they and only they have the only possible plan to save the planet, have been dead wrong about absolutely everything for the past 53 years.  Simply put, the Earth Day story should be called B.S. Story.  The first Earth Day in 1970 was organized by Ira Einhorn and Paul Erlich.  This was before it was discovered that Einhorn had killed his girlfriend, stashed her mummified body in a trunk in his apartment, got lawyer (later Senator) Arlen Specter to bail him out, and absconded to France.  Erlich is a scientist, who “knew” that the global population of 3.7 billion was too high, and that hundreds of millions would die of starvation by 1980.  That was wrong.  Global population is approaching 8 billion, and people are better nourished than ever.  In 1970, the experts “knew” that we were running out of oil.  That was wrong.  They “knew” that we had to move to Green energy, or else the world would come to an end.  This sparked the Green movement, which gained momentum after the Berlin Wall fell and all the Reds became Greens.  The fact that the Communists simply repurposed themselves is lost on the super-geniuses.  Because they believe themselves always to be right (the mental defect I call delusions of rectitude), the Left adopted the climate change mantra as its religion.  Their religious fervor is what makes them so dangerous.  Of course, they never stopped to consider that they were being used.  And of course, even had they considered this they would have dismissed the notion, because, due to their psychosis, they have amended Descartes’ cogito ergo sum into cogito ergo verum (I believe therefore it’s true).  For 53 years, these people have been preaching the end of the world, but not just from climate change, which is a recent innovation.  Anyone who bothers to take a close look will see that, in the 1970’s, they predicted mankind would succumb from a new Ice Age.  This would have been troubling because humans are 27 times more likely to die from cold than from heat.  The Ice Age never came.  Then they moved to global warming.  “Woe is us, temperatures will increase 1.5 degrees in 100 years.  Mankind is doomed.”  When temperatures flattened out over more than a decade, the hucksters changed “global warming” to “climate change.”  This permits them to blame any increase or decrease in temperatures on CO2, which they consider a poison, and to blame all storms, winds, tornadoes, floods, or droughts on industrial and personal use of fossil fuels.  These are lies, of course, but remember, we’re dealing with religious fanatics.  It’s a matter of faith to them.  The Old Testament tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for.  Third century bishop Tertullian was asked how he could believe the fantastic miracles in the Bible.  He responded, “I believe because it is absurd.”  That’s what we’re dealing with from the Green fanatics.  Undeterred by their half century record of always being wrong, the Earth Day celebrants continue to preach Armageddon.  Their official website is replete with the disproven predictions of five decades.  Here’s some of their claptrap –  “The scientific evidence is clear and irrefutable — human activity is causing our planet to warm at an alarming rate.”  That’s the same story from 1970.  “In October 2018, the IPCC released its special report on Global Warming of 1.5 Degrees Celsius, giving us just a dozen years to halve our greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst impacts of a climate crisis.”  Of course, the report was based on the “hockey-stick graph.”  The man who created it later admitted he fabricated the data.  Never let a crisis go to waste though, even if you have to make up a phony one.  “There is simply no time to waste.  We need urgent and ambitious action at every level, from heads of state submitting increased national commitments to the Paris Agreement on climate change and cities walking the talk, to private sector leaders addressing climate change at every step of the supply chain, finance heads committing to divest from fossil fuels and green their investments and individual citizens using their unique influence to drive change and make an impact.”  The Paris agreement?  Only one nation on Earth met the Paris CO2 reduction goals.  The U.S.  We met the goals after President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the agreement.  The Paris goals are designed to strangle industry in the West, while permitting China, Russia, and India to pollute at will.  Only religious fanatics seeking martyrdom would sign up for that. “Travel smarter.”  Save the planet by taking public transit or walking.  Unless you’re a celebrity, John Kerry or Al Gore.  In that case, fly your private jet.  Carbon footprints are only made by the little people.   But here’s the best one – calls for climate change action to reduce particulates (translation – eliminate industries) based on a World Health Organization report on pollution-related illnesses.  This is the topper.  The WHO is run by China, the world’s worst polluter.  The WHO is motivating well-meaning young people in the West to protest industrialization in their countries, which are also being hampered by the nonsensical drive toward green energy, which doesn’t work, and is prohibitively expensive.  Meanwhile, the Chinese are building a new coal plant every week.  Our industries die, and China rules the world.  The Communists once planned to take over the West by revolution.  Now there’s no need for war. urges Americans to “Vote Earth.” It’s ingenious.  The Reds turned Green and they will prevail when climate change activists in democratic countries, vote an end to their industries, their jobs, and their own prosperity.  Meanwhile, China, which permits no voting and no complaints about pollution, just takes over.   Happy Earth Day.  May the B.S. be with you.

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