Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden is President for two reasons. The first reason is the Wuhan virus. The virus damaged Trump and provided an excuse for election changes that permitted unchecked fraud. You may have noticed that the Wuhan is a convenient excuse for for every failure and deficiency we encounter. During the Great Depression, the stigma of unemployment disappeared, because so many people were out of work that it became normal. Today, we have the Covid excuse. I’ve been at my desk, in my office, every day for the past year. Most people haven’t been. Tried to call a government office in the past year? Don’t bother. They’re not answering. Covid. They’re working from home. Strangely, they also take 2 weeks to answer emails. Covid. Doing business by mail? One of my Christmas cards took 8 weeks to get there. Covid. Mailed your bill payment on time? The companies aren’t opening mail right away, so you’re late. Covid. Why send ballots to non-citizens, non-residents, the dead, permit ballot harvesting, and eliminate ballot security? Covid. The second reason Biden is President is because he’s not Donald Trump. Democrats spent 4 years demonizing Trump. Biden was the anti-Trump. He was marketed as a “moderate.” He’d lower the temperature, and bring “unity.” The Covid excuse permitted Biden to hide, while a compliant media lied. And it worked. The problem is, Joe Biden’s not a moderate, and the Left’s definition of “unity” is, “one Party rule.” You know, “unity,” just like in North Korea. Biden took office January 20th, and immediately went to work on his “legacy.” The popular notion is that Biden is a vegetable who doesn’t even know what he’s signing. The upshot of this theory is that, were Biden lucid, he wouldn’t be issuing the Socialist edicts he’s been signing since day one. I have a different view. Like Il Duce Obama, if he was so disposed, Joe Biden could be a unifying President. Obama squandered his opportunity. Biden had a better chance to unify. People really want the Parties to work together. Biden could cross the aisle if he sought to unite, but he won’t. His Party is in the hands of Leftist nuts, and Biden doesn’t aspire to be a uniter. He aspires to out-Obama Obama. Joe Biden played second fiddle to Il Duce for 8 years. It’s the sad role of Vice-Presidents to be shunted aside, ignored, and ridiculed. John Adams called the vice-presidency “the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.” John Nance Garner put it more succinctly, declaring the vice-presidency, “not worth a warm bucket of spit.” LBJ found that out. Now Biden can step out of Il Duce’s shadow and fulfill the Leftist wish-list that Obama failed to supply. That’s the legacy he wants. Democrats have long favored open borders. Biden vowed to undo the Trump border security policies on day one. He kept his promise. Stopped border wall construction, scrapped the Trump asylum restrictions, and invited “migrants” to cross the border. He didn’t have to do all that. Biden easily could have mollified the Left-wing nuts without encouraging a flood of illegals, but he went full anti-Trump, and now we have a crisis on the border, which Biden’s lackeys call, “not a crisis, just a problem.” Two years ago, when a few hundred unaccompanied minors a day crossed the border, Democrats called that “a humanitarian disaster,” and accused Trump of keeping kids in cages. Of course, Il Duce Obama built the enclosures, and now that thousands minors are crossing every day, and the same detention facilities are 729% over capacity, they’re not cages, and it’s not an emergency. Oh, that’s because they’re not detention centers, they’re now “reception centers.” Biden has the Federal Emergency Management Administration at the border, but he says it’s not an emergency. And anyway, if there is a problem, Nancy Pelosi says it’s all Trump’s fault because he left them “a broken immigration system.” Of course, the Democrats broke it, and then turned down Trump’s 2018 offer to fix it. But, following crazy Nancy’s Leftist logic, what she says sort of makes sense. Trump foiled their plans by actually securing the border. Through her loony lens, it’s Trump’s fault because Biden is getting the backlog of the thousands of invaders who were unable to enter for the past several years. Biden just forgot he invited the invaders to come to the border. Plus, he’s so busy with the Wuhan crisis, he just didn’t notice the problem.
Lately, Biden has had to acknowledge the influx of desperate, poor people, all of whom have somehow acquired and are wearing “Biden, Let Us In” T-shirts that sell on Etsy for $18.00 each, plus shipping.
As a result, Biden is now pleading with “migrants” not to come to the border. Biden may even go on the border to see for himself.
If he goes, I recommend the chimichangas. To add yet another insult to yet another injury, while good old moderate Joe is telling American citizens that he may, may mind you, permit some of us to celebrate July 4th, in small groups, properly masked and appropriately socially distanced, these same strictures don’t apply to his migrant invitees. They’re not being tested for the Wuhan, they’re not being vaccinated, and thousands upon thousands of highly infected Wuhan Wilbertos, or if you prefer, Covid Carmelitas, are being released into America, to roam at will, spreading Covid, and every other disease they may have acquired in their homelands, or in Mexico, where last year, they actually stopped testing for Covid because the positivity rate was over 50%, making testing counter-productive. Listen to the science, Joe? The CDC still warns Americans to avoid all travel to Mexico due to Covid, while Joe Biden is admitting untested and highly contagious illegal aliens from Mexico. I do have to agree with the Democrats about one thing, though. What’s going on at the border isn’t a crisis, it’s a voter registration drive. If the media told the truth, and permitted Americans to learn what’s really going on, I suspect the outcry would force changes to open-border Biden’s policies. They don’t, so I’m afraid it will take needless American deaths caused by migrant induced disease and criminal violence before this insanity can be stopped. This could have been avoided. The blood is on Joe Biden’s hands.
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