During the 2020 election, Il Duce Barrack Obama was famously quoted for his observation, “Don’t underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to f**k things up.” That may be the only thing that Il Duce ever said that I agreed with. You have to admit that Obama had it right. In a remarkably short period of time, Corrupt Demented Imbecile Joe Biden has F’d up everything he’s touched. Think about it. Courtesy of President Trump, we had full employment, rising incomes, lower taxes, and an expanding economy, in which companies that had fled the U.S. were returning. Our trade policies were revamped. China, North Korea and Iran were under control. Our troops were coming home – alive. Our NATO allies were paying what they owed. Our military was strong. We had energy independence, no longer at the mercy of the oil policies of Middle East bandits. The southern border was secure. Biden turned all that into a stagnant economy, run-away inflation, the promise of higher taxes, and an open border, through which 2 million illegal aliens will come this year alone. Biden’s alienated our allies. His bumbling has killed troops in Afghanistan, and left Americans at the mercy of the Taliban. When even the French accuse you of cowardice, it’s bad. China is threatening to invade Taiwan, which could be catastrophic, as many believe Taiwan has tactical nuclear weapons. North Korea’s Little Rocketman has started firing his rockets again, and Iran is on its way to nuclear weapons. With the stroke of a pen, Biden shut down a U.S. oil pipeline, green-lighted a Russian pipeline in Europe, and impeded fracking, which has seen energy prices surge by 50%. Two years ago, we had so much natural gas, they ran out of places to store it. Now, we’re being warned to expect a cold winter. What’s more, the Biden Administration seems unwilling even to pretend that it cares about the opinions of a majority of the public. Witness the recent School Board meetings fiasco. The last year or so has seen an uptick in stories about parents at School Board meetings complaining about critical race theory and idiotic Woke gender policies. This came to a head when a Virginia father rightfully protested the sexual assault of his daughter in a school bathroom by what is termed “a gender fluid” person, a/k/a, a male in a dress, who by School Board policy, was permitted to use the girl’s restroom. When, instead of exhibiting compassion, the School Board denied the attack ever happened, and had the father arrested, all Hell broke loose. The Biden Administration’s solution? Send the FBI counter-terrorism unit in to investigate people who dare to protest against the government. All these debacles have cratered Biden’s approval ratings, raising red flags for Democrats. Many have been comparing the Biden presidency to that of Jimmy Carter. There are many parallels, but there are important differences as well. Both Carter and Biden were weak, ineffective presidents. Both were confronted by energy crises. Carter’s response was what became known as “the Malaise Speech.” Carter sought to rally the public by lecturing Americans about what was wrong – with them. “All the legislation in the world can’t fix what’s wrong with America … The threat is nearly invisible in ordinary ways. It is a crisis of confidence. It is a crisis that strikes at the very heart and soul and spirit of our national will. We can see this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our nation. The erosion of our confidence in the future is threatening to destroy the social and the political fabric of America.” Since Americans typically don’t like being told their problems are their fault, Carter was voted out the next year. Biden also faces an energy crisis. The difference is Biden is the one who created it. Carter’s point was that we had to reach energy independence, so as not to have to rely on Middle East oil. The promise of energy independence was repeated by presidents Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43, but they never delivered. Donald Trump gave us the energy independence that was promised for 40 years. His reward? The Democrats impeached him – twice. Biden’s crisis is the Democrats’ plan, a Woke fever dream, in which all coal, oil, and gas use is ended and you light and heat your homes and run your cars on wind, sunshine and pond scum. Good luck with that. Carter and Biden both are beset by Americans held hostage. The difference is Carter’s hostages were the result of an Iranian invasion of the U.S. Embassy, while Biden’s hostages are at risk only because he abandoned them in Afghanistan. Jimmy Carter told Americans they had to make sacrifices by turning down thermostats to conserve energy. This led directly to Carter’s sacrifice at the polls in 1980. Joe Biden, who’s confronted with a supply chain problem, with hundreds of ships that can’t be unloaded, is similarly advising sacrifice, his Administration telling Americans to “lower your expectations,” especially for the holidays. Such a dismissive attitude is bound to piss people off. The difference here is that Carter suffered from a lack of products, and Biden has everything we need sitting just out of reach of the consumer, but can’t figure out how get it to the shelves. Once again, don’t assume the reason for Biden’s woes is ineptitude. More than anything else, he’s a victim of the Faustian bargain he made with the Democrat far-Left. The Woke nuts threw their support to Biden when his nomination was far from assured. The price they extracted was a nutty, extreme, far-Left Cabinet, and Biden’s support for every ruinous policy on the Marxist wish list. That’s the main difference between Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter. Carter was ineffective, but he wasn’t senile. Carter wasted time trying to micro-manage everything down to the schedule on the White House tennis court. Biden rarely knows where he is, more than once asking, “What am I doing here? The point is Jimmy Carter at least meant well. Joe Biden doesn’t. Carter wanted to restore respect for America as the leader of the world, and Biden wants to punish America, diminish its role in world affairs, destroy our form of government, and transform us into a socialist worker’s paradise, the likes of the Soviet Union, where people used to say of the government, “We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us.” Simply put, Joe Biden seeks to ensure the very malaise that Jimmy Carter tried, in vain, to avoid. Here’s all you need to know. Jimmy Carter said, “I’ll never lie to you.” Joe Biden’s attitude is, “What makes you think you have the right to hear the truth?”
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