On May 9, 2017, President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. The firing came after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein prepared a Memo outlining Comey’s misconduct since his unprecedented July 5, 2017 public statement about the investigation of Hillary Clinton, and recommended Comey be relieved. Attorney General Jeff Sessions concurred with the recommendation, and the President fired him effective immediately. Surprising no one, the firing of Comey set off a firestorm of Democrat hysteria, proving once again, that if the Democrats didn’t stand for hypocrisy, they would stand for nothing at all. This is even worse than the usual hypocrisy. Democrats (e.g. CNN and MSNBC), constantly accuse President Trump of being mentally ill, and even have suggested that he could be removed from office under the 25th Amendment. But the latest Democrat meltdown over Comey is a true exhibition of mental illness by schizophrenic Democrats, who have wildly vacillated back and forth from love of Comey, to hate of Comey and back again to love. The root cause of this Democrat mental disease – their overpowering hatred of Donald Trump. Let’s recap. Prior to July of 2017, James Comey was widely respected by people on both sides of the aisle, as an apolitical straight shooter, who could be relied upon to act fairly. Comey’s FBI was tasked to investigate whether laws were broken by Hillary’s use of a private email server, and whether she and her hench-people had mishandled classified documents. Now, the FBI has handled politically sensitive investigations before, and the agency might have handled even this one evenhandedly, had it not been for something beyond the control of James Comey – the capacity of the Clintons to corrupt practically everything they touch. In June 2017, former President Bill Clinton, now looking like a bad copy of W.C. Fields, ambushed then Attorney General Loretta Lynch on her airplane in Arizona. The former President, we are expected to believe, just happened to be in Phoenix to play golf, when he inadvertently encountered the Attorney General. Of course, Bill Clinton is a 70 year old man with a heart condition, and it was 106 degrees in Phoenix on June 29, 2016, down from a high of 116 degrees the previous week, so the golf story works. We then were led to believe that the discussion between Clinton and Lynch was limited the subjects of golf and their grandchildren. Despite this supposed limitation, Loretta Lynch realized she had to do something. The right thing to do would have been to recuse herself from deciding what to do on the investigation. Instead, Lynch simply announced she would abide by whatever the FBI recommended. As if on cue, on July 5, 2016, Comey went on the air with his stinging indictment of Hillary, ending with the conclusion that no prosecutor would indict her. At that time, Democrats loved Comey. Il Duce Obama said, “He’s that rarity in Washington… he doesn’t care about politics, he only cares about getting the job done.” Nancy Pelosi called Comey a “great man” said the FBI was lucky to have him. Elijah Cummings, of the Congressional Black Caucus, said Comey was the “epitome” of a public servant. What Comey did in July was something the FBI simply does not do. Maybe he thought Loretta Lynch pushed him into it. Maybe it was the FBI Director’s hostage tape. Then something else happened that was beyond Comey’s control. The independent FBI investigation into Anthony Weiner’s computer for alleged child pornography, uncovered thousands of emails between Hillary and Huma Abedin, some of which were classified. That prompted Comey to announce, in October, that the investigation of Hillary was on again. This changed Democrat Comey love into Comey hate. The detestable Chuck Schumer announced,”I do not have confidence in him any longer.” Elijah Cummings reconsidered his opinion of Comey, and accused him of being a puppet for Republicans. Nancy Pelosi opined,”Maybe he’s not in the right job.” Then Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid called for Comey to resign. “The FBI director has no credibility,” said Rep. Maxine Waters. Democrat Representative Steve Cohen, in November announced, “I call on FBI Director James Comey to resign his position.” Hillary Clinton even blamed Comey (and all other men) for her election loss. (It couldn’t be her fault). Then Trump fired Comey, and the Democrats immediately swung back to Comey love syndrome. The detestable Chuck Schumer called it a mistake, and accused Trump of timing the firing to stop the FBI’s investigation into phony claims of Russian collusion by Trump. Wait, didn’t Comey testify there was no evidence of any collusion? Yes, but since when do the facts matter? Schumer suggested that Trump should have fired Comey earlier. Here’s why he couldn’t Chuck. You dragged your feet on Jeff Sessions’ nomination for more than a month. Then you delayed the vote on Rod Rosenstein until April 25. On that date, you and 93 other Senators voted for Rosenstein. But Trump hate trumps Comey hate, so now Comey shouldn’t have been fired. The Schumer position (today) is that, although we don’t trust Comey, we will not trust anybody nominated by Trump, no matter who that may be. Maxine Waters even confused an MSNBC host with her reaction to the firing, “reasoning” that, had Hillary won, she would have been justified in firing Comey, but that Trump shouldn’t have done so. Then there’s Representative Steve Cohen. Remember his November call for Comey to resign? Here’s what he says now – “I have said to my colleagues and to the public for over four months that FBI Director James Comey would do the right thing in the Trump-Russia investigation. I also believed President Trump wouldn’t fire him unless he felt that Director Comey threatened his presidency. This is sadly reminiscent of the Saturday Night Massacre when President Nixon fired Justice Department officials that threatened his presidency.” And Donald Trump is the one who’s nuts? Normally, I would counsel the mentally ill to seek help, but not here. Democrats, hear me now! Don’t seek help. Keep demonstrating to the American people just how foolish, stupid, petty and crazy you really are.
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