I spend considerable time and energy venting and ranting against the Left and all its minions, so, for a change, this edition of Frank on Friday will be an open letter to President Trump.
Dear Mr. President, You have acknowledged that the job of President of the United States is more difficult than you expected. Some Presidents have to deal with economic problems, some have to prosecute wars, and all Presidents have to deal with political opposition from the opposing Party. Mr. President, you surely have economic difficulties to address. You must rebuild a military suffering the effects of 8 years of neglect. You must guide us through a world facing the ever-present danger of radical Islamic terrorism. You have a Democrat Party which has dedicated itself to resisting any an all proposals you make. All of the above may be par for the course for the President, but you suffer an additional handicap. Other Presidents at least can count on members of their own Party for support. You cannot. You cannot rely on members of your Party, even the Party leaders, to have your back. Still shell-shocked from their election debacle, the Democrats have transformed themselves from the loyal opposition (if they ever were that) to the unhinged, lunatic fringe, mindlessly opposed to anything Trump. They are bitterly opposed to any immigration restrictions. Once upon a time, it was said that politics stopped at the water’s edge. When it came to national security, political differences could be set aside for the good of the country. No more. You want to temporarily restrict entry from six nations, and you want to beef up the vetting of immigrants. These were sound and reasonable measures to which no one objected when they were implemented by President Obama, but when you proposed them, they were denounced as racist and extreme. You proposed a budget of $4.1 trillion for next year. Bernie Sanders calls your budget “a massive transfer of wealth from working families and the elderly to the wealthiest 1 percent.” Sanders says that’s immoral. Some would say spending $4.1 trillion itself is immoral. Here’s how your budget proposal was described: “Trump is seeking sharp cuts in a variety of programs for the poor from Medicaid to food stamps and disability payments.” You proposed that we spend $80 million more for Medicaid next year, but by Washington mathematics, an $80 million raise constitutes a “sharp cut.” You have proposed sweeping tax reform, the cornerstone of which is a large reduction in the corporate tax rate. Even Barack Obama said he favored a reduction, but when you proposed it, Democrats just said “No.” And not only the Democrats are against you. The Republican leaders, those responsible for drafting the tax cut legislation, are now claiming that they don’t know how to implement the tax cuts proposed by the Administration. We’re told we have to find a way to “pay for” the tax cuts, which is an odd way of looking at things. How does one “pay for” an expense that was not incurred? When it runs a deficit, the government never concerns itself with such mundane questions such as, “how are we going to pay for the $20 trillion debt?” You next proposed spending $1 trillion on infrastructure projects. Democrats love a good boondoggle, so you’d think that they’d be in favor of this. But no. You only want to spend $1 trillion we don’t have, so they demand that we spend $2 trillion that we don’t have. Democrats have resolved to resist any proposal you make, no matter what it is, even if it is beneficial. They are willing to put the nation at risk to resist you. The truth is that you are regarded by establishment politicians in both parties as a foreign invader in the body politic. Both sides want to have you excised. The unhinged Left has reached the point where they believe that any attack on you, your staff, or your family, no matter how outrageous, is acceptable, because it’s all your fault anyway. Follow the bouncing paranoia. Hillary Clinton has warned that “President Donald Trump has unleashed a level of hate and vitriol that is incredibly dangerous.” The notion that the hate and vitriol directed at you by the Left is acceptable because you provoked it is akin to suggesting that a rape victim was just asking for it. The Left has no boundaries and no filter. Enter Kathy Griffin, a nearly anonymous comedian, until for some reason, she decided that it would be a good idea to appear holding a likeness of your bloody, decapitated head. Surprising no one except Ms. Griffin, you took offense. CNN fired her. What a comedian was doing on the staff of a supposed news network in the first place was not explained. She was criticized by Keith Olberman no less (and there is no less). Her sponsor fired her. Clubs cancelled her shows. Even Al Franken refused to appear with her. Given that fallout, one might expect that Ms. Griffin would appreciate the error of her ways. She didn’t. Griffin called a press conference to make her “apology.” She told reporters that her career is over because the Trump family systematically “mobilized their armies” against her. She may have given the impression that she welcomed your death, but she called you a bully who is trying to ruin her life. Your crime – being elected. Some say you invite a lot of controversy with your tweets and other impolitic comments. There is something to that. Mr. President, please hire and listen to some good political pros who could regulate the optics of your Administration. The special counsel on the Russia investigation is the perfect opportunity for you to stop mentioning the probe till Mr. Mueller completes his investigation. Concentrate on your policies. Keep the Congressional feet to the fire, and get them working. Stop tweeting that the media is unfair to you. You’re right, of course, but painting yourself as a victim is unseemly. Above all, forget the bickering and take your case to the American people. By frustrating your initiatives, the media is treating all of us unfairly. Don’t let them get away with it.
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