The constant media drumbeat keeps trying to convince us that Hillary Clinton is will inevitably be our next president. My take is that, while death is inevitable, Hillary is not, for several reasons. First and foremost, it should not be forgotten that the same media told us that Hillary was inevitable in 2008; until a better story came along. The media views the presidency much like the “flavor of the month.” The first female president was a good story, but the first black president, even better. Some time ago, a 72 year old man was elected to his first term in the House from Massachusetts. When asked why he decided to run for Congress at 72 he explained, “It was my turn.” Hillary is so fond of entitlements that she views the presidency as one more thing she is owed. It doesn’t work that way. Secondly, the inconvenient truth is that Hillary simply is not Bill. Richard Nixon used to say that some politicians are poets, and others are word processors. That distinction applies here. Bill was smooth. He could whisper sweet seductive phrases in your ear. On the other hand, Hillary is more like the recorded message at the airport warning you not to park in the red zone. Shrieking is not seduction, and even when Hillary tries to keep it light, she grates. And, while we are at the airport, let’s not forget the famous Clinton “baggage.” Even putting Bill’s bimbos aside, by leaving the Senate to become Secretary of State, Hillary created for herself a dismal record. First Benghazi, now the email flap. Who knows what’s next? Finally, Hillary has a ponderous albatross around her neck – Barrack Obama. The Obama record stinks. Hillary has two choices; continue the Obama policies, and be dragged down by them; or separate herself from Obama and face his wrath. Never forget that Obama is arrogant and vain enough to sabotage Hillary to preserve what he considers his legacy. Hillary is inevitable? I think not.
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