In the wake of the latest Democrat losses in special elections, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has come under fire from members of her own Party, who are suggesting that it may be time for Pelosi to leave her leadership position to make way for a new generation of Democrat leaders. To recap, last week, Democrats lost the special elections in South Carolina and Georgia. The Georgia 6th District election was targeted by Democrats as a race which would expose President Trump’s unpopularity, signalling a 2018 wave election putting Democrats back in power in the Congress. (Sounds crazy right?) The “logic” was that Trump carried this district by only 1 1/2% in November, so the Dems could win a district controlled by Republicans for 38 years, by pouring almost $30 million into the campaign of a 30 year old Democrat candidate who didn’t even live in the district. (Sounds crazy right?) The Democrats staked everything on Georgia 6. It didn’t work. The Republican won by over 4%, and some Democrats called for Nancy Pelosi to be replaced. To these disgruntled Democrats I say (with apologies to Billy Joel) “Don’t go changin’ to try to dump her, we love you just the way you are.” We really love the current Democrat leadership. These are the people who, with a big assist from Il Duce Barack Obama, have lost 11 Senate seats, 62 House seats, 12 governorships, and 1042 State offices nationwide. Why change that? And it’s not a result of Democrats being outmaneuvered by Republicans. Hell, most of the time, Republicans can’t even get out of their own way. No, Democrats are beating themselves by leaning to the extreme Left, and championing the interests of illegal aliens over those of American citizens. Think I’m wrong? Ask Hillary Clinton. Last year, she decided she didn’t need to worry about the votes of working people in the Midwest. As a result, Donald Trump is our President. And I, for one, cannot think of a better shining light of galloping Progressivism, to be the face of the Democrat Party than Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi, that visionary with great respect for the two-Party system; devoted to the spirit of bipartisanship. Just listen to Nancy’s wisdom, in her own words. “The word ‘campaign’ is a war term. So when you go into a campaign you just prepare to go to war. If you think this is an exercise in civic activity…then you are going to be surprised.” She’s dedicated to fairness. In the same interview in 2014 Nancy said, “Democrats are not fearmongers,” but “Civilization as we know it today is doomed if the Republicans retake the Senate.” Recently, on the Republican healthcare bill, “We do know that many more people, hundreds of thousands of people, will die if this bill passes.” Nancy has great respect for some Presidents (if they’re named Obama): “He [Obama] has been…open, practically apolitical, certainly nonpartisan, in terms of welcoming every idea and solution.” “I don’t think [Obama’s] Ever Done Anything For Political Reasons” (Yeah, right!) But Nancy doesn’t respect all Presidents. “Why should we put a plan out? Our plan is to stop him. He must be stopped.” Was she talking about Trump? No, that was George W. Bush. But she doesn’t like Trump either, she said would eagerly back legislation requiring President Donald Trump to take a mental exam. And we can’t do without Nancy Pelosi’s economic expertise. After all, it was Nancy who warned us that “Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.” What about our $20 trillion debt? “You cannot cut your way to deficit reduction.” “It’s almost a false argument to say we have a spending problem.” Nancy has a novel view of economics, “Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance.” And that makes perfect sense, because as Nancy explained, “Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program.” Yes, Nancy Pelosi is up on all the issues. Healthcare? When asked what part of the Constitution permitted national healthcare, she said, “Are you serious? Are you serious?” Then famously, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” As insurance rates soared, Nancy said, “ObamaCare Is Lowering Costs And The Deficit.” In 2012, Nancy proclaimed both that, “ObamaCare Will Lower Everyone’s Rates” and “I Don’t Remember Saying ObamaCare Would Lower Everyone’s Premiums.” (Right, she said “rates”) Immigration? “We cannot have deportation without representation.” “We are all Americans — north and south in this hemisphere.” “We have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market profits, taxes could go a long ways to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as ‘Americans.'” (I bet Americans would like to have it too) Energy? “I believe in cheap natural gas as an alternative to fossil fuels, it’s cheap, abundant and clean compared to fossil fuels.” You can’t blame Nancy for this one, I always thought all the gas came from the fossils in Congress. The Second Amendment? “If I had my way, sporting guns would be strictly regulated, the rest would be confiscated.” Foreign policy? “You know, as many of the Republicans are using Israel as an excuse, what they really want are tax cuts for the wealthy.” Huh? Agriculture? “As many of you know, I come from San Francisco. We don’t have a lot of farms there. Well, we do have one—it’s a mushroom farm, so you know what that means.” She must be sampling the crops. Yes, Nancy Pelosi is in touch. She even acknowledges the recent Democrat losses, “We’re sad about some of the losses of members of great seniority and distinction in the Congress, and some very new members, who will no longer be serving with us.” That’s touching. So, Democrats, don’t go changin’. We love you just the way you are – losers.
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