As reported a few weeks ago, the recent Golden Globe Awards show was a veritable festival of left wing whining, bitching and moaning over a number of complaints, real and imagined. The women wore black to highlight the flood of sexual harassment complaints by women in the entertainment industry. Those of us in the Northeast tend to think of Southern California as a pleasant oasis from the snow, sleet and cold we endure, however, according to these women at the Golden Globes, it must be Hell. They’re not entirely wrong. I mean, their State government is broke, despite crippling taxation. They’ve got earthquakes, and raging wildfires, and when the fires go out, they’ve got mudslides. But the Hollywood women aren’t complaining about those things. No. They are complaining about actors, producers and directors who are filthy pigs who engage in sexual harassment and worse. I discussed this at length on January 12, but some expansion is in order. As a man with a wife and two daughters, I have nothing but contempt for the filthy pig harassers. Violations should be promptly reported, and the violators brought to justice. There are nearly 1.4 million lawyers in America, so finding one willing to sue the bastards will not be a problem. As a former career prosecutor, I know that law enforcement authorities take sexual abuse complaints very seriously, as well they should. However, I take exception to the Hollywood complainers who have belatedly decided to chime in, or pile on, with their #metoo Twitter hashtag. Don’t get me wrong. It is high time that the abusers are getting their comeuppance. I get that struggling actresses didn’t have the power to buck the filthy moguls, but what about the powerful women of Hollywood? Meryl Streep, acclaimed as the greatest actress of our time, has 3 Academy Awards, and 20 nominations. Who could she possibly be afraid of? Yet, she’s part of the #metoo crowd, and she’s still complaining about things she says Dustin Hoffman did to her in 1980. Apparently 38 year old abuse complaints are in fashion. (See the case of Roy Moore). If she was abused for 38 years, Meryl Streep can’t say “I didn’t know,” like Oprah is trying to tell us regarding Harvey Weinstein. So why didn’t Meryl just go sit down with Oprah and blow the whistle on the Oprah show? She could have saved a lot a women a lot of misery had she done so. She didn’t. We must assume either that she and many others decided that taking money from abusers was preferable to stopping the abuse. If so, on behalf of the millions of non-abusive males, let me propose a new hashtag – #dontblameus. Perhaps Hollywood is so thoroughly corrupt that even Meryl could have been black-balled? If so, then please don’t assume that the rampant immorality of Hollywood exists in the real world. It doesn’t, so #dontblameus. But Hollywood nitwits, like foulmouthed cafone, Robert DeNiro, don’t live in the real world, so how could they know that? And therein lies the real problem. Although the denizens of Hollywood don’t reside in the real world, they truly believe that their world is the real world, and that, being successful actors makes them authorities on all subjects. Simply put, they falsely equate a large bank account with intelligence. (See cafone DeNiro, above). Sadly, with rare exception, most of them possess only enough intelligence to repeat the dialogue written for them by somebody else. No matter. They consider themselves part of the mainstream. Even the actors at the top of the Hollywood pay scale, seek to identify with the masses that they claim to speak for; people they never met, don’t understand, and really have nothing in common with. I’ll explain. In the very same black dress Golden Globe show, successful actress Sarah Jessica Parker shouted out to her “sisters … working in the trenches,” and declared that, “parity and equality and safe work environments — they shouldn’t be controversial.” Wow. I thought NJ was unpleasant, but Hollywood really must be a Hellhole. Just think about all those nasty trenches in Beverly Hills and Malibu. No one I know is against parity, equality and safe working conditions, so what’s Sarah talking about? Money, of course. Although they are paid millions of dollars, they’ve bought into the “women are paid less than men” complaint. Foulmouthed cafone Robert DeNiro even said, “I am still fighting for Meryl to be able to get 79 cents of what a man would get.” This is doubly stupid because: A – who’s he fighting? and B- women getting 79 cents on the dollar is the complaint, not the solution. The 79 cents number comes from a comparison of salaries without consideration of hours worked. Not surprisingly, many women work fewer hours because they are primarily responsible for child care. Therefore, if women cared for the children and also had to put in as many hours as men on the job, that would be the proof of discrimination, not the 79 cents statistic. Regardless, the Hollywood actresses like Streep and Parker (each of whom has a net worth of $90 million), still want that additional 21 cents so they can achieve parity. They also want quotas – for themselves. Reese Witherspoon (net worth $80 million), says women are greatly underrepresented on the big screen, leading to fewer opportunities to make money, “Women make up 50% of the population, and we should be playing 50% of the roles on the screen.” Once again #dontblameus. If actresses would only learn to portray superheroes, shoot people, drive cars real fast, and curse a lot, they’d get more roles, so #dontblameus. They even complain about biology. “While many men are cast as leads well into their 40s and 50s, the same can’t be said for women.” Honestly, #dontblameus for that one. The men may work longer, but they die an average of 6 years earlier than women, leaving women in control of most of the wealth in America. Plus, women now hold 52% of all management and professional positions, and about 60% of all college students are women. I’m not complaining, but these are facts, so #dontblameus. To wrap up, there are many real problems in the world, sexual abuse being one of them. I just find it hard to take seriously complaints from actresses who not so long ago gave a standing ovation to child rapist Roman Polanski. And if you don’t like it, #dontblameus.
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