In some circles, principally among local law enforcement officers, the FBI is known by the insulting term “the FIBI’s” or sometimes just as “the Feebs.” Late this week, we are anticipating the release of a report from the Inspector General of the Justice Department, which is expected to severely criticize the actions of former AG Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Andrew McCabe and other high-ranking members of the FBI with regard to their handling of the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, or as Obama, Lynch and Comey liked to call it, “the matter” of her illegal private server. The report, parts of which already have been leaked, is expected to find that Comey was “insubordinate.” As the report will be hundreds of pages long, it’s unlikely that we will be able to unravel it by the time this edition of F on F is posted, but I can assure you now that whatever the Inspector General reveals will be only the tip of a really dirty iceberg. You see, the FBI’s swan dive in the Hillary investigation represents only half of the Deep State’s interference in the 2016 election. Saving Hillary from indictment for the crimes she clearly committed was just one side of the Deep State’s political equation Save Hillary + Ruin Trump = Continued Deep State Control. The second half of that equation became the Deep State’s investigation of (spying on) the Trump campaign by means of introducing confidential informants (spies) who, as I have detailed the last two weeks, planted the information used by the government to get the FISA warrants that permitted eavesdropping on Trump campaign officials and appointees, both before and after the election. However this plays out, one thing is certain, the FBI’s reputation for honesty and integrity has been destroyed. This is so because the revelations to date have made it clear that there are but two conclusions which may be reached, neither one of them flattering. Either the FBI, acting on the orders of Il Duce Obama, knowingly and willingly embarked on what it knew was a bogus investigation of Trump world, based on phony “evidence” planted either by the FBI itself or by the CIA, or the FBI was provided phony “evidence” by the CIA, namely by John Brennan and his henchmen, and blindly took it at face value, launched its investigation, and never noticed that the bulk of the “evidence” they served up to the FISA court came from the Fusion GPS, Steele Dossier, paid for by Hillary Clinton, derived from Russian intelligence sources, and none of it verified by the FBI, or anybody else. I’m not sure which result is worse for the FBI. What’s clear is that the FBI won’t be able to talk (or lie) their way out of this one. The FBI timeline simply doesn’t work. According to the FIBI’s they started their Trump campaign investigation in late July of 2016. However, numerous newspaper reports, obviously the result of leaks to the media, reported that the Justice Department applied for and was denied a warrant to intercept Trump’s communications in June 2016. That suggests the July date can’t be right. And, of course, we now know that the CIA was hard at work sending its covert operatives to meet with George Papadopolous, Carter Page and other Trump campaign officials, as early as March of 2016. Given these facts, the FBI either was complicit in the illicit investigation of a presidential candidate for political purposes, or is so thoroughly incompetent that it allowed itself to be duped. Once again, pick your poison. The magnitude of the damaging revelations coming in the Inspector General’s report may be inferred from the lengths to which the FBI and Justice Dept. have gone to deny the Congress the documents they requested, and then subpoenaed long ago. Congress has an absolute right to the documents. The actions of Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General who is in charge of the Russia/collusion investigation because he, the FBI and the CIA maneuvered Jeff Sessions into his needless recusal, are instructive on this point. In fact, it’s fair to say that the nasty odor emanating from this whole mess is wafting off of Rosenstein. Rosenstein, it must be recalled, is the guy who wrote a Memo to President Trump which recommended that James Comey be fired, and once Comey was fired, first tried to get Robert Mueller installed as his replacement, and when that gambit failed, the very next day, appointed Mueller to investigate Trump. Rosenstein has deceived, delayed, cajoled, threatened, begged and obfuscated every step of the way. Rosenstein has characterized the Congressional requests and subpoenas as “extortion.” Earlier this week, we learned that, in a meeting with a House Intelligence Committee staffer, Rosenstein threatened to subpoena the phone records of Congressmen and their employees in retaliation for their legitimate requests. Such conduct can only mean that Rod Rosenstein is implicated in the multiple scandals surrounding the 2016 election up to his skinny neck. It means that the wrongdoing can’t be confined only to some rogue agents in the FBI, but must also implicate the Justice Department, higher officials in the Obama Administration, and, of course, Rosenstein himself. If the facts were otherwise, and career bureaucrat Rosenstein could save himself by throwing under the bus the already fired or implicated Justice Department and FBI employees, he surely would do so. Because he hasn’t blamed the others, he’s got to be blameworthy himself. No matter what the Inspector General reveals, one thing is certain. The media will blame Donald Trump. After all, had Trump not decided to run for President, there would have been no need to spy on his campaign, and no need for all these diligent public servants to get themselves into trouble. It’s really all because of Trump. Maybe mental midget Congressman Al Green can add that to his list of impeachable offenses, “Donald J. Trump did purposely, and with malice aforethought run for office, thereby causing public servants to violate the law trying to defeat him.”
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